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Showing posts with label bible study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bible study. Show all posts

24 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 46 — Acts 23: 11-35

Study 46  From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 23: 11-35

  1. Consider how greatly Paul must have needed encouragement because of (a) the physical strain he had undergone, (b) the pain of Israel’s unbelief, (c) the seeming failure of his witness, and (d) the danger of which he would be aware next day. How would the vision and the words spoken by the Lord meet all these needs? What words of the Bible have you found a help in such times?  Do you memorize them?
  2. God sends deliverance in many different ways.  How did He send deliverance in this case? Paul must have been greatly encouraged by what his nephew did.  Are you able to do any acts of kindness that will bring gladness to some person in need or loneliness or anxiety?

17 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 39 — Acts 20:1-16

Study 39 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 20:1-16

Paul revisits the churches in the province of Macedonia to encourage them

  1. With 19:21 compare 20:1-6 and 13-16.  How was Paul’s original plan modified and why?  Follow Paul’s route on a map and discover what advantage this opposition was to Paul.  Cf. Gn. 50:20.
  2. Paul is seeking to encourage and strengthen the young churches.  What part do personal example (verse 4), fellowship (verse 7), and instruction (verse 11) have in this?  With verses 7-12, cf. 2:42.  Are the spirit and the marks of these Jewish and Gentile churches found in you and your church today?

15 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 37 — Acts 19: 1-20

Study 37 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 19: 1-20

Ephesus was the metropolis of the large and wealthy Province of Asia, a centre of commerce and religion, famous for its image and its temple dedicated to the goddess Diana.

  1. Apollos had taught only the baptism of John (18:24, 25) at Ephesus. When Paul arrived, what did he find these disciples lacked in knowledge and assured experience? Is this experience yours? Have you realized how essential it is for you to understand fully in order to teach others accurately?
  2. Verse 20 summarizes both Paul’s ministry at Ephesus and Luke’s whole section from 16:6 to 19:20, which covers the evangelization of Macedonia, Achia and Asia. What methods and special incident led to such a result in Ephesus (verses 8-19) and by what power were great results achieved in the three provinces? Cf. 16:14; 18:9 and 19:11.  Does this review highlight any weaknesses in your Christian life?

11 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 33 — Acts 17:1-15

Study 33 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 17:1-15

Thessalonica was the metropolis and most populous city of Macedonia, a centre for both inland and maritime trade.  Berea was a smaller town some sixty mile to the south-west.

  1. What do we learn from Paul’s visits and preaching at Thessalonica and Berea about (a) the places where he preached, (b) the features of his preaching, (c) his chief message, (d) those who believed, and (e) the persecution that arose? The same events are written about by Paul in 1Thes. 1:1-2:16.   Do you realize that opportunities for strategic Christian witness may last only a short time? What ought you to do?
  2. Verses 11, 12.  How are those who attended the Jewish synagogue in Berea described, and why are they commended? Are these features found in your life and Bible study?

03 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 25 — Acts 13:44-52

Study 25 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 13:44-52

The Jews Antioch became Jealous (verse 45) because Paul’s message of forgiveness through Christ was drawing away the God-fearers, whom they hoped would eventually become fully committed to Judaism.

  1. What was the result of this jealous opposition upon the work of Paul and Barnabas? Cf. 18:5, 6; 28:28. Do you ever allow opposition to silence your testimony or halt your Christian work? Of what may the refusal of some to respond be an indication?
  2. Paul and Barnabas now turn to the Gentiles. What two reasons are given in verses 46, 47 (see Note 1), and what two results follow in (a) the wider proclamation of the gospel and the ingathering of believers, and (b) the experience of the converts?
  1. Verse 47. Cf. Is. 49:6. Supremely this refers to Jesus Christ, but Paul sees himself as continuing the mission to the Gentiles that Jesus began.
  2. Verses 46 and 48. The Jew’s exclusion was their own fault.  The Gentiles’ inclusion was due wholly to God’s grace and a fulfillment of His foreordained purpose. This illustrates two sides of scriptural truth which need always to be held in balance.  

01 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 23 — Acts 12:25-13:12

Study 23 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 12:25-13:12

And now, we are back to the book of Acts and we will stick with it until the end. Once that is done, we will study Amos & Hosea together because they are two very short books.

With the return of Barnabas and Saul to Antioch (12:25) begins the story of a great expansion of the gospel among the Gentiles.
  1. What parts were played by (a) the Holy Spirit and (b) the local church in initiating the new advance? Note that the church may have been praying about possible future developments of their work when guidance came through a prophet inspired of the Holy Spirit. What does this teach you about guidance?
  2. Paul and Elymas meet in a head-on clash (verses 6-12). What was (a) the cause of the clash, (b) the reason for Paul’s strong condemnation of Elymas, (c) one purpose of the judgment which visibly fell upon him? Are you as prepared as Paul to rebuke and resist direct opposition to the Lord Jesus?
  1. Verses 6-8. As a court magician Bar-Jesus or Elymas feared his job would be in danger if the proconsul became a Christian.
  2. Verse 9. ‘Saul, who is called Paul’: Luke changes from the apostle’s Jewish name to his Roman and gentile name to stress Paul’s special ministry as the apostle to the Gentiles which was now beginning. Note also that Paul takes over as leader from Barnabas: Cf. verse 1 with verse 13. Doubtless, because Paul was a Roman citizen, the proconsul treated him as superior to Barnabas.

27 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 10 — Exodus 14:1-15:21

Study 10 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 14:1-15:21

  1. Chapter 14. What can we learn here about God, about faith, and about the completeness of God’s salvation?
  2. Chapter 15. What does this song of triumph teach us about how to worship God?  How ought we to follow its example?

26 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 09 — Exodus 12:37-13:22

Study 09  From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 12:37-13:22

  1. What are the two major responses that God expects from those who are redeemed?
  2. What lessons about guidance are taught in 13:17-22?

25 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 08 — Exodus 12:1-36

Study 08 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 12:1-36

  1. Why did the angel of death pass over the houses of the Israelites? How does this illustrate our redemption in Christ? Cf. 1 Pet. 1:18, 19.
  2. How were the Israelites to use the lamb’s blood and its flesh? What is the New Testament counterpart of this? Why was unleavened bread used? Cf. 1 Cor. 5:6-8; 2Tim. 2:19.

22 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 05 — Exodus 8

Study 05 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 8

1.      What is mentioned in this chapter as the double purpose of the plagues? Cf. Is. 45:22-25;
Rom. 1: 18.

2.      What new evidences are given of God’s power, and how would these encourage the Israelites?

Note Verse 26.  A reference to the sacrifice in Israelite worship of bulls, cows or oxen, which in Egypt were sacred to Isis and therefore sacrosanct. 

28 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 02 — Acts 1:12-26

Study 02 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 1:12-26

     1.     What two actions did the disciples take during this waiting period? Can you suggest reason why?

    2.     Compare Judas (especially verses 16, 17) with Jesus’s brothers (verse 14). Cf. Jn. 7:5.  What warning and encouragement do they give you?

24 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 06 — Psalms 09 — Psalms 10

Study 06 From The Psalms Is:

Psalms 09 — Psalms 10

These psalms were probably originally one, as is shown by the fact of their common ‘alphabetic’ structure. In the ixx they are one psalm.  The contents are, however, different. Ps. 9 is mainly a song of praise, celebrating victory over foreign nations; but Ps. 10 consists mainly of prayer, pleading for the overthrow of the wicked within Israel.

   1.    Make a detailed list of the truths we may learn about the Lord from these psalms.

2.    From Ps. 9 what do we learn of the actions and longings of David, and of his experience of the Lord? Contrast this with the thoughts and actions of the wicked as described in Ps. 10. To what extent is your own action, experience and longing similar to David’s?

Note. 9:17. The meaning is that through the judgments which God is executing the life of the wicked will be cut short by death.

Previous Study 05:  Psalms

23 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 05 — Psalms 7— Psalms 8

Study 05 From The Psalms Is:

Psalms 7 — Psalms 8

    1.    In Ps. 7 David is experiencing persecution. On what grounds does he make his appeal to God (verses 1-11) in what two ways does he see judgement will overtake the wicked (verses 12-16)? Learn from verse 17 how prayer should end.

    2.    Ps. 8. What two truths here make the psalmist worship and wonder? And, more particularly, what is here declared concerning the place of man in the mind and purpose of God? Cf. Heb. 2:5-10.

22 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 04 — Psalms 6

Study 04 From The Psalms Is:

Psalms 6

Another example of prayer. David seems to have suffered both from sickness and the taunts of his enemies.  His sickness gave them occasion to point to him as one ‘smitten of God’.

    1.       Verses 1-7. Explain in your own words the state of David’s heart and mind as he made his prayer.  What does he (a) confess to God, and (b) expect from God?

2.      Note in verses 8-10 how David has come to an assurance of answered prayer and certain deliverance-an assurance which he openly confesses before God and men.  Have you had any similar experience?

21 April, 2015

The Scriptures — Study 03 — Psalms 5

Study 03 From The Psalms Is:

Psalms 5

    1.      What does this psalm reveal about God? Write out a list of the truths which you discover here, and let them inform your responsive worship.

     2.      The psalm is an example of David at prayer.  When, how, why and for what does he pray? Do my prayers express the same urgent concern and expectant faith? 

20 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 02 — Psalms 3 — Psalms 4

Study 02 From The Psalms Is:

Psalms 3 — Psalms 4

For the probable circumstances of both Psalms, see 2 Sa. 15-17.

    1.      Ps. 3 is a morning psalm. As David wakes what adverse conditions confront him (verse 1, 2)? Cf. 2. Sa. 16:5-8. How does David react (verses 3, 4)? What are the consequences of his trust in the Lord (verses 5-8)? What may we learn from his example?

2.      Ps. 4 is an evening psalm. In verses 2-5, David addresses his adversaries.  What counsel does he give them?  In what does he find his own strength, joy and security?

Note 3:5. If this psalm was written, as seems likely, on the second morning after David’s flight from Jerusalem, it was a great encouragement to him that the night had passed without an attack. Cf. 2 Sa. 17:1-4, 14.

19 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 01 — Psalms 1 — Psalms 2

Study 01 From The Psalms Is:

Psalms 1—Psalms 2

      1.      In Ps. 1.  The righteous and the wicket contrasted. Compare their characters (verse 1, 2), the pictures given of them and their final end (verse 3-6). In what do you delight? And with whom are you most at ease?

      2.      Ps. 2. What is the Lord’s purpose for ‘His anointed”, and what is involved in its accomplishment? 

18 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 63 — Luke 24:36-53


Tomorrow we will start with the Psalms. However, because there are 150 of them, they have been spread out into groups throughout three years. The first set of lessons will be from Psalm 1 to 12.

Study 63 From The Book of Luke Is:

Luke 24:36-53

1.       Cf. verse 11. What changed the apostles’ minds? Why do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead?

2.       What are the fundamental facts of the gospel to which witness must be borne throughout the world? Who are to bear that witness, and in what power? Are you personally involved? OR, if not, why not?

15 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 60 —Luke 23:44-56

Study 60 From The Book of Luke Is:

Luke 23:44-56

    1.     What indication does the narrative give of the significance of Jesus’s death? What was its effect on the various people present? And what gave it this effect?

    2.     Verses 50-56. Jesus had apparently failed. What does the action of Joseph and the women at such a time teach us?

12 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 57 —Luke 22:63-23:12

Study 57 From The Book of Luke Is:

Luke 22:63-23:12

   1.   How would you describe the attitude to Jesus of the following people: the guards, the religious leaders, Pilate, Herod? What sort of people are their counterparts today? Have they anything to teach us?

   2.  Consider what Jesus had to suffer, and how He bore it.  Read 1 Pet.      2:19-23; Phil. 2:5-8.

PreviousStudy:  56