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08 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 13 — Acts 8:5-25

Study 13 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 8:5-25

  1.  Measure the success of Philip’s ministry in Samaria by the difficulties with which he had to contend. Cf. Jn. 4:9. To what was his success due? Cf. Jn. 14:12; Acts 1:8.  What results followed when the power of God was manifested? See verses 6, 18-21. In what ways should such a record make us give heed?
  2. Simon was intellectually convinced of the truth and power of the gospel, but his heart was unchanged. How did this come to light? In what ways is it right or wrong for us to covet the power of God’s Spirit?
Note.  Verses 14-17.  The reason, no doubt, why the Holy Spirit had not yet fallen upon the Samaritan believers was that, as this was the first extension of the Church beyond the borders of the Jewish people, it was fitting that the seal of the Spirit (Eph. 1:13) should be given through Peter and John, as the representatives of the apostles. In a similar way Peter was chosen to go to Cornelius (10:5), though Philip was probably in Caesarea at the time.

07 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 12 — Acts 7:44-8:4

Study 12 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 7:44-8:4
1.   In his conclusion (7:44-53) how does Stephen teach the divine origin and yet the inadequacy of both the Tabernacle or ‘tent of witness’ and the Temple or ‘house’ which Solomon built?  What charges does he bring against his accusers?  To what positive truths here indicated or implied ought we to pay heed?
2.   Consider the likeness between Stephen and his Lord in his life, character, and in his death.  Where did this likeness come from? How may we follow his example? Cf. 2 Cor. 3:18.
3.   What were the results for the Church of Stephen’s witness (a) in suffering (see 8:1, 3) and (b) in expansion (see 8:4, 5; 11:19, 20)? Notice what God can do through one man fully yielded to His service.

06 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 11 — Acts 7:9-43

Study 11 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 7:9-43

Stephen’s speech seeks to show (a) that God’s presence with His people is not limited to a particular place or building (verses 2, 9, 10, 30, 34-38, 44-49); and (b) that far from overthrowing Moses, Christ is the promised Prophet like Moses of whom Moses himself spoke (verse 37).
   1.   God intended Joseph (verses 9-16) and Moses (verses 20-43) to deliver His people from bondage.  Notice (a) the places in which they lived, (b) the work they had to do, (c) the treatment they received from their brethren, and (d) the results they achieved. In What ways do they foreshadow the work of the Lord Jesus Christ?
2.   The tragedy of Israel’s spiritual blindness is described in verses 25 and 35-43. How did it manifest itself first in thought, will and desire (verse 39) and finally in action (verse 40-43)? What was its penalty? Does God still deal with His people like this?

05 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 10 — Acts 6:1-7:8

Study 10 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 6:1-7:8

     1.   How did the apostles deal with the incipient troubles mentioned in 6:1? What three results followed for the widows, the Seven, and the Twelve?  What lessons may we learn from their handling of the situation?

2.   Notice three things about Stephen’s life and ministry (6: 5-15): (a) the outstanding features of his life (verses 5, 8); (b) the nature of the persecution against him (verses 11-13); (c) the charges laid against him (verses 13, 14).  Cf. Mk. 14:57, 58 and Acts 21:27, 28.  What are the indispensable qualifications for, and the possible consequences of, faithful witness for Christ?
1.   6:1. ‘Hellenists’ denote Jews who had lived abroad and spoke Greek. ‘Hebrews’ were Jews of Palestine who spoke the Jewish language.
2.   Stephen’s ministry marked a vital stage in the growth of the early church. His teaching ‘first drove a wedge between Judaism and Christianity’

04 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 09 — Acts 5:17-42

Study 09 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 5:17-42

     1.     In spite of persecution and warnings (cf. 4: 17-21) the apostles continue to witness.  Consider the different parts played by the angel (verse 19), the Holy Spirit (verses 20, 32), and Gamaliel (verses 34-40) in making this possible.  Do you know something of the same constraint—to speak to other about Christ?
2.     Consider the four different reactions of the religious opposition (verses 17, 24, 26, 33). Finally they beat the apostles. Cf. 1Pet. 2:20, 21. Are you afraid to suffer through faithful witness?

03 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 08 — Acts 4:32-5:16

Study 08 From The book of Acts Is: 4:32-5:16

In this insight into the fellowship of the early church the sincere self-sacrifice of Barnabas is compared with the hypocrisy and greed of Ananias and Sapphira.
    1.     In 4:32-37 what essentials of fellowship are demonstrated? See one result of them in verse 33.

2.     What made the sin of Ananias and Sapphira so grave and what led to it?  Why was such a divine judgement necessary? What result did it produce?

3.     What example can you follow from the action of Barnabas and what danger can you avoid from the attitude of Ananias and Sapphira?
1.     5:4. This verse shows that the giving spoken of in 4:34-37 was entirely voluntary.
2.     5:9 ‘Tempt: the word means to put God to the test, to challenge or provoke Him.  Cf. Ex. 17:2,7; Acts 15:10

02 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 07 — Acts 4:1-31

Study 07 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 4:1-31

    1.   Verses 1-22. Persecution. The leaders of organized religion now openly persecute the disciples.  What caused the arrest (verse 3) and the release (verse 21) of Peter and John? What verbal and visible evidence did Peter offer in their defense? Does fear of men sometimes makes us silent when we ought to speak?

2.   Verses 23-31. Prayer. Going back to their fellow-Christians, the disciples pray.  Trace the threefold reason (verses 24-28), request (verses 29, 30) and result (verse 31) found in their prayer. Could you pray with such boldness and willingness in a similar tough situation?

01 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 06 — Acts 3:1-26

Study 06 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 3:1-26

     1.     The cripple’s physical cure (verses 1-11) is a picture of the spiritual truths of the gospel of salvation. Note how it shows (a) man’s need, (b) the necessity of faith, (c) the importance of personal witness, (d) the assurance of salvation, (e) the miracle of salvation itself. (Peter explains how it happened in verses 12-16.) Have you been the link between Christ and a person in need as Peter was that day?

2.     In addressing the people of his own nation, what sins does Peter charge against them? What promises does he make to them and on what conditions? How far are his words applicable to us who are not Jews?
1.      Verse 6 ‘in the name of Jesus’ means ‘by the authority’ ‘with the power’ of Jesus. Cf. verse 16:4-12.
2.      Verses 13, 26. ‘Servant’: cf. Is. 52:13 (also 42:1-4; 49:5, 6; 50:1-10).  Peter is making a fearless proclamation of the Lord’s Messiahship. Cf. 4:27, 30

30 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 05 — Acts 2:37-47

Study 05 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 2:37-47

   1.     What twofold offer is made in verse 38, and on what condition?

   2.     What features marked the lives of these new believers and of the early church according to verses 42-47? How many of these are true in your experience?

Note.  The receiving of the Holy Spirit in 2:4 is an extraordinary event. The receiving of the Holy Spirit in 2:38 is the ordinary New Testament pattern.
Note how baptism with water symbolizes the two gospel benefits of cleansing from sin and of new life from above by the baptism of the Spirit.

29 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 04 — Acts 2:14-36

Study 04 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 2:14-36

   1.     What three passages of the Old Testament does Peter quote in his address and what facts of the gospel does he support by them? What may we learn from this concerning the place and use of the Old Testament today?

 2.     What characteristics does Peter show in his preaching? Remember what he had been like eight weeks earlier. Wherein lay the change? Can this apply to your Christian service?