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11 October, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 14 — Romans 8:1-17

Study 14 From The Book of Romans Is: Romans 8:1-17

1.      Verses 1-4. What is the happy condition of those who are ‘in (union with) Christ Jesus’?  How has their deliverance been brought about, and what is God’s purpose in effecting it?

2.      Verses 5-17.  Life according to the flesh, and life according to the Spirit, are here contrasted.  What is it that effects the change from one to the other? How do we know that life in the Spirit carries with it also ultimate victory over death?  If this life is ours what is our present duty and why? And what are your present privileges?

1.        Verse 1. ‘Condemnation’ probably means ‘the punishment following sentence’ i.e penal servitude.
2.        Verse 2. The Spirit, sin and death are regarded as powers exercising authority, and the Spirit proves the stronger.  Cf. Gal. 5:16-17.
3.        Verse 3. ‘In the death of His own Son, who has come in our nature to make atonement for sin, God has pronounced the doom of sin, and brought its claims and authority over men to an end’ (Denney)
4.      Verses 5-8, 12, 13. ‘Flesh’ here denotes our corrupt human nature.  

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