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02 November, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 18 — John 9

Study 18 From the Book of John is: John 9

  1. This is the sixth of the seven 'signs'. To which aspect of Jesus's work does it point? See verses 5, 39. In how many ways is the opening of this man's eyes to be compared with the giving of spiritual sight? Does your personal experience of Jesus's power give you the same assurance in answering His critics as this man had?
  2. Explain verses 39-41. Detail the ways in which the words and actions of the Pharisees in verses 13-34 illustrate this passage.
Note. Verses 14. The 'work' for which the Pharisees condemned Jesus as breaking the Sabbath was making clay, as well as healing. The latter was allowed, but only in an emergency.

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