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03 November, 2016

Study 19 From the Book of John 10:1-21

Study 19 From the Book of John is: John 10:1-21

Compare Je. 23: 1-4. By their attitude to the blind man of chapter 9, the Pharisees, who claimed to be the spiritual guides of Israel as the people of God, had shown themselves to be 'thieves and robbers' (verses 1-8), like the false prophets of the Old Testament.
  1. Verses 1-10. Why does Jesus call Himself ' the door of the sheep'? What are the privileges and blessings of those who enter in? How do the sheep recognize the true shepherd? What does he do to them? Do you know his voice?
  2. What are the marks of the good shepherd? Can you find in verses 11-18 (a) proof that our Lord's death was not a mere martyrdom (b) the purpose of His life and death, and incentive to missionary work? Cf. Rev. 7:9, 10, 15-17.
  1. Verse 3. 'Hear': i.e., listen attentively to, and so obey.
  2. Jesus is both 'door' and 'shepherd'. Other also are under -shepherds (Acts 20-28, 29; 1 Pet. 5:2-4) who must themselves first enter through the 'door'.

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