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01 October, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 4 — Romans 2:17-29

Study 4 From The Book of Romans Is: 2:17-29

1.      In verses 17-20 Paul enumerates a number of privileges upon which the Jews of his day, were inclined to congratulate themselves. If you make a list of them you should find ten in all. Racial and religious pride are by no means confined to the Jews only, however. Substitute ‘Christian’ for ‘Jew’ and ‘the Word’ for ‘the law’, and show how the argument could be applied to professing Christians today.
2.      Verses 25-29.  The Jews rested upon circumcision as the seal for God’s covenant with them.  What else does Paul show here to be required without which  the outward sign ceases to have value? Cf. 1 Sa. 16:7. How would you frame the argument in relation to Christian ordinances?

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