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31 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Revelation 1:9-20

Study 2 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 1:9-20 

1-     What, according to verse 9, is the twofold experience in which all believers share, and what should characterize their lives? Cf. Jn. 16:33; Acts 14:22; 2 Tim. 2:12a.

2-     We are not for a moment to suppose that Christ is literally like this. What John sees is a vision, each feature of which is symbolic of some aspect of our glorified Lord. Write down against each feature here portrayed what trait in our Lord. Write down against each feature here portrayed what trait in our Lord’s character it suggests. What is the total impression left upon your mind?

3-     What does Christ say of Himself and of His relation to the churches in verses 17-20? With verse 17, cf. Dn. 10:8-11, 15-19, and with the figure of the ’lampstands’, cf. Mt. 5:14-16.

1-     Verse 17.  See also 22:13. Note that Christ applies to Himself words spoken by God of Himself in verse 8.
2-     Verse 18.  ‘The keys of Death and Hades’.: according to the teaching of the Rubbis these keys are in the hands of God alone.
3-     Verse 20. ‘Mystery’: i.e., something with a hidden meaning here explained. Cf. 17:7; Mt. 13:11. ‘The angels of the seven churches’. Sometimes taken to mean the pastors or bishops of each church, but more probably denoting a guardian angel (cf. Dn. 10:21; Mt. 18:10).


30 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Revelation 1:1-8

Study 1 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 1:1-8

1-     Trace in verses 1 and 2 the course of the ‘revelation’ from its source in the mind of God by four successive steps to us who read and receive it. How is it described in its content, character and value, and what is required in those who read or hear? CF. Lk. 11:28
2-     Observe the place given to Jesus Christ in relation to God, and consider each title given to Him in verse 5a. Cf. Jn.3:11, 32, 3; 18:37; Col. 1:18; Rev. 19:11-16. How does John describe His attitude to us, and what He has done for us?  Cf. Jn. 13:1; Eph1:7; 1 Pet. 2:9.
3-     With 1:7 cf. Dn. 7:13 and Acts 1:9-11. Is the thought of His coming a joy to you? Cf. 6:15-17; 1 Thes. 4:15-18; 5:1-4; 2 Thes. 1:7-10.
1-     Verse1. “The revelation of Jesus Christ”: i.e., communicated by Him; and intended not to mystify but to disclose.
2-     Verse 3. “He who reads”: the one who reads this book aloud to his fellow-believers ‘the prophecy’: a significant claim. Cf. 22:7, 10, 18, 19.
3-     Verse 4. “The seven spirits” i.e., the Spirit in His sevenfold fulness.
4-     Verse 5. “The faithful witness”: this includes the thought of martyrdom. Cf. 1 Tim. 6:13. Note the sequence - death, resurrection, enthronement.

29 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — The introduction of Revelation

Study 0 From the Book of Revelation is:  Introduction to the Book of Revelation 

Many have been put off the study of the book of Revelation by fears of its difficulty, or the intricate nature of some interpretations. But no book of the Bible will more surely reward the student who approaches it for its present relevance rather than as an eschatological enigma. It is important to remember that the visions which occupy so large a part of it are not to be regarded as literal pictures: the book is written in the literary form known as ‘apocalyptic’, which expresses heavenly and spiritual realities by means of a conventional and elaborate symbolism.

It is generally agreed that it was written by John the apostle, and in days of persecution, as his exile proves (1:9). Some thing that his exile was suffered under Nero, who died in AD68; Some under Domitian (81-96). The later date seems more probable. The struggle between the people of Christ and the power of Rome had now reached a state more advanced than that which is reflected in the Acts of the Apostles. Emperor worship became common from Nero’s reign outward, and the outlook was dark and threatening.
The reference to Rome in chapter 17 is but thinly veiled. Some interpreters (Preterist’) regard all the references as being to contemporary events, so that for us the book speaks of things already past; some (Historicist’) have seen in chapters 2:19 references to Christian history before and after the fall of Rome, and to the conflict of evangelical religion with the Roman church, so leading on the times of the end; other (‘Futurist’) regard chapters 2 and 3 as an epitome of Christian history, and the rest of book, as prophecy looking forward to events at the time of the Lord’s return.

A true interpretation may well find something of value in all these points of vies. It is best to study the book with the assurance (1) that it had a real message for its own time; (2) that its lessons have been illustrated by the history of the Church; and (3) that it contains prophetical reference to the future. The readers should not be so troubled by the obscurities that he cannot rejoice in the message of what is clear. We can learn lessons of tremendous value about the place of Christ’s people in the purposes of God and the glorious future awaiting them, the heavenly nature of our earthly conflict,  which can be carried on only with divine aid, the need to overcome in the struggle, the eternal judgment of God upon Satan and sin, and the certainty of the complete victory, the lordship over history and second doming of Jesus Christ our Lord.

28 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 119 — Psalms 148 and 150

Study 119 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 148 and 150

With this lesson, we end the book of Psalms. Tomorrow, we will start the book of REVELATION

These psalms again find their best setting in the gathering of Israel in the Temple, celebrating God’s greatness particularly in terms of His works in creation and history.
1-     Summarize as expressed here the psalmist’s view of God in His cosmic magnificence and creative omnipotence. To what one end should everything be used, and all creation united?
2-     How is God’s special relation with His people shown, and of what things do they feel they can assured as they dwell on what He is known to be?

27 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 118 — Psalm 147

Study 118 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 147

1-     In each of the three sections of this psalm (verses 1-6, 7-11,12-30) one attitude or attribute of God is being highlighted. Discover each of these. What are, then, the point and logic of the references in each section to God’s control of the natural universe and of created things?
2-     Faith and praise are here supported by concrete reasons. What do we thus learn to be greatest reasons for trusting and praising God? 


26 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 117 — Psalm 146

Study 117 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 146

       1-     In verses 3 and 4 the psalmist is warning Israel against trusting God. Cf. Is 30:1-5; 31:1. Why is trusting in man such a mistake? Cf. Is. 2:20-22; Je. 17:5.
       2-     It was always important to Israel to be a remembering people.  See how God’s acts in their experience long before illustrating the statements about God in verses 6c, 7a, 7b, 7c. Look up Jos. 23:14-16; Ex. 3:7, 8; 16:2-4; Ps. 126:1, 2.
3-     Jesus takes up these themes making them the programme of His whole ministry (see Lk. :16-21), and explaining His miracles in these terms (see Mt. 11:2-5, echoing Is. 29:18, 19; 35:5, 6). What does He mean to teach about Himself in this way?

25 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 116 — Psalm 145


Study 116 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 145
      1-     How many different aspects of the character of God are mentioned in this psalm, and what kind of appreciation and response should such contemplation of His character call forth?
     2-     How is the kindness of God shown to all, and how more specifically to those who fulfil certain conditions? Cf. and contrast Mt. 5:4, 5; Rom 3:22; 8:28. 

23 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 115 — Psalm 144

Study 115 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 144

      1-     What does David confess (a) that he is in God’s sight; and (b) that God can be to him and do for him? Have you similar cause to ‘sing a new song’ (verse 9)?
      2-     What special lessons for spiritual leaders of others can be learnt from this psalm? In particular, how do David’s prayers express the special needs of a person with responsibility?
Note. Verses 8, 11. The meaning is that when they raised their right hand in solemn oath, they lied.

22 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 114 — Psalms 142 and 143

Study 114 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 142 and 143 
      1-     Ps. 142 shows how God’s servant is not immune from the depth of distress and despair. How does he describe how he feels? And then, what does he doe? What does he believe? And what does he expect?  CF. Ps. 138:7, 8; Jb 23:10; 2 Cor. 1:8-11.
      2-     Ps. 143 consists of an invocation (verses 1, 2), a lament (verses 3, 4), a retrospect (verses 5, 6) and a petition (verses 7-12). Study how one important fact comes to mind in each of these first three sections. Note what reaction is caused each time in him. The petition itself falls into a pattern like this too. What solution does he now pray for in each aspect of his need? Note particularly his morning prayer in verse 8. Learn from such an example how to be more pointed in your praying.


21 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 113 — Psalms 140 and 141

Study 113 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 140 and 141

       1-     In Ps. 140 note carefully the psalmist’s description of his enemies: their character, their methods, their purpose. In these circumstances of intense danger, what does the psalmist do, what does he pray for, and how is his faith sustained?
      2-     Ps. 141 deals with some of the more insidious temptations which threaten to involve God’s servant in evil. Note in detail what they are.  Note also the kinds of help for which he prays. How does the influence of other people work here?
3-     Both psalms mention the far-reaching significance of speech. Study how the things men say can do evil. How can greater control be gained over the tongue?

20 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 112 — Psalm 139 (My Favorite Psalm)

Study 112 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 139
      1-     Verses 1-18 describe in three sections the psalmist’s consciousness of God’s scrutiny of his life.  What departments of life are singled out as known by God in verses 1-6? What truths about God are emphasized in verses 7-12, and in verses 13-18?
      2-     Why is it that the psalmist can pray as he does in verses 23, 24’ especially in the light of what he confesses in verses 1-4? Do you regularly pray this kind of prayer? 

19 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — Daniel 11:21 – 12:13

Study 14 From the Book of Daniel is:  Daniel 11:21 – 12:13

With this study we will end the book of Daniel. Tomorrow we will go back the last time to the book of Psalms

At chapter 11:21 the predicted course of events as told in the vision reaches the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, and the historical fulfilment can be traced with accuracy up to verse 35. The career of Antiochus is revealed in four main features: (a) the craft by which he obtained the throne and won his way to power (verses 21-23);  (b) his love of munificent and lavish giving (verse 24a); (c) his plans for war (verse 24b), and especially his wars against Egypt (verse 25-30); and (d) his acts of sacrilege against the Temple in Jerusalem’ and persecution of the Jews (verse 31-35).
            The remainder of the passage (11:36-12:4) seems at first sight to be a continuation of the career of Antiochus, but on closer examination is seen to go beyond it, alike in its description of the king (verse 36; cf. 2 Thes. 2:4), in the events which it records (e.g., 12:1, 2), and in the emphasis laid upon its being ‘the time of the end’ (11:35, 40; 12:4). The figure of Antiochus seems here to merge into the more sinister figure of the antichrist. With 12:2, 7, cf. 7:25; 9:27.
1-     Gather out the evidence given here on the one hand of man’s sinfulness and lust for power, and on the other of God’s overruling control and purpose. Cf. Je. 17:5-14.
2-     What are the characteristics of those who will be glorified and of those who will be put to shame at the last?
1-     11:21. I. e., he was not the recognized heir to the throne.
2-     11:22-24. ‘The prince of the covenant is probably Antiochus, the infant son and heir of Seleucus IV. ‘The strongholds’ are those of Egypt.
3-     11:27. Antiochus actually captured the king of Egypt, but they pretended to be friendly.
4-     11:30. ‘Ships of Kittim’: i.e., Roman ships, which refused Antiochus liberty to proceed. He vented his anger, therefore, upon Palestine.
5-     11:31. ‘The abomination that makes desolate’: a small altar was placed upon the altar of burnt offering and sacrifices were offered to idols.
6-     11:37. ‘The one beloved by women’ refers to the god Tammuz. See Ezk. 8:14.

18 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — Daniel 11:2-20

Study 13 From the Book of Daniel is: Daniel 11:2-20

This passage is a forecast of history, not continuous, but selective. The period is one of nearly 400 years, from the time of Daniel’s vision to the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes. Verses 2-4 are introductory, having reference (a) to the rulers of Persia, up to Xerxes (verse 2), and (b) to the rise of Alexander the Great nearly 150 years later, and to the division of his kingdom into four (verses 3, 4). From this point the prophecy confines itself to two of these four kingdoms: Egypt, whose ruler is called ‘king of the south’, and Syria, whose ruler is called ‘king of the north’. The successive rulers of these kingdoms in historical succession were (a) Egypt: Ptolemy I (304-285 BC); Ptolemy II (285-246 BC) Ptolemy III (226-221 BC) Ptolemy VI (221-205 BC.) Ptolemy V (205-180 BC); Ptolemy VI (180-145 BC); (b) Syria: Seleucus I (312-280 BC); Antiochus I (280-261); Antiochus II (261-246 BC); Seleucus II (246-226 BC); Seleucus II (246-226 BC); Seleucus III (226-223 BC); Antiochus III, called the Great (223-187 BC); Seleucus IV (187-175 BC); Antiochus IV, called Epiphanes (175-163 BC).
Verse 5a of our chapter refers to Ptolemy I, and verse 5b to Seleucus I, who for a time was one of Ptolemy’s general, but be came ruler of a wider empire then Ptolemy’s. Verse 6 refers to Ptolemy II, who gave his daughter Berenice to Antiochus II in marriage upon certain conditions. The conditions were, however, broken and Bernice lost her life. Verses 7 and 8 refer to Ptolemy III, brother of Berenice, who successfully attacked the kingdom of Syria under Seleucus II and returned with great spoil. Seleucus II later invaded Egypt, but without success (verse 9). Verses 10-19 predict continued wars between the kings of Syria and Egypt in the reigns of Antiochus III, Ptolemy IV and Ptolemy V. The victory turned now to the north (verse 10), and now to the south (verses 11, 12).  Then Antiochus brought Egypt low (verses 13-17), but, wishing to press westwards (verse 18), made an alliance with Egypt by giving Ptolemy V his daughter Cleopatra in marriage (verse 17). The plans for a conquest westward were, however, defeated by a Roman commander (verse 18), and Antiochus had to retire to his own kingdom, where he died verse 19. Verse 20 refers to Seleucus IV, who imposed heavy taxes upon Palestine to build up his kingdom’s finances. In all this time Palestine, named ‘the glorious land’ (verse 16) and ‘the glory of the kingdom’ (verse 20), was the pathway of marching armies, and a bone of contention between the warring nations. But it had not yet suffered what it was soon to suffer under Antiochus IV.

1-     What was the purpose of this detailed prediction? In what way would it help the remnant during the persecution which was to come?
2-     Ponder the words in verses 3 and 16 ‘shall do according to his own will’. See also verse 36, and contrast Jn. 4:34; Rom. 12:1, 2; 1 Jn. 2:17. Are you learning to say with Christ Mt. 26:42 and Heb. 10:7?

Note. Verse 14. A party among the Jews will rise up, thinking by violence to bring to pass the fulfilment of prophecy.

17 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 —Daniel 10:1–11:1

Study 12 From the Book of  Daniel is: Daniel 10:1–11:1

      1-     This chapter is introductory to Daniel’s last vision. Consider the date (10:1) and trace out from Ezr. 1:3; 4:, 5 what was happening at that time to the first contingent of those who returned from exile. What light does this throw upon the mourning of Daniel (verse 2) and upon the purpose of the vision?
      2-     What does this passage teach of the costliness of communion with God, and of true prayer?
3-     Read Eph. 6:10-13 in the light of this chapter; also 2 Ki.  6:16-18; Ps. 34:7. In the presence of the mysterious spirit-world, what comfort may we draw from the New Testament revelation that our Lord is supreme there also? Cf. Eph. 1:20-23; Col. 1:16; 2:15.
1-     Verses 5, 6.  It is not said who this august being was. Some features of his appearance and person remind us of the visions of Ezekiel and John (Ezk. 1:13-16; Rev. 1:13-15).
2-     Verse 8. ‘No strength’: ‘Before God gives strength and power unto His people He makes them sensible of their own weakness.’
3-     Verse 13. ‘Prince’: used here of guardian angels of the kingdoms.
4-     Verses 16, 18. The angelic figure described in these verses is probably the same as the original being of verse 5, but the text is not very clear.


16 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — Daniel 9:20-27

Study 11 From the Book of Daniel is: Daniel 9:20-27

Daniel had assumed that a period of seventy years would finish ’the desolations of Jerusalem’ (verse 2), and in his prayer, had pleaded with God for this (verse 18). God sends Gabriel to give him fuller understanding (verse 20-23), by conveying to him ‘a word’, which speaks not a seventy year, but of seventy weeks of years. The message is very condensed, and every clause is significant.
1-     Verse 24. What are the six things here mentioned? Noticed that they all concern the Jews and the holy city, and are to come to pass at the end of the full seventy weeks of years.
2-     The seventy weeks of years are divided into three periods of seven weeks, sixty-two weeks and one weeks respectively. What the first period signifies is not certainly known, unless it is the time taken to build the city. What event, however, is stated as happening at the end of the second period?
3-     The reminder of the passage has been variously interpreted even by those who regard it as inspired prophecy. If verse 26a is a reference to the cross of Christ, then verse 26b seems to point to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Romans in AD 70. But such questions, as these arise: (a) Does the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 exhaust the prophecy? (b) Who is the ‘prince that shall come’, and is he to be identified with the little horn of 7:8, 24, 25? See Note 3 below.
1-     Verse 24. “To finish the transgression’ and ‘to put an end to sin’ are parallel expression meaning to bring Israel’s sinning to an end. Cf. Rom.11:26, 27. ‘To seal both vision and prophet’: i.e., to ratify them as being fulfilled. ‘To anoint a most holy place’: i.e., the consecration of the Messianic Temple, fulfilled in the establishment of the church, the body of Christ.
2-     From the decree of Artaxerxes I, referred to in Exr. 7:11ff. (458 BC), sixty-nine weeks of years bring us to the period of Christ’s ministry. This prophecy of Daniel may account for the widespread expectation of Messiah at the time Jesus appeared (cf. Mt. 2:1, 2; Lk. 2:25, 26; 3:15), and may lie behind our Lord’s own words in Mk. 1: 15a.
3-     Verses 26, 27. Many hold that in this prophecy, as in other Old Testament passages, the beginning and end of the Christian era are telescoped together, and that the prophecy here leaps forward to the end of the age. If so, the last ‘week’ is separated from the first sixty-nine by the whole interval between Christ’s first and second comings. With verse 27, cf. 2 Thes. 2: 8.


15 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — Daniel 9:1-19

Study 10 From the Book of Daniel is:  Daniel 9:1-19

1-     Consider the effect of the fall of Babylon upon one who, like Daniel, saw in it a fulfilment of prophecy (verse 2; cf. Je. 25:11; 29:10-14; 50:1-5). What did it lead him to do (cf. Ezk. 36:37), and what light do verses 2 and 3 throw upon the use of Scripture in our praying?
2-     As you read through Daniel’s prayer, how would you describe his praying? See especially verses 3 and 19. In his confession, how does he speak of God? How of himself and his people? In his petition, on what does he base his plea for mercy, and for what does he ask?


14 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — Daniel 8

Study 9 From the Book of Daniel is: Daniel 8

The vision of this chapter received historical fulfilment in the overthrow of Persia by Alexander the Great (330 BC), the division of Alexander’s kingdom into four (‘but not with his power’, verse 22), and the rise of Antiochus Epiphanes, who did what is here foretold of him in verses 9-12 and 23-25 (170-164, BC). Gabriel’s emphasis, however, upon the vision having to do with ‘the time of the end’ (see verses 17 and 19) suggests that its meaning is not exhausted in Antiochus, but that he is only a type of one greater than he, and yet to come, who will act in a similar way. Cf. 7:24-26 and Mt. 24:15; 2 Thes. 2:8-10.
1-     What expression is used both of the ram and of the he-goat in the time of their prosperity, and also of the king of verse 23? Yet what was the end of these kingdoms? Notice the repetition of the verb ‘to break’.
2-     Why was Daniel so deeply affected by this vision? Consider how the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel seemed to indicate that the return from exile would coincide with the advent of the kingdom of God (see, e.g., Je., 32:37-44; Ezk. 37:21-28); but this vision shows long vistas of history stretching into the future, and further suffering for the Jews.
1-     Verse 9. ‘The glorious land’: i.e., Palestine
2-     Verse 10. ‘The host of heaven… stars’: used figuratively of Israel and her leaders.
3-     Verse 11. ‘The prince of the host’: i.e., God Himself. Cf. verse 25.
4-     Verse 12. Israel was to be given over into the power of the ‘horn’ because of transgressions, and true religion was to be supressed.
5-     Verse 14. If the burnt offering ceased for 2, 3000 times, that would be 1, 150 days, which is a little more than three years.  It is known that Antiochus did suspend the burnt offering for three years and possibly a little longer.