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06 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — The Epistle of 1 John 2:3-27

Study 2 From the Books of John is: The Epistle of 1 John 2:3-27
  1. Verses 3-11. If a man claims to know God , to abide in Christ and to be in the light, what must be his attitude to (a) Christ's word and commandment; (b) the example of Christ's life on earth; (c) fellow-Christians?
  2. Verses 18-29. Amid false teachers and defection, what three safeguards for continuance in the faith does John give? See especially verses 24-27. If a professing Christian falls away from the truth, what is proved thereby which , before the falling away, may not have been at all obvious?
  3. Verses 15-17. With what two arguments does John support the commandment of verse 15? How may this commandment the reconciled with Jn. 3:16
  1. Verse 7. Cf. Jn. 13:34, 35; 15:12.
  2. Verse 8. John calls the old commandment new, both because of Jesus Christ by His teaching and living, has invested the old idea with a richer and deeper meaning, and because experimental Christianity is always new in kind or character.
  3. Verse 15. 'The world': here it denotes human society as an ordered while, considered both apart from, and in opposition to, God.

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