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Showing posts with label satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satan. Show all posts

30 August, 2014

Self-Centered Vs. God-Centered

Matthew 16:23 
You are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's
The apostle Peter is a glaring example of the struggle between self- and Christ-centered living. Only moments after Peter confessed the fundamental truth that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:13-16), he found himself in league with the powers of darkness. Having just blessed Peter for his noble confession, Jesus announced to him and the other disciples the suffering and death which awaited Him at Jerusalem. "And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, 'God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You'" (verse 22).
Jesus responded: "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's" (verse 23).
Jesus' memorable rebuke seems mercilessly severe. But the fact that He identified Satan as the source of Peter's words describes precisely and appropriately the character of the advice Peter tried to give: "Save yourself at all costs. Sacrifice duty to self-interest, the cause of Christ to personal convenience." Peter's advice was satanic in principle, for Satan's primary aim is to promote self-interest as the chief end of man. Satan is called the "prince of this world" because self-interest rules the secular world. He is called the "accuser of the brethren" because he does not believe that even a child of God has a higher motive than self-service. You can almost hear him hissing, "All men are selfish at heart and have their price. Some may hold out longer than others, but in the end every man will prefer his own things to the things of God."
That's Satan's creed, and unfortunately the lives of all too many Christians validate his claims. Satan has deceived them into thinking they are serving themselves when in fact they are serving the world, the flesh, and the devil. But the Christian worldview has a different center. Jesus confronts our humanistic, self-serving grids and offers the view from the cross. Only from this center can you escape the bondage of the one whose sole intent is "to steal, and kill, and destroy" (John 10:10).

Prayer: Loving Father, help me forsake self-centered attitudes and actions in order to take up my cross daily and serve You.
Neil Anderson Devotional

26 August, 2014

An Angel on The Outside—And a Devil Within

Thomas Brooks, 1669

"Hypocrites! You are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish; but inside you are filthy—
full of greed and self-indulgence!" Matthew 23:25
A hypocrite's outside never corresponds with his inside.

A hypocrite's outside is one thing—and his inside another.
A hypocrite's outside is religious—but his inside is wicked.
Hypocrites are like the Egyptian temples, which were beautiful
outside—but within there was nothing to be found but serpents
and crocodiles, and other venomous creatures. They are like
white silver—but they draw black lines. They have a seeming
sanctified outside—but are stuffed within with malice, pride,
worldliness, envy, etc. They are like window cushions, made up
of velvet and richly embroidered—but stuffed within with hay.
A hypocrite . . .
may offer sacrifice with Cain,
and fast with Jezebel,
and humble himself with Ahab,
and lament with the tears of Esau,
and kiss Christ with Judas,
and follow Christ with Demas,
and be baptized with Simon Magus;
and yet for all this, his inside is as bad as any of theirs!
A hypocrite is . . .
a Jacob on the outside—and an Esau within;
a David on the outside—and a Saul within;
a John on the outside—and a Judas within;
a saint on the outside—and a Satan within;
an angel on the outside—and a devil within.
But let all such hypocrites know, that pretend sanctity
is double iniquity—and accordingly at last they shall be
dealt with. "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will
you escape being condemned to hell?" Matthew 23:33

27 June, 2014

The Overshadowing of God’s Personal Deliverance - Oswald Chambers

In 2005 when I first lost my job, I had a plan. I had accumulated proof that I was being harassed by my bosses, abused verbally and mentally, especially when they thought I had no witnesses and we were behind closed doors. I had accumulated so much proof that when I lost my job, even though I could sense God had a plan for me, I thought while God works on His plan for my life, I would take these people to court and make them pay for everything I had suffered. I truly felt that I had the right to do so.

Right after I lost my job, I felt the need to be around people and the environment that I was in, I was encouraged to get my lawsuit going. A few days later, God worked something out in my heart to a point I could not ignore His still voice. I had to go somewhere to be alone with Him, a place where the environment was not so conducive to Satan’s influence. The minute I was alone, I could feel the quietness in my heart, and I was in a different frame of mind. That same day, I received a phone call from my brother who is a very successful homebuilder and has his own company. He wanted me to come down to Montreal and join. Of course, the potential for what I could earn through wheeling and dealing, bribing and what have you, were all put in front of me to consider.

That was a weird phone call when you consider that my brother never called me for years and he always treated me as if I was beneath him, based on the stark contrast in our status.  We were not and still not travelling the same circle. I have to say that I was tempted and was considering the offer. Through the phone conversation, the Holy Spirit said, “this opportunity is not godly and it is Satan talking through your brother.” All of the sudden He made me hear another voice behind my brother’s voice on the phone line. I still cringe when I think about it. I could identify the other voice, I still remember vividly all I wanted to do was to get rid of my brother on the phone and I told him I will call him back. I never did.  I give you this background so you can see how Satan can use other people to tempt us and derail God’s work. But, when we have the inclination to follow, we have nothing to fear because He is bigger than Satan and has already defeated him. 

Right after that, God spoke to my heart and discouraged me from suing the bank. I still remember vividly when the Holy Spirit said to me “the time that you will spend suing is a time where you could be with me learning and growing spiritually.” While the Spirit was telling me that, He gave me a vision where I would could see how I was going to be swimming through paper works in court, with no time for Him. Most of all, I would be in a perpetual mind frame where I was going to be consumed with the injustice that was done to me. Strangely, in the vision I could see how my demeanor and all my mind were absorbed by self-pity, totally devoted to the case at hand.

It was a little bit painful for me to say yes to God because this meant that I did not know what the next step was and God was going to have to decide the agenda. Somehow, I knew my saying yes to God meant that I was taking on His agenda for my life, it's that simple.  So, I agreed with God anyway. I will spare you the details as to how happy He was that I chose to follow in this way. However, I want to point out that my attitude was of one, living a disjointed life. A life so compartmentalized that I felt the need to live out my plans for my life in conjunction with God’s plans.  But, in my defense, I did not know better, I was never taught there was something better either. To me, living a compartmentalized Christianity was all natural.  I was surprised today when I read Oswald Chambers devotion for June 27. I could see, God had the same concerns about me then.

Oswald said: “If we are devoted to Jesus Christ, we have nothing to do with what we encounter, whether it is just or unjust.” One of the blessings that God bestowed on me when I chose His plan for my life instead of going on with the lawsuit, was to show me in a vision how the injustice that happened to me all these years had nothing to do with me. In the vision it was as if I was totally removed from all this and the injustice was actually done to Christ in me, but not me. At the same time, it was all part of God’s design to get me to where He wants me so that He could use me as a holy vessel.

What was strange in the vision was the fact that I felt I was just a bystander in all that happened to me as a human being. The focus was removed from me being this human being who deserves to be treated better and deserves to be compensated, to Christ wanting to use this vessel that I am and permitted all these things to happen for His own purpose and glory.  I wish I could find words to convey what I lived out in that vision to make it simpler. But, the reality is that when the bad things in life are happening to us, we have to learn to remove ourselves from the equation. Even though it is a very hard thing to do through the pain, the insults, the hardships, the humiliation, the indignation, the self-pity we are tempted to indulge ourselves in just for a little while, the distress and the heartache of all of it. We have to learn to see God’s plan at work and learn to wait for Him to divulge more while we keep walking steadily before Him.

It is almost like Job’s story. None of what happened to Job had anything to do with Job. He was just a by product of something between God and Satan. God used Job to make a point to Satan and proved to Satan that He has people who actually love Him faithfully out there. He also used the situation to glorify Himself. At the same time, God had a plan in mind for Job, He wanted to teach Job more of Him.

When we put God’s purpose and plan for our lives first, there is always something in it for us. By, the way, this is how God wants us to claim His promises in the Bible. Even though God intends to reward us when we see Him in heaven, for living in His purpose and plans, but, He always rewards us as a token of affection for now. Like a deposit for what’s to come. In the case of Job, we see how everything wrapped up neatly for Job in one sentence. All the 41 chapters of the book is culminated neatly with Job 42:6 when Job said to God, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”

Job came out of it all and felt he was the richest man on earth even before God restored his wealth and life. The treasure he found was when he could say, I have heard of you before with my ears (no doubt it was the ears in his heart) but NOW I SEE. His spiritual eyes were opened; he met with God face to face so to speak. His relationship with God went from him being a righteous and faithful servant of Him, to a personal and intimate friend of the God of the universe. 


13 May, 2014

Warning against Pastor Paul Washer and John Piper

Late last night I read two warnings against Pastor Paul Washer and one against Pastor John Piper. I truly was not looking for that. Instead, I was looking for a rare puritan book and because both pastors’ names are associated with the puritan I stumbled on those reviews about them.

My heart was breaking as I read these reviewers words. One of them is so eloquent that if you do not know God personally and intimately, you would be inclined to believe everything he says because he phrased things so beautifully and so eloquently. I have to confess, for a moment I envied this man’s vocabulary and his writing style. Oh the beauty! The other reviewer is a man who has a popular site dedicated to reviewing everyone else except himself. He hides himself well and no one on earth can get in touch with him. (I wonder why?) If your ministry is truly from and for God, about God, with God, through God and in God, and if you are not led solely by Satan, why on earth wouldn’t you avail yourself, just in case there was someone out there, reading your blog and that God could use you to actually lead this person to Him?

His website is dedicated to tearing down every pastor who writes a book or preach a sermon that teach people to grow in the Lord, to make every effort or to examine oneself. It is so strange to see that most pastors that are truly called by the Lord, those pastors who are truly men after God’s heart are so hated by him and he is warning everyone who wants to read him, to stay away from these pastors. My heart was breaking, not for the pastors because I know they are truly “work in progress” and in good hands with the savior. My heart was breaking for those reviewer’s ignorance, arrogance, and spiritual blindness. In fact, I know Pastor Paul Washer's boldness has not only been gifted by God with the gift of boldness, the Holy Spirit witnessed it to my soul when He gave me the gift of boldness. All of you who are used to reading me know that this gift comes only after a long painful training process with Him.

If you take the time to read about Pastor John Piper, you will notice how he does not hide his flaws. This man still has a lot of work to be done. I love reading about how he humbles himself and shares with his congregation, very openly what God is doing in his life. He confessed his 3 years of counselling to improve his marriage. He confessed the fact that he was once a white supremacist all the while being a Christian at the same time. (Click here) Not long ago I read how God is dealing with him because he needs more humility in his ministry. The bottom line is, this pastor truly what we Christians call “works in progress” and God is at work in his life.

What I like the most about him is that I can see he is truly walking in the light. When you walk in the light with God, He does something to you. Even though you can see how disgusting you are on the inside, yet, there is an authenticity and integrity that the light calls for, it causes you not to hide behind even the worst thing about you. It is all in the open for anyone to see. Another reason that you feel this way is that you do not dread the Day of Judgment and there is nothing that God can put out there that would embarrass you, because He has already dealt with you in His mercy.

This morning as I was reading 2 Chronicles, I was reminded of those reviewers. I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that they do not see through the eyes of God. I know they are spiritually ignorant, they do not understand God’s word and I know they have stubborn hearts toward God. In fact, they reminded me of the Pharisees who killed the same savior whose mistake was to care for their souls.

When I read about God’s covenant with Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:12-22, and when you consider how wise Solomon was, you are inclined to ask yourself why didn’t he listen to God in order to reap the blessings of honoring the covenant God made with him? What would make him ignore the dreadful consequences of disobedience? No one in the right mind would choose voluntarily to go toward a life of disaster. But, this is exactly the choice Solomon made.  The problem is that sin is so deceptively attractive, so Solomon turned away from God.

But God never changed. His covenant with David, Solomon and Israel was “honor God and live” choose the destructive path which is sin, and die. God’s standard is perfect righteousness, and when we reject it, we chose unrighteousness, once we choose unrighteousness, we not only deserve death, and we are also enslaved by another master. In the case of Solomon, he lived long enough to repent and found his way back to God. Nevertheless the consequence of his turning away from God was drastic, caused a lot of suffering and changed millions of people’s lives.

These reviewers who seem to be allergic to anyone who elevate Christ to His right place are blinded by their spiritual ignorance and stubbornness. They are naturally hostile to Him and they are also holding to some form of religion, but never truly experienced a life changing reality of true Salvation. The sign that true Salvation has entered the heart is that the Holy Spirit is at work in us and instead of sitting still, with one verse of the Bible, we go forward like the apostle Paul in the book of Philippians, to claim the prize. The need to pursue Him and persevere through the journey is one of our proof that Salvation has reached us and we have accepted the good news exactly like Christ meant it for us. Grace does not mean God has taken away the need for us to make every effort. On the contrary, if indeed you have been saved by His grace and His gift of salvation has entered your heart, then this same grace brings with it the power of the Holy Spirit to enable you to strive, to pursue, to make every effort as He continue to work out His Salvation in you and me.

When you claim to have been saved by grace through faith and you have received the gift of God, yet you are like a dog with a bone holding onto one or two verses of the Bible and you have no inclination to go forward with Him spiritually, then ask yourself why is it the transformational work of the Holy Spirit seems to be absent in your spiritual life. The lesson here, be very careful when someone is trying to shove down your throat what they know about God, when in reality they have not even been chosen by Him….., yet. When you stand before God, you cannot tell Him that you read one of those ignorant people and you were duped. Adam and Eve tried that approach and it did not work in their favour and they died spiritually. No one in the right mind should make a decision to go forward with Christ or stay behind because you read something that you feel was right with you. The only person who should have this much power over your life is God and He is waiting with open arms for you to ask Him. You know why it is important to go directly to Him? Eternity is way too long for you to live without and away from Him. Choose carefully. Let him have the last word.

The Holy Spirit is more than willing to show you who is right and wrong. Which pastor is after His own heart and which is not. Which pastors have been ordained by Him or not and which pastor is failing miserably or not. Because it is about how and where you spend eternal life, do not use your feelings to decide whether you are right or not. Neither use one or two verses of the Bible to fight or bad mouth everyone who tells you to go forward with God.

Ephesians 1:18
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,

I am leaving you with two important verses of the Bible. Several people on the internet have put a different spin on those verses without truly knowing God intimately and without understanding what walking and living in the Spirit even means in their own lives.  They are like Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness, by telling Him what God meant to say in Psalm 91:11-12. It is interesting to see that Satan tried to keep something from Christ when He told Him in Matthew 4:5-6 
 “Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: 
“‘He will command his angels concerning you,
    and they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

Satan can be tricky that way. He could have continued and told Christ about verse 13 which is: 
You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
You will trample the great lion and the serpent.” 

If he had said verse 13 to Christ, it would have been like shooting himself in the foot because this verse refers to him.

Here are those two verses in question: 
Hebrews 6:4-6
 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit,  who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age,  if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

 Matthew 23:15 
"What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are!

If you in fact received the gift of Salvation, do not let anyone dupe you into putting God to test or putting words in His mouth. The word of God tells us 

Do not put the Lord your God to the test


FREE 39 Kindles of the Old Testament Commentary by Matthew Henry, formatted by yours truly as a gift to you.
Download it instantly with no strings attached 

14 March, 2014

Taking Every Thought Captive

Well, I hesitate about this post from Ransomed Hearts because of two reasons.

1)     First, it seems like it is geared toward women only. But, in reality any child of Christ males or females experience spiritual warfare.
2)     The second reason I hesitate is because while the author did not say it, but this idea of struggling through spiritual warfare with Satan because he is trying so hard to create doubt in our mind about Christ, purchasing you and I through His blood, works to a certain extend.

Satan can play this kind of game with us when we are babe in the faith because we do not know who we are in Him, quite yet.

If you have passed the stage of being a babe in the faith, because you have been a Christian for a while now, yet Satan can still make you doubt your Sonship and the price that was paid for you and me, then this means you need to get on your knees and find out what has been happening with you in terms of your salvation. The only proof that you have been sealed as a born again Christian is that the Holy Spirit is working in your life. It is His job to witness to your soul that you are a child of God. So if this has not been drilled down within to a place where Satan has lost the power to play this basic game with you, then you are failing somehow or the Holy Spirit is failing. Take your pick

When you are a true child of God and you are maturing in the faith no matter how bad and how big your sin is, like David when he was confronted about his sins of adultery and murder, he was able to fall down to his face and call upon his father for forgiveness. Why was it so easy for Him to do? Simply because he knew no matter how he messed up, God would not stop being his father. When we mess up with our human father, there are always consequences, but the love does not go away. If we as human being we can love in spite of the offenses and imperfections of our children, then what about God?

By the same token, I have people in my family, friends and acquaintances who claim to be Christians, they are involved in Church activities, mission, and leadership and so on, yet nothing about them seems to show they have been born again. Yet, they sound good because intellect, education and common sense are at work. They have this kind of twisted frame of mind where they put all their stocks and bet on God’s love to fix everything for them. Some of them actually believe the more you sin, the more grace abounds so they act as if God’s grace is a license to sin. Most of these people fall under this verse you find in Matthew 23:15 “"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.” This is a very big accusation on Christ’s part and some people would tell us that this verse is for those under the law.

What some of us do not realize is that Satan has a very big ministry right inside the Church. There is nothing new under the sun. This ministry of his is to keep people from truly turning to God while they remain busy living some form of godliness. Satan is very well aware when we are selling this kind of diluted Salvation and he steps in big time with these “Christians.”  Sadly, we might not know where we are with God, but Satan knows it. So, with these kinds of Christians, he does not bother whispering to them that they have failed, rather, he does the reverse and keep them thinking they are alright with God while he helps them minimize sin and believe God’s word backwards.

I hope you can see the difference. Know that there is a balance in the Christian faith. It is found only in Him as we allow Him to live this life through us. 


In order for us to live in freedom and become the women we are to become, we need to receive God’s love even in our lowest places. Spiritual warfare is designed to separate you from the love of God. Its goal is to keep you from living in the freedom that Jesus has purchased for you. Satan whispers to us when we have failed or sinned or are feeling horrid that we are nothing and no one. He is a liar. And our fight for our freedom involves exposing him for who he is even when the lies feel completely true. The battle is waged and won in our thought life: in our minds and in our hearts.So what are you thinking? (Yeah, right now.) Descartes famously wrote, “I think, therefore I am.” I would add a fill-in-the-blank in each phrase. I think I am ______, therefore I am __________. I think I am kind, therefore I am kind. I think I am chosen, therefore I am chosen. I think I am becoming more loving, therefore I am becoming more loving. I think I am forever bound to sin, therefore I am forever bound to sin. What we think about ourselves, others, or a circumstance informs how we perceive it, which informs the way we experience it. Our thoughts play out in our lives."We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Cor. 10:5)What do you think about God? What do you think about yourself? Who are you? What do you think life is about? What do you think is true? Because what you think informs your reality and has a direct effect on how you live your life. What we focus on, we move toward. What we look at, esteem, molds us in its direction. What we think is true plays out in our moment-by-moment existence

14 December, 2012

Satan's Activities & Christianity

I was reading a sermon yesterday from a very well known Pastor. He first came to my attention a few years ago when I found one of his sermons on surrender, so once in a while I will check him out. Yesterday I decided to read one of his sermonsby the way I am a sermon freak, my favorite pass time is between my Bible and listening to sermonsit did not take me long to be disappointed. I could not understand how this pastor managed to take the subject in question and put a slant on it in this way. The whole sermon which was about six pages, was filled with examples of how Satan tempts us to make us feel we are not good Christians, he whispers words in our ears to cause us to be depressed by telling us things like we are not growing, he makes us doubts ourselves and so on. What made the sermon reeks was the fact that it was for people who on the outside appeared to be seasoned Christians. But I was to some extend relieved to see that the sermon was written in 1999 and I know for sure this pastor has grown so much more in the Lord.

The truth is that Satan is relentless, he is a coward, he is annoying, he has no shame, he is a liar, he is a trickster, he is a pest, he has audacity, you name it and Satan is it. But a lot of time we accuse Satan and it is not even his doing, it is our own. Very often we are so busy accusing Satan, we do not even stop to examine ourselves from God’s perspective to understand what is happening to us might not have anything to do with Satan but God,  trying to shake us up out of our lethargy. I learned the difference, through a vision I had in the middle of a worship service; the Holy Spirit showed me in a vision, the difference between living in Him and living outside of Him. It was amazing to see Satan sitting there as if he was waiting for me, but he also knew he no longer had access to me as long as I was in Him. Since that day, I learned to see Satan for who he is and I learned to see myself according to my identity in Him and I stop being afraid of Satan as well. As I exited the vision, I came out of it totally equipped with new power and new authority over Satan and I also understood he was more afraid of me than I was of him. Through the vision that lasted about five minutes I got so much out of it that it might have taken me years to learn.

I also learned how we misunderstand Satan’s work, and how much we waste time chasing after Satan when often, the problem lies with us. Make no mistake about what I am saying, Satan is extremely powerful, the meanest, the most egotistical and merciless being that ever existed. But, when it comes to true Christians, Satan is like a tiger with no teeth and not even paws to scratch us.  That brothers and sisters is the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. MY LORD, THE MASTER OF MY LIFE, MY SAVIOR, MY REDEEMER, & MY ALL!  As I learned to stop seeing Satan at every corner and learned to focus on my walk with Him I realized many times we attribute those things that come to mind about our Christian walk, they are not Satan’s doing. Often it’s about the darkness of our own hearts. Sometimes it is also God’s way of trying to reach us to help us because we are not walking with Him the way we should. While we are taught to attribute and dismiss those kinds of thoughts to Satan, I have learned to turn it around. I reasoned with myself in this way: If indeed the God I serve is stronger than Satan, if indeed my true goal with all my heart is to find Him by any means, then I have nothing to fear. I learned to stop for a while and examined in the light what has been attributed to the devil whispers and at the end of it, I found it was the Holy Spirit’s voice that was so far away, I was not used to it. It was muffled through all my misunderstanding, my busy mind, my head knowledge etc.

When I stopped dismissing his 'accusations', my only goal was to confront him and let him know once and for all that I had a plan for my life which involved following hard after God, and he was not part of my agenda, so bark another tree. I found out two main things: one is that often, we confuse the devil and the Holy Spirit when we are not used to communicating with Him. It turns out there is a drastic difference between the Holy Spirit and the devil communication to us. Even when Satan’s disguises as the angel of light to dupe us, he still cannot match the Holy Spirit sweetness, subtlety, imprint,  godly peace and God’s Word.  The second thing was that, God was very concerned with the fact that I was not growing and I was not on schedule with His plan. Yes He was concerned with the fact that I have been a Christian for few years yet, my understanding and knowledge of Him did not exceed a new born baby’s stage walk.  So the voice that was telling me I was not right with Him was indeed the Holy Spirit’s voice trying to get my attention.

Should you fear Satan? Of course you should fear him with everything that you are. But understand that if you call yourself Christian, Satan’s power on you is the equivalent of who you are in Him. So, if you still live life like a Christian who is saved in his sin instead of being saved from sin, then, be very afraid of him. If you feel you are not ready to live under the light of God some part of you truly enjoys the dark, be very afraid of him. If you feel you are not ready to leave double mindedness behind, yes be very afraid of him. If you have been a Christian for a few decades now, yet you find yourself seeking for the truth, yes be very afraid of him, because you should have found the truth already so that you can start walking with Him. I guess I do not have to continue, you see where I am going with this. Everything we do to cover up our lack of wanting to go forward with Him, all the lies we tell ourselves to avoid the true Christian walk, we only fool ourselves not God, neither Satan.  We alone pay the price.

Satan is the father of lies, so he knows when we lie to ourselves to avoid true Christianity. While Satan cannot know what we are thinking he knows what occupies our days, he knows how much love we have for Him. He knows our excuses; he can see our pride, stubbornness, ignorance, arrogance, lack of obedience to Him, our self-willed and our resistance to the truth of God. He knows when we left the real path of Christianity to make up our own footprints, to find little shortcuts to reach Him, etc. I noticed there is a group of people in the Church who actually live in Satan’s den, yet they have no idea. These are the Christians who have been desensitized in their sin, Satan has subdued them. They are so deep in bondage, their consciences have been seared by their sins, yet they have that false assurance, and they are usually the first one to talk about God’s love as being the solution for everything, as if His love overrides the cross.  I know a couple which the Church felt was elder material, yet they could not understand why I have acquired that bad habit of letting people like Oswald Chambers, Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, J.C.Ryle, A. B. Simpson, Moody,  etc,  sucked me into looking for a deeper Christianity in Him. To top it all, I was told that I am missing the fact that Salvation is by grace and I am confused.

Try to be in my position for a minute or two, I am in front of these people, I can see so deep into them that they have never made it to experience true Christianity inwardly, along with their grown up children that are in the same boat as they are. The whole family is about superficiality and rituals. They also have years of missions under their belts and title in the Church to prove they understand things better than I. (All man made of course) How do you answer someone who just utters something so ridiculous, so stupid, so void of spirituality, so void of Christ and the Holy Spirit? The only thing that sustains this couple is the lie they tell themselves.

 It is painful to interact with them, because I sometimes hate the fact that I can see so clearly with the eyes of my heart that they are living in Satan’s den, yet they have no clue. They are so deep in there you can’t do anything to pull them out. They have called themselves Christians for so long, Satan has done such a great job of subduing them in bondage, and they have been desensitized they are no wiser. It is strange how this couple has no fear of Satan at all, when in reality they should be deeply disturbed.  This is also an example of Satan’s audacity and he will never stop trying, because I could see behind the stupidity of those words, Satan made a feeble attempt to reach me through them. 

The moral of the story is that the blood of the lamb has power beyond what we can dream of. We should not be looking for Satan in every corner, but we should be very careful when like fools or like some of today’s unbelievers we find we are not worrying about his existence at all. 

By the way, this is coming from someone who once believed the devil was  some kind of  myth and also a joke.  When I became a Christian, all of the sudden I acquired such a fear of the devil that it paralyzed my mind and walk with Him.