Study 10 From The Book of Numbers
is: Numbers 15 Religious Laws
What do verses 1-21 teach us
about making offerings which are pleasing to God?
Why as there no way of
atonement for the person who sinned ‘with a high hand’? What does this mean? Cf.
Mk. 3:28, 29; Heb. 10:26-31, 39; Ps. 19:13.
Notice by whom the deliberate
law-breaker had to be dealt with and in what way. Cf. Mt. 18:15-17; 1 Cor. 5; Heb. 12:15. Why
is such church discipline so little practiced?
Note. Verse 38. ‘Tassels’: these were made of
twisted thread and attached by a blue ribbon to the robe, to remind the wearer
of the commandment of the Lord, and of his obligation to keep them.