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20 November, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 30 — 2 Kings 17

Study 30 From the Book of 2 Kings: 2 Kings 17

This chapter tells of the end of the northern kingdom of Israel, with the causes of its downfall, and what followed after it.
  1. Can you trace a progressive deterioration in Israel's moral and spiritual condition in verses 9:18? Compare the phrase 'did secretly...” in verse 9 with 'sold themselves...' in verse 17. What are the modern counterparts of the sins which Israel committed? Cf. Col. 3:5; Heb. 12:25.
  2. Consider what great events had taken place in Israel's history in the territory of the norther kingdom which had brought glory to God, and deliverance to the people. To what condition was it now reduced? Cf. A Tim. 3:5; Is. 29:13
  1. Verse 2. In what way Hoshea sinned less grievously than preceding kings is not explained.
  2. Verses 33 – 34. The word 'fear' is used here in two senses; in verse 33 of outward worship, and in verse 34 of heart reverence.

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