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02 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction of Jude

Study 0 From the Book of Jude is: The Introduction of the Book


The writer of this Epistle has been generally identified with Judas, one of the brothers of the Lord (Mt. 13:55). The letter was probably written after the fall of Jerusalem, possibly between AD 75 and 80.
            The message of the Epistle is very similar to that of 2 Peter. Both authors write out of a sense of deep urgency (cf. Jude 3, ‘I found it necessary’). Evil men and evil ways had crept into the church, and were endangering its life. This evil must be fought; and the object of both Epistles is to stir up the Christians. Jude, like Peter, looks to the past for illustrations of divine judgement upon sin, and declares that judgement will fall as certainly as in the past upon those who are now turning their backs upon truth and righteousness. Finally, he exhorts his readers to keep themselves in the love of God, who will hold them fast, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Peter foretold the coming of false teachers, but they were already active when Jude wrote.

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