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02 March, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Numbers   3 and 4. Work of the Levites  

Study 2 From The Book of Numbers is: Numbers 3 and 4

For background details concerning the tribe of Levi, see Ex. 6:16-25; 32: 25-29; Lv. 10.
  1. How was the work assigned to the Levites divided between the three ‘families’ of the tribe? How, if at all, might the command ‘each to his task’ (4:49) apply to Christians? Do these two chapters throw any light on the possible implications of such a command? See especially 3:5-10, 25, 31, 36, 45; 4:46-49.
  2. Whom did the Levites represent? Why did the first-born belong to God? What does ‘redemption’ mean in this context? Is there a New Testament counterpart which involves us?
  3. How does 4:1-20 bring out the ‘frighteningly’ sacred character of the Tabernacle? Cf.1:51b, 53; 2 Sa. 6:6-11; Rev. 4:8. What truths does this illustrate and enforce?

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