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23 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 06 — Exodus 9

Study 06 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 9   

  1. How does Pharaoh’s attitude show the difference between sorrow for the consequences of sin and true repentance?
  2. Contrast the nature and the consequences both of faith in God’s word, and of unbelief, as illustrated in this chapter.

22 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 05 — Exodus 8

Study 05 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 8

1.      What is mentioned in this chapter as the double purpose of the plagues? Cf. Is. 45:22-25;
Rom. 1: 18.

2.      What new evidences are given of God’s power, and how would these encourage the Israelites?

Note Verse 26.  A reference to the sacrifice in Israelite worship of bulls, cows or oxen, which in Egypt were sacred to Isis and therefore sacrosanct. 

21 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 04 — Exodus 6:10-7:-25

Study 04 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 6:10-7:-25

1.      God had called Moses and promised deliverance to the people. Why did He delay so long
in fulfilling His promise? What did Moses learn from these difficult experiences and delays?

2.      Why was Pharaoh so confident and so adamant in disobeying God’s command?  See particularly 7:11-13, 22, 23. How does this kind of opposition to God show itself now? Cf. 2 Tim. 3:1-9.
Note. 6:12. ‘Of uncircumcised lips’: uncircumcision symbolizes unfitness for God’s presence, and hence, more generally, unfitness for His service. Cf. 4:10.

20 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 03 — Exodus 4:18-6:9

Study 03 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 4:18-6: 9

1.      Contrast 4:29-31 with 5:20-21.  What had happened to change the people’s attitude?
How did Moses react?

2.      Consider God’s answer to Moses’s cry.  What does it teach us about the faithfulness of God and the reliability of His promises?
1.       4:24. This seems to mean that Moses was struck down by a severe and dangerous illness, the result of his neglect to circumcise his son; and his life was saved by Zipporah’s prompt action.  He could not act as God’s instrument while in disobedience to His covenant. Cf. Gn. 17:10
2.       6:3. ‘Did not make myself known: i.e, as One whose name is ‘the Lord’ or ‘I AM’. Cf. 3:14. Once only in Genesis did God use that name of Himself, and then without emphasis or explanation (Gn. 28:13)

19 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 02 — Exodus 3:1-4:17

Study 02 From The book of Exodus Is: 3:1-4:17

1.      Consider God’s revelation of Himself in the incident of the burning bush. How would you sum up God’s being and character as revealed in this incident?

2.      Was Moses’ reluctance to accept God’s call to be commended? Cf. 2 Cor. 3:5; Rom.12:3. Why was God angry with him?

18 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 01 — Exodus 1 and 2

Study 01  From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 1 and 2

I felt important to give you the author’s background on Exodus because mid 2000 during my wilderness walk with Him, I was surprised to see that God took me back to basics in this book of Exodus to learn how important each steps were to Him, how they must be applied to our lives and our souls and how to avoid responding like the Israelites. It is there, I learned to talk boldly about the wilderness life as if it was something expected in the Christian life. I was pleasantly surprised when I read the author's thoughts on the same issue, penned in black and white.

The name Exodus, taken from the Septuagint translation, means ‘going out’. By applying the word ‘redeem’ to the great deliverance from Egypt (Ex: 6:6; 15:13), the book itself shows us in which direction to look for the spiritual meaning lying behind the historic fact.  These twenty chapters are indeed full of teaching; not only the Exodus itself, but also the Red Sea, Marah, Elim, the manna, the rock, and the life-giving water, to name only the chief examples, all speak to us of spiritual truth.
In these chapters we read:
(a)    Of redemption from bondage by power, and from death by the shedding of blood.
(b)   Of the love of God, manifesting itself first in compassion for His suffering people, then in action for their deliverance, and in wonderful patience with their faithlessness and obstinacy.
(c)    Of the holiness of God demanding consecration, separation and purity, and giving a law which must be observed.
(d)   Of the amazing ingratitude of man, despite the countless benefits showered upon him, and of a ready promise (so soon broken) to do all that God commanded.
(e)    But also of one man, Moses, who, like Abraham and Joseph before him, lived in the consciousness of God’s presence and showed steadfast fidelity and conspicuous faith.


1.      What are the contrasting attitudes of the Israelites toward their circumstances, as revealed in this passage? Cf. Heb. 11:23-25. What is God’s attitude to the situation? See especially 2:23-25.
2.      By what varied means from birth onwards was Moses prepared for his life-work? Cf. Acts 7:20-29. What does this reveal concerning God’s way of working?


17 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 22 — Acts 12:1-24

Study 22 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 12:1-24

This study of Chapter 12 concludes the first part of the book of Acts. We will jump into the first part of the book of Exodus, from chapter 1-20 then go back to the book of Acts once again, to finish it.  

1.      Sum up Herod’s character from verses 1-4 and 18-23. How and why was his life abruptly ended? Are we living to the glory of God? Cf. 1 Cor. 10:31.
2.      Prayer was the church’s weapon to free Peter.  Note (a) its character, (verse 5), (b) its obstacles (verse 6-11), (c) its results (verses 12-17).  Those who had prayed did not believe that what had happened was true (verse 14, 15). Do you believe that intercessory prayer can do great things? Cf. 2 Cor. 1:8-11 and Eph. 3:20, 21

16 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 21 — Acts 11: 19-30

Study 21 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 11:19-30

 The city of Antioch, capital of the Roman province of Syria, was one of the three largest cities of the Empire. It was famous for its commerce art and literature, and infamous for its vice and frivolity.  It was to become ‘the jumping-off point’ for Paul’s missionary journeys.

  1. What was the distinctive feature that from the beginning marked the preaching of the gospel at Antioch, and with what far-reaching results?
  2. What stages marked the establishment of the church there, and what part did Barnabas play? How can we teach and encourage young Christians?
  3. Verses 27-30. A young Gentile church helps the older church at Jerusalem. Note the signs of this Church’s vitality, influence and Christian spirit. Cf. 2: 44, 45; 4: 34-37.  Does your Christian faith find expression in practical giving like this?
Note. Verse 26. The onlooking world, realizing that this clearly was not a synagogue of Jews, gave them a new distinctive name-‘Christians’


15 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 20 — Acts 11:1-18

Study 20  From The book of Acts Is: Acts 11:1-18

The circumcision party (verse 2) was a conservative group in the church at Jerusalem, who insisted on the necessity of circumcision for all. Cf. 15:1, 5. Peter had to explain to them his action with Cornelius.

1. What main point does Peter emphasize when he recounts his meeting with Cornelius? Notice what Peter says about prayer; the vision and action of God; the part played by the angel and the Holy Spirit.  What was the result of God’s action upon (a) the Gentiles (verses 14, 17, 18), (b) the circumcision party (verse 18), and (c) Peter (verses 16,17)?
2. Compare 1:5 with 11:16, 17 and Eph. 3:6. Peter had to learn that there was more truth in God’s word than he realized at first, and that he must not keep up social, national and religious barriers when God has removed them.  Do you retain any such barriers between yourself and someone else which ought to be removed?

14 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 19 — Acts 10:34-48

Study 19 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 10:34-48

  1. What new truth had Peter learned from the vision? See verses 34, 35 and cf. verse 28. Notice that the work could not develop until Peter had learned this. Is our willingness to learn some divinely-revealed truth hindering God’s work in and through us?
  2. When Peter addressed Jews, what truths did he use to awaken their conscience (cf. 2:36 and 3:13-15)?  What truth did he use now? Do you find any other indications in this address that it was spoken before a Gentile audience? What ought we to learn from these features concerning our presentation of the gospel to non-Christian?
  3. Consider the character of Cornelius as revealed in this chapter. If he was such a devout man before, what did he gain by believing on Jesus? Cf. 11:13-15

Note. Verses 34, 35.  The meaning of Peter’s words is not that men can be saved by their own good works, but that men like Cornelius and his friends are not excluded from God’s favorable regard on the ground of their nationality.  Their devout spirit is just as pleasing in God’s sight as a similar spirit and behaviour would have been in a Jew.