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27 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — The Book of Roman’s Introduction

Study 0 From The Book of Romans Is: The Introduction of the Book

The letter to the Romans was written by Paul from Corinth during three months which he spent in the province of Achia, as described in Acts 20:2, 3. Its purpose is to present to the Church in Rome (which he had not founded, but which he hoped soon to visit) a reasoned statement of the gospel which he preached, together with a discussion of the great problem of Jewish unbelief and of the relation of both Jews and Gentiles to Jesus Christ and His salvation.
From 15:23, 24 it would seem that the apostle to the Gentiles felt that he had some everything possible to carry out his task in the east. The time had now come to put into operation his plans for extending his work westwards. In such a task it would no doubt be an advantage to have the prayerful support and practical fellowship of the church in the metropolis. Rome was a strategic centre and the church there would seem to have been as cosmopolitan as the city. A clear statement of the gospel which he would be preaching would be the best means of clearing up any misunderstandings which might arise through Jewish-Gentile tensions or through other causes, and of gaining for Paul the fellowship and co-operation he desired.

At the outset Paul declare that the gospel is he power of God for salvation to everyone that believes. The great themes of the Christian gospel are dealt with in turn: human guilt; redemption by grace; righteousness which comes from God; justification by faith; the new life in Christ; the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer; the certainty of the final triumph of the Christian; the divine sovereignty; and the inclusion of ‘the nations’ in God’s purpose of mercy.  These are followed by a section on the practical outworking of the gospel in all spheres of life.  Little wonder that this Epistle, with its comprehensive treatment of the gospel and the compelling logic of its argument, is regarded by many as the most remarkable book on volume of remarkable books. 

26 September, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 21 — Proverbs 31

Study 21 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 31

With this lesson we end the book of Proverbs and tomorrow we will dive into the book of Romans.
1.      What three virtues did King Lemuel’s mother urge upon him (verses 1-9)? Are they any less necessary for all who will occupy positions of responsibility?
2.      Make a list of the qualities of the ideal housewife as depicted in verses 10-31.
1.        Read verses 6, 7 in the light of verses 4, 5, ie., as ‘a cutting reminder that an administrator has better things to do than anaesthetize himself’
2.        Verse 10, ‘Good’: the Hebrew word includes both moral word and practical efficiency. Cf. 12:4.  Ruth was such an one. See Ru. 3:11.
3.      Verse 18b.  This does not mean that she worked all night, but that her house was well ordered and ready against emergencies. Cf. 13:9.

25 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 20 — Proverbs 30

Study 20 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 30

The last two chapters of Proverbs are appendices.  Chapter 30 gives the words of Agur, of whom nothing further is known. Agur first looks Godward, and is humbled by the mystery of the divine being and power. Later he looks out upon the world of men and animals and notes a number of striking facts which the records.
1.      Notice the definiteness, urgency, content and motive of Agur’s prayer.  Compare with it the prayer which our Lord taught His disciple to pray.
2.      Are the classes of men mentioned in verses 11:14 still present? State in four words the sins of which they were guilty.
3.      What four lessons may the four creatures mentioned in verses 24:-28 teach us?                          

24 September, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 19 — Proverbs 28 and 29

Study 19 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 28 and 29

1.      Gather out in these chapters the verses which present a contrast between the righteous and the wicked. How do these differ in character and conduct? Consider also their influence for good or evil on society, especially if they hold positions of authority.
2.      What is said about the importance of keeping the law, and about a right attitude to the poor? There are four references to the first and at least five to the second.   
3.      Put a mark against verses in these two chapters that you feel to be specially incisive and memorable.         

23 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 18 — Proverbs 26:13 – 27:27

Study 18 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 26:13 – 27:27

       1.      What various kinds of wrong speech are exposed in 26:18-27:2?
       2.      ‘Be wise, my son’ (27:11). What directions for wise living do you find in 27:5-22, especially in regard to friendship?
       3.      What, according to 27:23-27, is the reward of diligence? Cf. also 27:18; 28:19; Rom. 12:11

Note. 27:25, 26 should more probably read, ‘When the hay is removed and the after-growth appears and the grass of the mountain is gathered then thy lambs will supply thee with clothing, and thy goats furnish the price of a field’ (ICC).

22 September, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 17 — Proverbs 25:1-26:12

Study 17 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 25:1-26:12

1.      How does our Lord in one of His parables adapt the teaching of 25:6, 7?
2.      Observe in 25:8-28 how many illustrations are given of the power and influence of words both to do good and to do harm.  Am I sufficiently careful in this matter?
3.      In what ways does the passage 26:1-12 enforce the familiar injunction, ‘Don’t be a fools’? Cf. Mt. 7:26; 23:17; 25:2; Lk. 11:40; 12:20; 24:25.
Note.  The ‘fool’ is one who is willfully unresponsive to the teaching of divine wisdom, and going his own self-chosen way, hurts himself and others.

21 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — Proverbs 24

Study 16 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 24

1.      What missionary call is heard in verses 11, 12? Am I saying concerning those who are going down to death, ‘Behold, we did not know this’?
2.      What other sayings here challenge my standards of neighbourly love?
3.      What did the wise man learn from the field of the sluggard? Find and ponder the positive teachings of this chapter on thoroughness and forethought.                           

20 September, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 15 — Proverbs 22:17-23:35

Study 15 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 22:17-23:35

1.       According to 22:17-21 what steps are involved in a full reception of God’s word?  What blessings are promised as the outcome?
2.      What are the marks of a wise ‘son’ (23:15)? What will he avoid and what will he practice?
3.      What, according to 23:29-35, are the effects of too much indulgence in wine?                           

19 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — Proverbs 20:14 – 22:16

Study 14 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 20:14 – 22:16

1.      Gather out from this passage those principles for wise living that most impress you.
2.      Make a list from 20:17-25 of different kinds of action which ought to be avoided; and notice why.
3.      20:24 speaks of God’s sovereignty, and 20-27 of man’s responsibility.  What other verses in this passage touch on these two complementary truths?
1.        20:27. ‘The spirit of man’: here a synonym for the conscience.
2.      22:16, ‘He who…. Gives to the rich’: i.e., solely with his own advantage in view—‘to increase his own wealth’.

18 September, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 13 — Proverbs 19:1-20:13

Study 13 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 19:1-20:13

1.      Make a list of the varied conditions and circumstances in respect of which counsel is given in this passage. Which of them apply more particularly to yourself? Note particularly the warning and the challenge of 20:6.  Cf. Mt. 7:21.
2.      What is said about the Lord?  Note carefully how the fact of His presence forms the foundation on which the writer’s counsels are based.