Study 0 From The Book of Titus Is: the
Titus was a Gentile convert (Gal. 2:3), led to
faith by the apostle himself (Tit. 1:4). He accompanied Paul on some of his
journeys and was sent by him on important missions to churches, as for example,
to Corinth (2 Cor. 8:16-18, 23; 12 17, 18) and to Dalmatia (2 Tim. 4:10). This
letter reveals that Paul left him in Crete to establish the churches of that
Island (1:5).
This letter is very similar to 1 Timothy and
was probably written about the same time, in the interval between Paul’s two
imprisonments. It is therefore earlier than 2 Timothy. It emphasizes the importance of order and
discipline in the churches. The gospel had evidently made rapid headway in
Crete, but, church government was a yet undeveloped (1:5). False teaching also
had to be countered, and the apostle has some strong words to say on this
subject. But, above all else, the letter stresses the Christian’s calling and
obligation to live a holy life. It contains also two great doctrinal passages
(2:11-14; 3:4-7), which stand out like mountain ranges in the landscape.