117 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 146
In verses 3 and 4 the psalmist is warning Israel against
trusting God. Cf. Is 30:1-5; 31:1. Why is trusting in man such a mistake? Cf.
Is. 2:20-22; Je. 17:5.
It was always important to Israel to be a remembering
people. See how God’s acts in their
experience long before illustrating the statements about God in verses 6c, 7a,
7b, 7c. Look up Jos. 23:14-16; Ex. 3:7, 8; 16:2-4; Ps. 126:1, 2.
Jesus takes up these themes making them the programme of His whole
ministry (see Lk. :16-21), and explaining His miracles in these terms (see Mt.
11:2-5, echoing Is. 29:18, 19; 35:5, 6). What does He mean to teach about
Himself in this way?