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22 December, 2024



Now of what hath been spoken, this is the sum, that there is a sacrifice under the new covenant, as there were sacrifices under the old; and that this sacrifice did every way answer that, or those; indeed, they did but suffer for sin in show, but He in reality; they are the shadow, but He as the substance. O! When Jesus Christ did come to make Himself a sacrifice or to offer Himself for sin, you may understand that our sins were indeed charged to purpose upon Him. O! How they scarred his soul, how they break His body, insomuch that they made the blood run down His blessed face and from His precious side; therefore thou must understand these following things—First, that Jesus Christ by covenant did die for sin. Secondly, His death was not a mere natural death but a "cursed death," even such a one as men do undergo from God for their sins, though He had none, even such a death as to endure the very pains and torments of Hell. O sad pains and inexpressible torments that this our Sacrifice for sin went under! The pains of His body were not all, but the pains of His soul; for His soul was made an offering as well as His body, yet all but one sacrifice (Isa 53). [Christ did not suffer in His body without suffering in the soul, nor yet in the soul without His suffering in the body; it was because not the body without the soul, but both the body and soul of the saints should be forever saved]. To signify that the suffering of Christ was not only a bodily suffering, but a soul suffering; not only to suffer what man could inflict upon Him, but also to suffer soul torments that none but God can inflict, or suffer to be inflicted upon Him. O, the torments of His soul! They were the torments indeed; His soul was that that felt the wrath of God. "My soul," saith He, "is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death" (Matt 26:38). "Now is My soul troubled, and what shall I say?" (John 12:27). The rock was not so rent as was His precious soul; there was not such a terrible darkness on the face of the earth then as there was on His precious soul. O! The torments of Hell and the eclipsing of the Divine smiles of God were both upon Him at once; the devils assailing of Him, and God forsaking of Him, and all at once! "My God, My God," saith He, "why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (Matt 27:46). Now in my greatest extremity; now sin is laid upon Me, the curse takes hold of Me, the pains of Hell are clasped about Me, and Thou hast forsaken Me. O sad! Sinners, this was not done in pretense, but in reality; not in the show, but in very deed; otherwise Christ had dissembled, and had not spoken the truth; but the truth of it His bloody sweat declares, His mighty cries declare, the things which and for what He suffered declare. Nay, I must say thus much, that all the damned souls in Hell, with all their damnations, did never yet feel that torment and pain that did this blessed Jesus in a bit of time. Sinner, canst thou read that Jesus Christ was made an offering for sin, and yet go in sin? Canst thou hear that the load of thy sins did break the very heart of Christ and spill His precious blood? And canst thou find in thy heart to labor to lay more sins upon His back? Canst thou hear that He suffered the pains, the fiery flames of Hell, and canst thou find in thy heart to add to His groans by slighting His sufferings? O hard-hearted wretch! How canst thou deal so unkindly with such a sweet Lord Jesus?

Quest. But why did Christ offer Himself in sacrifice?

Answ. That thou shouldst not be thrown to the very devils.

Quest. But why did He spill His precious blood?

Answ. That thou mightest enjoy the joys of Heaven.

Quest. But why did He suffer the pains of Hell?

Answ. That thou mightest not fry with the devil and damned souls.

Quest. But could not we have been saved if Christ had not died? Answ. No, for without the shedding of blood, there is no remission. Besides, no death could satisfy God's justice but His, which is evident because there was none in a capacity to die or that could answer an infinite God by His so suffering but He.

Quest. But why did God let Him die?

Answ. He stands in the room of sinners, and in their names and natures, God's justice must fall upon Him; for justice takes vengeance for sin wherever it finds it, though it is on His dear Son. Nay, God favored His Son no more, finding our sins upon Him, than He would have favored any of us; for, should we have died? so did He. Should we have been made a curse? so was He. Should we have undergone the pains of Hell? So did He.

Quest. But did He indeed suffer the torments of Hell?

Answ. Yea, and that in such a horrible way too, that it is unspeakable.

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