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21 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 30 — Luke 11:14-36

Study 30 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 11:14-36
In verses 15 and 16 are recorded two attacks on Jesus: a charge of collusion with Satan, and demand for a sign to authenticate His mission. The first is answered in verses 17-26, the second in verses 29-32.

    1.     How does Jesus show the falsity of the charge that He cast out demons by demonic power? What, on the contrary, do His exorcisms prove about Him?

    2.     What is the sign of Jonah? Cf. Mt. 12:40. Why should the generation to whom Jesus preached stand condemned at the judgment? What was their sin?
1.       Verse 19. ‘Your sons’: Jewish exorcists. Verses 20-22 show Jesus’ complete mastery over Satan in comparison with the imperfect cures of the exorcists. (Verses 24-26).  

2.       Verses 34-36. The function of the eye, as the organ by which the body makes use of the light which shines on it, is taken as an analogy for the faculty of spiritual perception, which must be in good order to receive the lights of revelation.  The allusion is to the spiritual blindness of ‘its generation’. 

20 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 29 — Luke 11:1-13

Study 29 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 11:1-13

     1.     Verses 2-4.  This abbreviated version of the Lord’s Prayer gives, as it were, the ‘iron rations’ of prayer.  Consider what aspects and theme of prayer are selected as the most essential. How does your prayer measure up to this pattern?

     2.     Verses 5-13. What attitude in prayer is commended in these verses?  What results may such prayer expect? What reasons are we given for confidence in prayer?

Note: Verse 8. ‘Importunity’: what this describes is a persistence in solicitation that is literally ‘shameless’ or ‘impudent.’

I Need To Come Clean! ( I Messed Up In How I Wait For Him)

I read this today during my devotional time

Is your place a small place?
Tend it with care!
He set you there.

IS your place a large place?
Guard it with care!
He sets you there.

Whate’er your place, it is 
Not yours alone, but His.
He set you there.
                          By John Oxenham

One of the reasons I used to experience God so much was that I learned to cultivate a heart where through His grace, I could live out the pain of my life in His presence, knowing that “He set me there”.  During the biggest trial in my life when I was so sure I was going to be homeless, I learned to accept it so much that I knew in my heart that whatever corner of the street that I found myself, whether dirty, or cold, my heart embraced it all, knowing that it was going to be my little corner with Him and for Him and that “He set me there.” He was delighted in me!

 I have no idea what happened, but for months now, I realized this way of living was no longer a priority for me at all.  I even forgot to glorify Him in this way. This morning, sobbed, when I realized that I abandoned my first love too. As I examined myself, I can see that I failed Him miserably. I failed to abandon myself and abide like a branch.  I have been busy thinking about the length of my waiting process and how even my soul is tired.  As I cultivated this attitude and this frame of mind, my thoughts were about the care of this world and about me. I failed to live like the birds of the air in Matthew 6. It is truly for our own good that God wants us to abide and not care for tomorrow.

I failed to live every moment in His presence! Yet, I am grateful that this morning, He allowed me to
examine myself through His eyes. I am grateful that I could see my sins.  As I am writing this post, I realized how relieved I am and I feel much better as if this heavy cloud that was looming over my head, on my shoulders and in my heart has been lifted up.  Our sins can truly keep us down.
It is not for nothing that He says in Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

19 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 28 — Luke 10:25-42

Study 28 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 10:25-42

    1.     Consider the summary of the law in verse 27. Is it an adequate summary? How does Jesus’ story guard against a misinterpretation of it? Who is your neighbour? And how can you prove yourself to be a neighbour?

    2.     Verse 38-42. Martha and Mary were concerned about different things. Which did Jesus consider the more important, and how did He solve the tension between them?

Notes.  Verse 42. The ‘one thing’ may well be a pun, implying that there is no reason  for an elaborate meal, and Mary, by choosing to listen to Jesus, has chosen the best dish.                                                         

       STUDY 27

Though He Tarry Wait For Him (Whatever the reason He puts you on a waiting mode, however long He decided)

Though He Tarry Wait For Him (Whatever the reason He puts you on a waiting mode, however long He decided)

When I was not a good Christian (I had Christ in my intellect, but not my heart) I used to talk about Abraham  in a way that I can now see as being self-righteous, and I could not understand how he made a mess of things by having Ishmael.  Now that I have been waiting for God for almost a decade, I understand his dilemma.  Through the waiting process, even though you might be doing everything right in the way that you are waiting for Him, but I find that at one point, the promise is almost like a blur. If you do not watch yourself, you will actually take matters into your hands, not because you set out to disobey.  Through the waiting process your soul is completed worn out and it spills out through the exterior life. It is so bad that you want to do something drastic to get out of the funk that you are in.

But, I also understand why God will judge us more harshly if we do not wait. (1) Like Paul said in Romans 15:4 ‘ For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us’, then we must learn from them and think of the detrimental consequences of not waiting.  If there are no detrimental consequences, then, God would not be God. (2) I find that even though the promise is so distant and you are having a hard time holding onto the reality of it, but, when you try to put words into God’s mouth which ultimately changes things around and lead you to sin against Him. Through all the noise and the confusion, you can still hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit asking you to guard your heart, right this minute. I find when this happens, the best thing for me to do is to not even try to decipher what is real and what is not.  Strangely, as you decide to give in to the Spirit’s warning, you find rest and strength for the moment. 

When I compare myself to Abraham, I know he was hundreds time a better man because he was like a Guinea pig and had nothing to fall back on. I am sealed with the Spirit of God and I have materials available to me that I would never be able to go through in my lifetime.  So, when I look at the problem this way, I cannot help asking myself, what’s my excuse not to wait?

Thanks for allowing me to rant, it has been very therapeutic…

18 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 27 — Luke 10:13-24

Study 27 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 10:13-24

     1.     What do these verse show of the greatness of our privileges in Christ? In how many of them are you sharing?

     2.     Verses 21, 22. What caused this outburst of joy? What does this prayer teach us of (a) the Father’s method of working, (b) Jesus’ unique relationship with the Father?

      1.       Verses 13-15. Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum: towns of Galilee.

      2.       Verses 18, 19.  The language is symbolic of triumph over Satan and all evil.


       STUDY 26

17 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 26 — Luke 9:57-10:12

Today we are going back to studying Luke's book and we will pick up where we left off. 

Study 26 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:
Luke 9:57-10:12

     1.     9:57-62.  How would you describe the three different types referred to here? Why was Jesus not satisfied with their response to His summons to follow Him? Contrast Jesus’s own attitude (verse 51)
    2.      10:1-12. How do these verses show the urgency both in Jesus’ own concern for evangelism, and in the work He gives to His disciples? What is the reason for this urgency? In what activities ought it to make us engage?
Note.  9:59, 60 The man wants to delay until after his father’s death, which may be imminent.  In Jesus’s reply ‘the dead’ are those who have no spiritual life.