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27 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — The Book of Roman’s Introduction

Study 0 From The Book of Romans Is: The Introduction of the Book

The letter to the Romans was written by Paul from Corinth during three months which he spent in the province of Achia, as described in Acts 20:2, 3. Its purpose is to present to the Church in Rome (which he had not founded, but which he hoped soon to visit) a reasoned statement of the gospel which he preached, together with a discussion of the great problem of Jewish unbelief and of the relation of both Jews and Gentiles to Jesus Christ and His salvation.
From 15:23, 24 it would seem that the apostle to the Gentiles felt that he had some everything possible to carry out his task in the east. The time had now come to put into operation his plans for extending his work westwards. In such a task it would no doubt be an advantage to have the prayerful support and practical fellowship of the church in the metropolis. Rome was a strategic centre and the church there would seem to have been as cosmopolitan as the city. A clear statement of the gospel which he would be preaching would be the best means of clearing up any misunderstandings which might arise through Jewish-Gentile tensions or through other causes, and of gaining for Paul the fellowship and co-operation he desired.

At the outset Paul declare that the gospel is he power of God for salvation to everyone that believes. The great themes of the Christian gospel are dealt with in turn: human guilt; redemption by grace; righteousness which comes from God; justification by faith; the new life in Christ; the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer; the certainty of the final triumph of the Christian; the divine sovereignty; and the inclusion of ‘the nations’ in God’s purpose of mercy.  These are followed by a section on the practical outworking of the gospel in all spheres of life.  Little wonder that this Epistle, with its comprehensive treatment of the gospel and the compelling logic of its argument, is regarded by many as the most remarkable book on volume of remarkable books. 

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