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12 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction to 2 Timothy

Study 0 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: The Introduction

This letter is of peculiar interest because it is Paul’s last, written during his final imprisonment in Rome when he was aware that his death could be not for long delayed. It reveals that his last days were spent without material comfort.  There was no immediate earthly reward to crown his long years of labour. For one reason or another his friends had left him (1:15; 4:10, 12, 16).  Amid the dreary limitations of his imprisonment he asks for his old cloak to be brought to keep him warm and his books for him to read (4:13). He urges Timothy to come quickly that he may see him before his death (1:4; 4:9, 21).

In such difficult circumstances he exhorts his son in the faith to be faithful to the truth. He is more concerned for Timothy and for the future of the gospel than for himself. Steadfast and confident to the end, he has still the same message to give to all who are called to the service of Christ. What the Lord requires in His workers is faithfulness, even unto death; to watch, to endure, to work and fully to discharge the obligation of their office; to finish their course; and live in anticipation of the crowning day that is coming.  For all such is laid up in store ‘eternal glory’.

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