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31 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — Leviticus 19 and 20

Study 14 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 19 and 20

1.    What particular attribute of God receives emphasis in these chapters as a ground of obedience to His commands?  Cf. 1 Pet. 1:14-17.
2.    Which one of the Ten Commandments do these laws elaborated? What significant summary of the law of God is to be found here?
Note.  Molech was the national god of Ammon. Great cruelty seems to have been associated with worship of him. Children were offered in sacrifice and burned with fire.  Hence God’s implacable opposition to all such worship.

30 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — Leviticus 18

Study 13 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 18  

In Chapters 18-20 we pass from the worship of the people to their behaviour.  Chapter 18 prohibits unlawful marriage, unchastity, and Molech worship; but the last is dealt with more fully in 20:2-5.
1.    What reasons are given for Israel’s obedience to these laws and how important is this obedience? See verses 1-5 and 24-30.
2.    What light is thrown by this chapter upon God’s command for the extermination of the Canaanites?


29 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — Leviticus 17

Study 12 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 17

There are two main instructions in this portion: first, that all domestic animals which are to be killed shall be brought to the Tabernacle (verse 3-9); and second, that no blood must be eaten (verses 10-16).  The former of these instructions points to a time when animals were not killed except in connection with worship of some kind.
1.    What would this first instruction (verses 3-9) teach Israel about God? Where is it suggested in these verses that this instruction is directed against idolatrous worship?
2.    Why was the eating of blood so strictly forbidden? See verse 11 in particular.  What is the significance of this for us?

28 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — Leviticus 16

Study 11 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 16

1.    Sketch out the order of the ceremonies of the Day of Atonement.
2.    What do you learn from this chapter about (a) the conditions of approach into God’s presence; (b) the complete removal of sin’s guilt through substitution; (c) the necessity on man’s part of submission in penitence and faith to God’s way of Salvation?
Note.  Verses 8, 10, 26. ‘Azazel’ means ‘destruction’.  This goat, upon which the lot fell for destruction, is referred to in the Av as the ‘scapegoat’ a term with which we are more familiar.

27 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — Leviticus 14:33 – 15:33

Study 10 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 14:33 – 15:33

1.    How does this portion show that sin, wherever found and in whatever form, is defiling in God’s sight, and prevents acceptance before Him?
2.    Chapter 15 is usually taken to represent the defilement of secret sin.  Notice (a) how it pollutes the whole life and all around it, and (b) that this kind of defilement requires atonement just as much as other forms of sin.  Cf. Ps. 19:12; 51:6-9.

26 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — Leviticus 13:47-14:32

Study 9 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 13:47-14:32

1.    If leprosy is an illustration of sin, what is the general teaching of 13:47-59 regarding sin-contaminated habits and practices?
2.     What is the significance of the fact that the leper had to be healed before he was cleansed from the defilement of his leprosy? Cf. Jn. 3:3; Gal. 6:15.

25 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — Leviticus 12:1-13:46

Study 8 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 12:1-13:46

1.    Did the mere fact of being born a Jew give a child a place in the covenant? See 12:3. Note 1 below, and Dt. 10:15, 16; 30:6.  How do the principles illustrated here apply today?
2.    From chapter 13, trace some of the parallels that exist between the plague of leprosy and the plague of sin.
1.    12:3. Circumcision had a twofold significance, namely, identification with God’s covenant people, and purification from unfitness for such a role.
2.    12:8. Cf. Lk. 2:22-24.

24 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Leviticus 11

Study 7 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 11

1.    What would the distinction between clean and unclean teach Israel about God and His worship? See verses 44, 45.  Consider the great changes in their habits that the coming of God to dwell among them brought about. Cf. 1 Pet. 1:14-16; Eph. 4:22-24.
2.    How did our Lord show that such distinctions are not now binding? What constitutes defilement in God’s sight? Cf. Mk. 7:14-23.

23 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Leviticus 9 and 10


Study 6 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 9 and 10
The tabernacle and priests have been sanctified and dedicated; all was now ready for the normal work of the priesthood to begin.
1.    What was Aaron’s first offering at the start of his ministry? Though pardoned, anointed and consecrated, he still needed mercy through atoning blood.  But, when all was duly offered, how did God show His acceptance of His people’s worship? With 9:22a, cf.  Nu. 6: 22-27. 
2.    What did Nadab and Abihu do? What happened? Why did God act like this?
1.    10:1. ‘Unholy fire’: this may mean fire not taken from the altar, but the central thought is that it was fire which God had not authorized.
2.    10:8-11.  It has long been thought that Nadab and Abihu may have been indulging in wine; hence this prohibition.
3.    The significance of 10:16-20 seems to be that Aaron realized that Nadab and Abihu had taken part in the offering of the sin offering and that this rendered it unacceptable and unclean. This is a touching story of Aaron’s full acceptance of God’s verdict on his own sons.

22 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Leviticus 8

Study 6 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 9 and 10


Study 5  From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 8
Cf. Ex. 29:44. The directions for the ceremony were given in Ex. 28 and 29; this chapter give the account of it.
  1. What is the order in which the dedication of priest and Tabernacle took place? Do you see any significance in this order?
  2. In the sacrifice of the ram of ordination (i.e, of dedication to special service), what special use was made of the blood? What symbolic significance does this have? Cf. Rom. 6:13.

21 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Leviticus 6:8–7:38

Study 4 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 6:8–7:38

Distinction must be made between public and private offerings. In addition to the private burnt offerings of the people, there was a daily, public burnt offering morning and evening. Cf. Ex. 29:38-42. It is this daily sacrifice that is referred to in 6:9, 12, with directions that the fire must not be allowed to go out on the altar. 
1.    Neither the sacrifice nor the fire was to fail. What lessons can we learn from that? Cf. Heb. 6:11, 12.
2.    7:11-21. In the peace offering the people offered to God the spontaneous gifts of their love.  What were the three kinds of peace offerings which individuals might bring? What about us? Cf. Heb. 13:15, 16.
Note.  A ‘wave offering’ (7:30) means an offering  or part of an offering presented to the Lord by waving it towards Him, before receiving it back from Him.  In a ‘heave offering’ (7:32) the word ‘heave’ does not mean to throw, but to lift or take off, and indicates the part of the offering taken off for the priests.

20 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Leviticus 4:1-6:7

Study 3 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 4:1-6:7

1.    What is it that distinguishes the sin and guilt offerings from the burnt, meal and peace offerings? See 4:2, 13, 22, etc. Of what divine provision for our need are we here assured? Cf. Lv. 17:11.
2.    Notice particularly what was done with the body and with the blood of the sacrifice in the sin offering (4:6, 7, 11, 12). How do these solemn ordinances indicate God’s hatred of sin, and suggest some of the fearful results that may arise out of sin?
Note.  The sin and guilt offerings have much in common, but the sin offering had reference rather to the person of the offender in his guilt towards God, whereas the guilt offering was an atonement for the offence especially in its relation to man.  Hence the sin offering differed for different classes of person (4:3, 13, 22, 27); and in the guilt offering the guilty party, in addition to his offering, had also to make amends for the wrong done (5:16; 6:4, 5).

19 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Leviticus 2 and 3

Study 2 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 2 and 3
1.    The cereal offering represents a blameless life.  The purity of its ingredients is emphasized (see 2:1, 11).  The worshipper who is not blameless draws near to God with acceptance in the power of an offering possessing the perfection which he lacks.  Consider how this offering is fulfilled in Christ.  Cf. Heb 7:26; 1 Jn. 2:6.
2.    The peace offering speaks of communion, based on the blood of atonement (3:1, 2), and expressed in a whole burnt offering pleasing to the Lord (3:5).  Do you know the heart-satisfaction of such a relation to God?

18 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Leviticus 1

Study 1 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 1

God is now dwelling in the midst of His people, and gives them directions how throughout this book God is the speaker, through Moses.
1.    What are the two outstanding features of the burnt offering mentioned here?  See, e.g., verses 3, 9, 10, 13.
2.    What significance would the burnt offering have for the person making the offering? See, e.g., verses 4, 9, 13, 17.

17 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — The introduction of Leviticus

Study 0 From The Book of Leviticus Is: The Introduction of Leviticus

The third book of the Pentateuch was referred to by the Jews in various ways—the ‘priest’s law, ‘priest book’, ‘law of the offerings’—for Leviticus consists mainly of ritual law. The author is not named in the book.   All we know is that it was given by divine revelation at Sinai in the time of Moses.

Leviticus is a book of great significance from many points of view. It provides us with a background to all the other books of the Bible.  It helps us to understand references to sacrificial offerings and ceremonies of purification, or institutions such as the sabbatical year or the year of jubilee.  Orthodox Jews have to this day found their binding regulations, their food laws, for instance, in this book.  But, it also shows us the way in which the God of Israel combats sin in (social sin by means of the sabbatical year and year of jubilee, sexual sins by means of the laws of chastity) and second, by means of His promises and warnings.  All this is of interest to Christians as showing the principles of atonement and purification applied in a particular context.  In dong so it is natural that there should be many illustrations of the work of the Lord Jesus-Christ. His atoning death on the cross is the reality of which the rituals of Leviticus are but pictures and symbols.

16 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — 2 Timothy 4

Study 4 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: 2 Timothy 4

With this lesson with end the book of 2 Timothy and will start Leviticus tomorrow
1.    What ministry is Paul here urging Timothy to fulfill? Make a list of the main points in Paul’s charge to him. How does this chapter also indicate the possibilities of failure, and its causes? What challenge ought I to find here concerning my own Christian service?
2.    Consider Paul as he faces death.  Note (a) his consciousness about the past; (b) his confession about, and his confidence in, the present; (c) his hope for the future.  How far can and do I share his experience and his outlook? Note Paul’s words in 1 Cor. 11:1.

15 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — 2 Timothy 3

Study 3 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: 2 Timothy 3

1.    Verses 1-13. Of what are the evil traits here listed a characteristic expression? What by contrast ought to true Christians to be like?  How may we encounter such evil tendencies (a) in ourselves, and (b) in the community to which we belong?
2.    Verses 14-17.  What great things can the right use of the Bible do for us?  Note its contributions at each stage from (a) early childhood and its dependence on others, through (b) adolescence and its discipline, to (c) mature manhood and its active service.  What must we do fully to enjoy these benefits?

Springs in the Valley - Devotional January 15

" And he said unto me, It is done"
Revelation 21:6

How many persons are everlastingly doing, but how few ever get through with it! How few settle a thing and know that it is accomplished and can say "it is done"!

The moment we really believe we are conscious that there is power. We can touch God at such times, and the fire in our souls makes us sure that soemthing is settled forever.

Faith must be a clear -cut taking hold of God; a grasping Him with fingers of iron, with an uncompromising commitment of all to God. In learning to float you must utterly abandon yourself to the water; you must believe that the water is able to hold you up: so you must take this steps of commitment, and then look up to God with confidence and say "it is done." Our part is to commit; God's part is to work. The very moment that we commit, that  very moment He undertakes. We must believe that He has undertaken what we have commited. Faith must re-echo God's promise and dare to say "it is done."

The thing is as good as done, since He has taken it in hand. 

Step out upon a bare promise right now, and "count the things that be not as though they were," and God will make your reckoning real. It will be done by actual experience.
-----Days of Heaven upon Earth.

My olf professor, Lord Kelvin, once said in class a very striking thing. He said that there came a point in all his great discoveries when he had to take a leap into the dark.  And nobody who is afraid of such a leap from the solid ground of what is demonstrated, will know the exhilaration of believing!

To commit ourselves unresevedly to Christ is just the biggest venture in the world!  The wonderful thing is that wehn, with a certain dring, we take Lord Kelvin's  "leap into the dark" we discover it is not dark at all, but life abundant, and liberty and peace.    ----George H. Morrison, D. D

Believe that it is settled becasue God says so!

"God said, and it happened." (Genesis 1:2-7, Finnish trans.)


I was told by an elder in 2006 that the whole gospel and everything all the apostles are teaching us can be summed up in "live by faith and do not go beyond the moment and if I can do that, then my life would be a prayer to God."

All I cared about that day was the depth of what was said to me. I knew such a life could only be pleasing to Him and I could trust Him with the rest. I went home and committed myself to learn to live moment by moment. I gave it to God as the desire of my heart and trusted Him to make it real in my life. I sort of let go when I found out, even a life of practicing His presence does not help me live every moment for Him the way I wanted to. What I mean by that, even when you practice God’s presence daily and all the time, there are moments during the days that are yours and the flesh flairs up easily.

Here we are in 2016, although, the past few weeks, He has been giving me hints here and there about this need to live moment by moment, but, two days ago, I was interrupted by the Spirit of God while reading the Bible and He confirmed to me that this year is the year that we are going to learn to apply this promise. It was a great moment that makes me feel the need to live with anticipation because He showed me how much living moment by moment with God is a life where there is no such thing as trivial matters to God and He showed me the most trivial thing that I can think of or say with my mouth, matters a great deal to Him.  

Right then and there, I experienced another side of the meaning of God’s word when He says "apart from me you can do nothing."  The anticipation in my heart came from the fact that through this tidbit of revelation, He showed me that He is the one who has to live every moment in me in order to make it a reality in me and in my life. I could also see that the past ten years, He has been laying the foundation of my claim. So, when we claim something from God, we must continue the path as guided by the Spirit, and trust that God is never late and what we entrust in His hands is safe. 

My point here is that, real commitment to the indwelling Christ in us is much harder than we think. In fact, true commitment to Him makes you feel like you have worked so hard for your salvation that you are tempted to believe just that.  But, in reality, all we are doing is committing to Him.  How do I know that? He showed me.

There was a time in the wilderness I was so sure I have worked like crazy to reach where I was with Him.  The Holy Spirit was upset at me for the first time. Then, He told me that I was appropriating what belongs to God.  He then showed me all the time that I felt as if I have been working so hard for my salvation, so much so that I felt truly tired, the spirit said to me "all those years, all you have been doing is committing yourself to me, to the work being done in you and agreeing with me."
When He showed it to me, I could see the effort it takes to agree with God, remain down on your knees and under His mighty hands while He is doing His work in you. IT TAKES EVERYTHING WE GET!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, don't be content with an easy Christianity while you go glibly through life thinking you actually get it. Be careful of those who keep telling you that you are okay when inside of you, you know something is wrong. Misery loves company.  Those who are working hard at telling you to go forward, have nothing to gain, except your contempt for no allowing you to feel comfortable with your choices

Isaiah 55:8 "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine."

2 Timothy 1:12  "..... I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return."


14 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — 2 Timothy 2

Study 2 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: 2 Timothy 2

1.    What do verse 1-13 teach about the Christian life concerning (a) what it demands from those who embrace it, (b) the source of its strength, and (c) its final end? Seek personally to face the challenge of the illustrations which Paul uses.
2.    Verses 14-26.  What should be the Christian’s dominant aim and purpose? What should be his attitude to (a) evil things, and (b) enemies of the truth? Note (a) by what methods he is to seek to win back to the truth those who are misled.

13 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — 2 Timothy 1

Study 1 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: 2 Timothy 1

1. Picture Paul’s circumstances. See also 4:9-13.  What positive Christian truths sustained and encouraged Paul as he lay in prison?
2. Note how Paul reminds Timothy of the demands and cost of Christian service. Express in your own words the chief points of Paul’s counsel and exhortation to him.  To which of these do you particularly need to give heed?
3. What do verses 3-7 reveal concerning the value of a God-fearing and Christian home and upbringing? Cf. 3: 14, 15.

Note.  Verse 16-18. ‘Onesiphorus appears here as one separated from his household, either by absence from home, or quite possibly by death (cf. 4:19).  This does not mean, however, that Paul is praying for his present well-being as one dead, a practice completely unsupported elsewhere in Scripture. The prayer concerns not the intermediate state at all, but conduct in this life, and reward on the future day of judgement’?

12 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction to 2 Timothy

Study 0 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: The Introduction

This letter is of peculiar interest because it is Paul’s last, written during his final imprisonment in Rome when he was aware that his death could be not for long delayed. It reveals that his last days were spent without material comfort.  There was no immediate earthly reward to crown his long years of labour. For one reason or another his friends had left him (1:15; 4:10, 12, 16).  Amid the dreary limitations of his imprisonment he asks for his old cloak to be brought to keep him warm and his books for him to read (4:13). He urges Timothy to come quickly that he may see him before his death (1:4; 4:9, 21).

In such difficult circumstances he exhorts his son in the faith to be faithful to the truth. He is more concerned for Timothy and for the future of the gospel than for himself. Steadfast and confident to the end, he has still the same message to give to all who are called to the service of Christ. What the Lord requires in His workers is faithfulness, even unto death; to watch, to endure, to work and fully to discharge the obligation of their office; to finish their course; and live in anticipation of the crowning day that is coming.  For all such is laid up in store ‘eternal glory’.

11 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Titus 3

Study 3 From The Book of Titus Is: Titus 3

With chapter 3 we end our study of the Titus book. Next lesson will be on 2 Timothy.
1.    Verses 1-7. How ought we as Christians to behave in relation to (a) civil authorities, and (b) our fellow-men? What double awareness about ourselves should inspire such conduct?
2.    Verses 4:7.  What are we here told about (a) the source and method of salvation, and (b) our present state and future hope? Do you realize as you ought how ‘richly’ (verse 6) you are endowed?
3.    Verse 8:15. By what actions and by what abstinence should genuine faith in God express itself? What is necessary on our part to ensure that this happens?

10 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Titus 2

Study 2 From The Book of Titus Is: Titus 2

1.    Verses 1-10. How many Christians ‘adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour’? Examine carefully the characteristics demanded from the different classes mentioned; and summarize them briefly in your own words. Which characteristics ought you particularly to covert and cultivate?
2.    Verses 11-14. What reasons are here given why a Christian should live differently?  (a) What should he give up?  (b) How should he now live? How far is this true of you?

09 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Titus 1

Study 1 From The Book of Titus Is: Titus 1

1.    Verses 1-4.  What does Paul tell us here concerning the origin and the aims of his ministry? What was the basis of his assurance?
2.    Verses 10-14. What was wrong with those whom Paul here criticizes? Make a list of their faults and failings. How, by contrast, are sincerity and genuineness revealed?
3.    Verses 6-9.  Make a list of the qualifications desirable in a Christian minister which are here mentioned. Compare them with those stated in 1 Tim 3: 1-13.  

08 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction to Titus

Study 0 From The Book of Titus Is: the Introduction

Titus was a Gentile convert (Gal. 2:3), led to faith by the apostle himself (Tit. 1:4). He accompanied Paul on some of his journeys and was sent by him on important missions to churches, as for example, to Corinth (2 Cor. 8:16-18, 23; 12 17, 18) and to Dalmatia (2 Tim. 4:10). This letter reveals that Paul left him in Crete to establish the churches of that Island (1:5).
This letter is very similar to 1 Timothy and was probably written about the same time, in the interval between Paul’s two imprisonments. It is therefore earlier than 2 Timothy.  It emphasizes the importance of order and discipline in the churches. The gospel had evidently made rapid headway in Crete, but, church government was a yet undeveloped (1:5). False teaching also had to be countered, and the apostle has some strong words to say on this subject. But, above all else, the letter stresses the Christian’s calling and obligation to live a holy life. It contains also two great doctrinal passages (2:11-14; 3:4-7), which stand out like mountain ranges in the landscape.

07 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 —1 Timothy 6:3-21

Study 7 From The Book of Timothy is: 1 Timothy 6:3-21 

With this study we end the book of 1 Timothy and will delve into the very small book of Titus
1.    Verses 3-5, 20, 21. What characteristics of false teachers are here mentioned? What is lacking, and what out of place, in their attitude and practice? From these statements make a list of things to be avoided, if you wish to be an acceptable teacher of the things of God. Set over against them the positive aims desirable in a true man of God (verse 11:14).
2.    Verses 6-10, 17-19.  What are the perils of covetousness and wealth? What is the proper attitude to, and use of, material possessions? On what should our desires and hopes be fixed?                              

06 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 —1 Timothy 5:1-6:2

Study 6 From The Book of 1 Timothy Is: 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2

1.    Note Paul’s concerns for others, and his detached interest in the special conditions and needs of particular groups.  What may we here learn concerning the way to treat people?
2.    How ought the elderly, e.g., widows, normally to be cared for? Why does Paul advise against the giving of church support to younger widows?
3.    5:19-22. Of what dangers and responsibilities is Timothy here made aware? What, in principle, can I learn from these instructions for my own guidance?
1.    5:3, 17. “Honour”: probably implies financial support.
2.    5:22. ‘The laying on of hands’ refers to the setting apart of individuals for specific service, e.g., as elders.

05 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 —1 Timothy 4: 6-16

Study 5 From The Book of 1 Timothy Is: 1 Timothy 4: 6-16

1.    Make a list of all the things which Timothy is here told to do and to avoid in order to become ‘a good minister of Christ Jesus’.
2.    Distinguish in this passage (and in the list made in answer to Question 1) between actions which concerned (a) Timothy’s personal life, and (b) his public ministry.  What may we here learn concerning the connection of these two?