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28 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Micah 4:8-5:15

Study 3 From The Book of Micah Is: Micah 4:8-5:15

Two prophecies with a ‘Now … But…’
1.      4:8-5:1. Zion will be besieged and her inhabitants exiled.  But what will follow? On a personal level, what is man’s true perspective to be? Cf. 4: 12 and 1 Cor. 2:9, 10.
2.      5:2-6. From this early Messianic prophecy what do we learn of the Messiah’s origins and activity? How did Jesus fulfil the longings of prophet and people?
3.      5:10-15. The life of the restored remnant of Israel will be one of God-given (verse7) victory (verses 8:9), but purification will be involved (verse 10, 14).  Disobedience is disastrous (verse 15).  See 1 Pet. 2:9-12, 16; 4:7 and consider how the same principle still applies.
1.      4:10 ‘Go to Babylon’: a remarkable instance of prophetic prevision, because at the time the great enemy was Assyria, not Babylon.  But, see Is. 39:6, 7.
2.      4:11.  The nations gather to ogle, and worse.  But, one day the roles will be reversed; cf. 7:10b, 17.
3.      4:13 Devoting spoil to the Lord was an old custom; cf. Jos. 6:24.
4.      5:3 Israel shall be surrendered up until the Messiah is born; then, the Messiah’s family will be reunited.
5.      5:5 ‘Seven…eight’: an indefinite number according to Hebrew idiom; whatever the need for leaders is, it will be met.
6.      5:6. Read (with mg) ‘he (I.e., the Messiah) ‘shall deliver us…’
7.      5:14. ‘Cities’: probably, better, ‘sacrificial stones’.  Verses 10-14 (like 6:7b) hint at the sort of unfaithfulness which characterized the reign of Ahaz; cf. 2 Ki. 16:3.

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