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Showing posts with label Basics Of Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basics Of Faith. Show all posts

17 March, 2013

Walking in the Light

If we walk in the light as He is in the light . . . the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin —1 John 1:7

Up until the Holy Spirit stepped in to help me understand how I was to walk in the light, all I had was the model that I learned from my previous Church.  Like Oswald mentioned in March 16th’s devotion “For many of us, walking in the light means walking according to the standards we have set up for another person. The deadliest attitude of the Pharisees that we exhibit today is not hypocrisy but that which comes from unconsciously living a lie” This is so powerful in so many ways that I do not even want to start unravelling it. Even those four tiny words “unconsciously living a lie” we do not have any idea how powerful and how they have merged in our Christian walk like leaven in the dough. In the meantime we are not even aware that the leaven of the Pharisees has found its way into our lives. So, unconsciously, we live this life where we cherish the lies as our truth and we stand on it so proudly, totally clueless.

I found it rather peculiar that to learn to live in the light of God that you have to first be able to withstand that light on you, in your actions and in your heart. This is not easy. When it comes to God, all of us like Adam and Eve, all we want is to hide away from Him. This is not even something the Holy Spirit can do for you. No, He cannot step in the light in your place. When you are summoned to walk into the light, the Holy Spirit can coach you up until it is time to step into the light. Because as you step into the light, you are dealing with God’s judgement of you, as you stand there you have the awareness of your nakedness before God, nothing is hidden and nowhere to hide. It is scary, paralyzing, and shameful to be so exposed before Him.  Imagine Adam and Eve only had one sin yet they needed to hide away from God’s eyes. Imagine now when you have a legion of sin within how hard it is to be in His presence.

Right before you step into His light you can completely see the difference between what you thought was the light you have been walking so far and God’s real light. It is amazing to see the contrast because our light compares  like murky water to God’s.  The big difference lies in the fact that we have a faulty understanding of the meaning of this doctrine. What we call walking in the light, is either made up of the light of our own conscience, our own understanding of the Scriptures and our own standards. 

 Walking in the light goes way deeper than saying “your word is a lamp unto my feet. To get the full picture of our walk in the light we have to understand, and know how is God in the light? What does it mean to Him? If you are used to your basic walk and you are satisfied with yourself, you might say to me that you do not see the need to go deeper and perhaps you might even go as far as believing that I am complicating your life. But, the truth is, His word is clear “If we are to walk in the Light as He is in the Light We are called to be in the light like Him, His way, by His standards, His hatred for sin, His transparency, His love, His fellowship, His holiness, His need for purity, the need to be truly separated from evil and all that pertains to His standards alone and not ours.  In Him, there is no holding back, nothing hidden from the light, in Him there is no darkness and He delights in the truth.

God has a passionate hatred for sin and until we can see it and grasp it His way, until we can understand in unison with God, not just on the surface or through lip service but through who we have become in Him, we can see and taste and agree with His abhorrence for sin, then we are nowhere close to living in the light of God. Not only God is light and He is so radiant that darkness disappears wherever He is, but we ought to think about living in the light as a lifestyle. It is a lifestyle that goes beyond words, where you have no agenda of your own, nothing up your sleeves and you do not care if you actually can find loopholes in His Word, because you have taken up His agenda and you find delight in His desires for your life. It is a lifestyle where we basically find out that we are actually living out Romans 13:14 where we are clothed with Jesus-Christ our Lord. When you truly put on Christ, you find there is no room to gratify the desires of the flesh. The meaning of gratifying the desires of the flesh here simply refers to a sinful state where you are opposing the Holy Spirit.

I find that there is nothing like putting on and wrapping yourself in Christ to help you live out what Paul said in Philippians 1:21 “ for me to live is Christ and to die is gain”  As you put on Christ, and dancing in oneness and joy with Him, it makes you realize the depth of your limitations in the flesh. You have no idea what happen but somehow you sin. You ask yourself how did I get out of this precious fellowship? While you stand there with no answer, you feel like a child with dirty feet standing in the front door, you cannot come back in, unless you take your dirty shoes off and clean those feet. While you are standing there to be cleansed by His blood to merge in the fellowship again, you can see the contrast in your sinful state and God in His purest form. You don’t even need Him to tell you that you are dirty, you know it. This realization makes more real living in expectancy of the day you will not have to live separated from Him again and again because of sin. Oh! I wish all of us would long for that day.

Blessings to all of you! I am so grateful that my readership has catapulted in a way that I cannot explain. I am grateful to you all. Let's keep going forward toward Him, let's not look back because it is not worth it. Our God is all that we need. No matter what is going on in your life right now, in Him we are more than conquerors. He is real, he is love and He only wants what is good for us. Allow Him to get the work done in you.

To all my kindred brothers and sisters out there, I love you with His Agape love.
Take good care and love others even when you are not loved back and do not allow bitterness to touch your heart at all. 

15 March, 2013

The Discipline of Dismay

If you are going through a time where you are not sure what is going on in your Christian walk,  inside you feel empty, sad, overwhelmed and depressed; all of the sudden the Christianity you thought you knew, the Christianity that brought you so much joy is far out of reach. You feel like you are on some kind of automatic pilot. Even faking a smile is hard for you. Then you are going through what Oswald called the discipline of dismay. The discipline of dismay lasts a little while. It is a dark period of your life that your soul needs to go through if your Christianity is to amount to anything to God.

Like Oswald said, we tend to look back on our time of obedience and our past sacrifices to God in an effort to keep our enthusiasm for him strong (see Isaiah 50:10-11) One of the mistake we make is to try and find the enthusiasm back. We do not realize that God is not looking for that enthusiasm, He in fact does not care for it. He wants you to endure the inexplicable pain that you are in right now, while seeking His face and focus on Him like there is no tomorrow.

What Oswald did not know when he wrote that piece is that we are in a time where when the enthusiasm for God is gone, the younger generation falls back on Social Media to seek encouragement.  So they find comfort through those shallow comments these professed Christians have perfected over the years, but with no real meaning to their lives. I noticed as well the younger generation lack guidance and understanding coming from their own family. If they had parents living deeper Christian lives with Him, parents who have gone through the process with God, those younger people would have a better understanding of what is going on and would stop in seeking for the type of band-aid comfort they find on Social Media. 

What we do not realize, when God takes us through a time of dismay, it is indeed a good thing for our soul and our walk with Him. While we are there, it does not seem it is possible that any good can come of it because there is so much confusion just trying to understand why we are where we are with Him. But, it is good because God is taking you beyond a time where you can bypass the sense of self-satisfaction you get from your Bible reading, prayer time, and Christian activities. He is taking you deeper into Him. The sad thing is, until God takes you there, you would never realize that you have been living a self-satisfying kind of Christian life.

This phase is mandatory, the waiting process, His silence, the fact that you do not recognize Him and He is becoming more and more like a stranger to you. The protest that you will go through, the soul searching, the lack of answers from Him, are all part of the process. The attitude He is looking for is for you to surrender it all to Him, for you to stop protesting, for you to trust those words you have been reading in the Bible and trust that He is a faithful God. When you go through it with the right attitude, you position yourself to receive more of His grace.

It is a time of great depression and no matter what you do, your soul cannot get out of it. Don’t despair, and don’t panic. If you surrender through the process, I promise you, He will take care of you in the same way He took care of Elijah when he was running for his life and God sent an Angel to feed Him and care for him.  He will take care of you in the same way He took care of Paul who was so discouraged that nothing could revive his soul, God had to send an angel on three occasions to reassure him and strengthen him.

So, if you are going to a dark time with Him, I beg of you, stop seeking for temporary shallow satisfaction. It is a time to hang on to Him more than ever. It is the perfect time to test Hebrews 13:5 “I will never desert you nor forsake you.”  Trust in the God of your Salvation. Look to His Cross. It is hard to let go of all we know and to hang on to Him especially at a time where we have no answer and He seems more absent than we have ever experienced. But it is okay. It will feel as if you are asked to let go of something that is holding you nicely and help you stand up, for something you have no idea what it is, where it is, what it is made of. In fact within yourself, you have no desire of letting go of something you can see for something you cannot see. But, your soul needs to go through it all. Your soul needs to learn to trust what it cannot see
That’s exactly what He wants from you. Even though nothing makes sense to you, I beg of you to trust Him and He will not fail you.

In essence, what you are doing during this period, is giving up your identity to take on His!

Here is Oswald Chambers's devotion for today

The Discipline of Dismay

At the beginning of our life with Jesus Christ, we were sure we knew all there was to know about following Him. It was a delight to forsake everything else and to throw ourselves before Him in a fearless statement of love. But now we are not quite so sure. Jesus is far ahead of us and is beginning to seem different and unfamiliar— “Jesus was going before them; and they were amazed” (Mark 10:32).
There is an aspect of Jesus that chills even a disciple’s heart to its depth and makes his entire spiritual life gasp for air. This unusual Person with His face set “like a flint” (Isaiah 50:7) is walking with great determination ahead of me, and He strikes terror right through me. He no longer seems to be my Counselor and Friend and has a point of view about which I know nothing. All I can do is stand and stare at Him in amazement. At first I was confident that I understood Him, but now I am not so sure. I begin to realize that there is a distance between Jesus and me and I can no longer be intimate with Him. I have no idea where He is going, and the goal has become strangely distant.
Jesus Christ had to understand fully every sin and sorrow that human beings could experience, and that is what makes Him seem unfamiliar. When we see this aspect of Him, we realize we really don’t know Him. We don’t recognize even one characteristic of His life, and we don’t know how to begin to follow Him. He is far ahead of us, a Leader who seems totally unfamiliar, and we have no friendship with Him.
The discipline of dismay is an essential lesson which a disciple must learn. The danger is that we tend to look back on our times of obedience and on our past sacrifices to God in an effort to keep our enthusiasm for Him strong (see Isaiah 1:10-11). But when the darkness of dismay comes, endure until it is over, because out of it will come the ability to follow Jesus truly, which brings inexpressibly wonderful joy

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