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17 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 7— 2 Corinthians 6:11 – 7:16

Study 7 From The Book of 2 Corinthians Is: 2 Corinthians 6:11 – 7:16

1.    In what ways does Paul show in 6:14-16 that Christians must be a separate people? What arguments does he use in 6:16-7:1 to lead us to separate ourselves completely from all that defiles, and to endeavour whole-heartedly to make our holiness perfect? Are you willing to test your friendships and your inmost purposes by this passage? Cf. Ps. 139:23, 24.
2.    In what ways does Paul convey the strength of his feelings about the Corinthian Christian and their behaviour? What two kinds of sorrow for sin are here distinguished (a) in their nature, and (b) in their result? By what signs did the Corinthians show that they were genuinely penitent?  
1.    6:11-13. Paul’s loving heart overflows towards the Corinthians, and he yearns for a corresponding large-hearted affection from them towards him. Verse 12 means that any sense of constraint they might feel towards Paul arose not from any lack of love in him, but from the narrowness of their own affections.
2.    6:14-7:1. This is a parenthesis, introduced to make clear that when Paul bids his readers to be broadened in their affections, he does not mean increased tolerance of evil. ‘Belial’ is here a name for Satan.
3.    7:10. ‘Godly grief’: i.e, sorrow towards God, regarding the sin as an offence against Him. Cf. Ps. 51:4. ‘Worldly grief’ on the other hand, is such sorrow as the man of the world feels, concerned only with the painful consequences of the sin, and not leading to repentance.   

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