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22 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 114 — Psalms 142 and 143

Study 114 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 142 and 143 
      1-     Ps. 142 shows how God’s servant is not immune from the depth of distress and despair. How does he describe how he feels? And then, what does he doe? What does he believe? And what does he expect?  CF. Ps. 138:7, 8; Jb 23:10; 2 Cor. 1:8-11.
      2-     Ps. 143 consists of an invocation (verses 1, 2), a lament (verses 3, 4), a retrospect (verses 5, 6) and a petition (verses 7-12). Study how one important fact comes to mind in each of these first three sections. Note what reaction is caused each time in him. The petition itself falls into a pattern like this too. What solution does he now pray for in each aspect of his need? Note particularly his morning prayer in verse 8. Learn from such an example how to be more pointed in your praying.


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