21 From the Book of John is: John 11: 1-27
seventh 'sign'.
Compare verse 4 with 9: 3. Explain the apparent contradiction both in
verse 4 and also in verses 5, 6. See verses 14, 15. Can you see why
God sometimes seems to delay answering your prayer?
- What direction and assurance do verses 9, 10 give for the conducts of your life? Cf. 9:4, 5.
- In verses 21, 22, 24 Martha makes three correct but limited statements. In respect to each of them Jesus' answer in verses 25, 26 reveals that He has within Himself infinitely greater powers than she knew. What are they?
Verse 26. 'Shall never die': for the believer death is no longer
death. It introduces him into a new state of life. See Note on Jn.
8: 51.
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