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02 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 54 — Acts 28:1-16

Study 54 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 28:1-16

  1. The disastrous journey is almost ended. What opportunities of service and witness did Paul find in Malta? Have you found opportunities of service for Christ when things, seemingly, go wrong in your life?
  2. ‘So we came to Rome’ (verse 14.) Cf. 19:21; 23:11; Rom. 1:13; 15:22, 23. This was the goal, but what can one learn from the fact that God had other ways for it to be achieved than Paul at first realized?

01 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 53 — Acts 27:21-44

Study 53 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 27:21-44

  1. In the time of testing and danger that all on the ship went through, compare the reactions of Paul (verses 24, 25; 33-36) with the sailors (verses 30-32), and the soldiers (verses 42, 43). Why was Paul able to behave so calmly and inspire others with his example? Do you have inner resources that help you to stand in times like these?
  2. Notice that the shipwreck was caused through not taking Paul’s advice.  See Study 52, Question 2. Is this a warning to you not to make shipwreck of your life through disobedience of some plain command of God (e.g., 2 Cor. 6:14 and Mt. 6:33)?

30 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 52 — Acts 27:1-20

Study 52  From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 27:1-20

  1. Follow the voyage on a map.  What were the outstanding events the voyage, and what encouragements did Paul receive during the early part of the journey? Has God given you an unexpected blessing in a difficult time?
  2. Why was Paul’s advice disregarded at first, but heeded later? Cf. verses 9-12 and 21-25.
Note.  Verse 9 ‘The fast’: the Day of Atonement, which came in the latter part of September, and was considered by the Jews as marking roughly the close of the safe season for sea travel.

29 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 51 — Acts 26:19-32

Study 51  From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 26:19-32search the srciptures
  1. What do you learn about obedience from Paul’s example (verses 19-23)?  Note especially (a) the place where he witnessed, (b) the message he gave, (c) the cost involved, and (d) the help God gave.  Does your obedience cost you anything?
  2. What was the motive that enabled Paul to speak so boldly and yet politely before such men as Festus and Agrippa? Cf. verse 29 with 1 Cor. 9:16-22 and 2 Cor. 5:14.  Is this true in your life?

28 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 50 — Acts 26:1-28

Study 50 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 26:1-18

  1. Paul makes his defense before King Agrippa.  He deals with three themes: (a) his life before he was converted (verses 4-11), (b) his conversion (verses 12-15), and (c) his commission to serve Jesus Christ (verses 16-18). Sum up in a few word each of these three periods in Paul’s life. What made this change and what was the real question at issue in this trial? See verses 6-8; 13-15.
  2. How does the Lord Jesus, in the commission which He gave to Paul (verses 16-18), describe (a) the lost condition of mankind, (b) the content of salvation, and (c) the method of salvation?

27 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 49 — Acts 25: 13-27

Study 49  From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 25: 13-27

  1. What evidence is there that Festus can be commended for his fair dealings with Paul?  Nevertheless, what major fault did he reveal (cf. Mk. 15:15; Acts 24:27; 25:9)?  Do you believe that God sometimes uses non-Christians, with their faults, for His own purposes? Cf. Is. 45: 1. Should this alter our attitude towards people in authority?
  2. What promises of God are now being fulfilled in Paul’s experience? Cf. Acts 9:15, 16; 22:15.  What condition did Paul have to satisfy?  How would God’s word prevent him from feeling that the last two years awaiting trial had been a waste of time?

26 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 48 — Acts 24: 22 – 25: 12

Study 48 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 24: 22 – 25: 12

  1. 24: 22-27. Paul before Felix.  What four motives controlled Felix’s treatment of Paul?  Do self-interest and fear ever stop you from doing what is right?
  2. 25:1-12. Paul before Festus.  Why did Paul refuse Festus’s offer for a trial in Jerusalem, and instead, as a Roman citizen, claim his right to appeal to Caesar? Do you think Paul was taking the right course of action regardless of the consequences?
Note. 25:11. A Roman citizen could appeal to a higher Roman magistrate against his sentence, or at any stage in his trial.  Paul now appeals to Nero.

25 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 47 — Acts 24:1-21

Study  47 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 24:1-21

  1. The Jewish prosecution employed on this occasion a trained advocate, Tertullus.  What four charges are brought against Paul? What evidence is produced in support?
  2. How did Paul answer these charges?  See verses 11-13; 14-16; 17, 18. Note especially (a) that Paul had to contend with unsupported and false accusations (verses 19-21).  He was firm but calm in refuting them.  Are you, when you are in the same situation? (b) Paul was able to give a reason for the hope that he had (verses 14-16).  Can you? (c) Paul was really on trial because he believed in the resurrection of the dead (verse 21).  Does this truth make a practical difference to your life?

24 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 46 — Acts 23: 11-35

Study 46  From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 23: 11-35

  1. Consider how greatly Paul must have needed encouragement because of (a) the physical strain he had undergone, (b) the pain of Israel’s unbelief, (c) the seeming failure of his witness, and (d) the danger of which he would be aware next day. How would the vision and the words spoken by the Lord meet all these needs? What words of the Bible have you found a help in such times?  Do you memorize them?
  2. God sends deliverance in many different ways.  How did He send deliverance in this case? Paul must have been greatly encouraged by what his nephew did.  Are you able to do any acts of kindness that will bring gladness to some person in need or loneliness or anxiety?

23 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 45 — Acts 22:30 - 23:10

Study 45 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 22:30 - 23:10 

  1. What is Paul’s testimony concerning his behavior and his belief? Cf. 24:16 and 2 Tim, 1:3. He sought always to live to the glory of God. Are you able to testify in the same way concerning your behavior and belief?
  2. Consider Paul’s tactics in the courtroom: (a) his righteous anger (verses 3-5), and (b) his division of the court (verses 6-10). Once again the inquiry was abandoned.  Was Paul more concerned for his own welfare and a settlement of the whole matter, or for the truth?

  1. 23:1. ‘Lived’: literally ‘lived as a citizen’. Paul’s meaning was: ‘Men and brethren I have fulfilled my duty to the Commonwealth of Israel in all good conscience, in the sight of God, until this day.’
  2. 23:5. This was not a formal meeting of the Jewish Council, at which the high priest was present, but a meeting summoned by the chief captain and no doubt presided over by himself. Paul, therefore, did not know that the voice that spoke was that of the high priest.