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Showing posts with label Search The Scriptures —Study 10— Numbers 15. Religious Laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Search The Scriptures —Study 10— Numbers 15. Religious Laws. Show all posts

10 March, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 10— Numbers 15. Religious Laws

Study 10 From The Book of Numbers is: Numbers 15 Religious Laws

1.      What do verses 1-21 teach us about making offerings which are pleasing to God?
2.     Why as there no way of atonement for the person who sinned ‘with a high hand’? What does this mean? Cf. Mk. 3:28, 29; Heb. 10:26-31, 39; Ps. 19:13.
3.     Notice by whom the deliberate law-breaker had to be dealt with and in what way.  Cf. Mt. 18:15-17; 1 Cor. 5; Heb. 12:15. Why is such church discipline so little practiced?

Note.  Verse 38. ‘Tassels’: these were made of twisted thread and attached by a blue ribbon to the robe, to remind the wearer of the commandment of the Lord, and of his obligation to keep them.