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Showing posts with label backsliding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label backsliding. Show all posts

07 September, 2014

Refreshment for the Savior's Flock Through Bible Verses/Part 5

by: James Smith, 1871 4260412435_5599e8f7de"The righteous shall hold on His way!" Job 17:9Nothing can be more certain than the Savior's promise, that His sheep shall never perish! Nothing can be more plain, than the assurance that the righteous shall hold on his way.Yes, I to the end shall endure,As sure as the earnest is given;More happy — but not more secure,The glorified spirits in Heaven!

"Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6If our godliness is thorough — we shall be content with all God's allotments; and being content, we shall be happy. Contentment is always a great blessing.

"They shall be My people — and I will be their God!" Jeremiah 32:38The people of God are His choice, His care, and His portion! And He is their confidence, comfort, and all.

 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart!" Deuteronomy 6:5Jehovah claims and deserves our highest and constant love — and it is at once our duty and our happiness to observe this precept!Wherever my foolish wandering heart,Attracted by a creature's power,Would from this blissful center start,Lord, fix it there to stray no more!

 "The Lord hears your murmurings which you murmur against Him! Your murmurings are not against us — but against the Lord!" Exodus 16:8If we murmur against any of God's instruments — He takes it as done against Himself! Murmuring can never befit us as children of God — or be profitable to us.I would submit to all Your will,For You are good and wise;Let every anxious thought be still,Nor one faint murmur rise!

 "Behold, I have engraved you upon the palms of My hands!" Isaiah 49:16The nails by which our Savior was fastened to the tree for us — engraved our names on His hands!My name from the palms of His hands,Eternity will never erase!Impressed on His heart, it remains,In marks of indelible grace!

 "Though have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing!" 1 Corinthians 13:2That is — supreme love to God, and constant love to man. Whatever we have, if we have not love, we are not Christians!Oh, grant me, Lord, this one request,And I'll be satisfied —That love divine may rule my breast,And all my actions guide!

 "Fear not, neither be discouraged!" Deuteronomy 1:21Without God's promises — we have enough to discourage an angel! But with them, nothing ought to discourage us.You in His wisdom, power, and love,May confidently trust;His wisdom guides, His power protects,His grace rewards the just.

 "The Lord gives wisdom." Proverbs 2:6We daily need wisdom — and the Lord daily gives it! If we . . .feel our need,ardently desire it,earnestly seek it, andperseveringly expect it— the Lord will bestow it!

 "I am in a desperate situation! Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for His mercy is great. Do not let me fall into the hands of man!" 2 Samuel 24:14If the hand of Providence brings us into desperate situation — let us fall into the hand of Mercy! While the one tries us — the other will sustain us!

 "Return, O backsliding children — and I will heal your backslidings!" Jeremiah 3:22Backsliding from God brings us into a state of disease — which no one but God can heal!Return, O wanderer, return,Your Savior bids your spirit live;Go to His bleeding feet and learn,How freely Jesus can forgive!

"I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God! Do not be conformed to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:1-2As those who are born from above, and whose treasure is in Heaven — we should be heavenly-minded, and holy in every part of our behavior!Born by a new celestial birth,Why should we grovel here on earth?Why grasp at transitory toys —So near to Heaven's eternal joys?

 "That I might finish my course with joy!" Acts 20:24This is the object which the apostle constantly kept in view. Let us daily pray, and daily live — so that we may expect to finish our course with joy.With joy may we our course pursue,And keep the crown of life in view.That crown which in one hour repays,The labor of ten thousand days!
 "To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with Me on My throne!" Revelation 3:21"Be faithful, even to the point of death — and I will give you the crown of life!" Revelation 2:10Only conquerors are crowned! We must therefore fight and overcome every foe — if we would be crowned by the hand of Jesus!

"He who overcomes will inherit all this — and I will be his God and he will be My son!" Revelation 21:7Rouse, rouse, my soul, and fight your way,Should earth and Hell oppose;Though you are not, your Savior is,A match for all your foes!

 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord — whose confidence is in Him!" Jeremiah 17:7If we trust in men — we shall be disappointed and discouraged.But if we trust in the Lord — we shall be safe and successful.

 "Fight the good fight of faith — lay hold on eternal life!" 1 Timothy 6:12Faith has to fight with corruption within and opposition without. There is no way of laying hold on eternal life — but by fighting for it!From strength to strength go on,Wrestle, and fight, and pray;Tread all the powers of darkness down,And win the well-fought day!

 "What do you want Me to do for you?" Mark 10:36Jesus is able to do all we can ask — and He is willing to do whatever will really benefit us; but He will have us ask Him.Oh, grant me all a God can give,And all that mortals can receive;Grace to believe in Jesus' blood,Grace to enjoy and walk with God.fight 

 "Even if my father and mother abandon me — the Lord will hold me close!" Psalm 27:10 Every creature may cast me off — but the Lord never will! Yes, even if my father and mother abandon me — He draws nearer to me, to comfort and bless me!Should every earthly friend depart,And kindness leave a parent's heart;My God, on whom my hopes depend,Will be my Father and my Friend!

03 October, 2013

Faith – Part 8

Hebrews 6:11-12 “We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.  We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”

Our faith in the crucified and ascended Christ has to be demonstrated in the way we live out our Christianity and without putting our faith into practice, well, we have NOTHING. It does not matter how good we feel about what we think we have, because if there is no faith, there is no substance, no God, no heaven and no nothing.  Yet, faith is not something that we conjure up out of the blue. It is not like living out some disjointed notion about God as we go on our merry way doing what feels right. If we take the Israelites in the wilderness for a moment we can vividly see that they never understood what faith meant and they never understood how important it was to apply it in their daily walk either. They were not in the mood to learn and they were too busy thinking about what’s in it for them. In their case, the need to possess the land of Canaan was all they could think of while they rejected the giver.

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I am not saying that about the Israelites because I want to criticize them, it is there in black and white in the Bible for us to see that at any moment in our lives we could be like one of them. In fact, I had someone else’s in mind to give you as an example for this post, until I was caught in the same dilemma up until two days ago. I was lying down in bed while in pain with a cold that does not want to let go and I got to thinking about my life. Would you believe while I was in that frame of mind, all that I could see was how lousy my life is and how God is putting me through unnecessary hoops. All of the sudden I felt like a combination of job when he was lamenting and I also was in a winning mood like the Israelites in the wilderness. I had so much pain within because I felt God could be a little bit more merciful since I passed all the numerous trials He put me through. Then all of the sudden I realized as I was in bed crying because I felt so bad for myself, that my thoughts toward God were not at all flattering.

I stopped myself right there. Yes I was still in pain and I felt the only way I could feel better about myself is if I could bash God and let Him have it. But, I also knew within me, that's going onto a slippery slope extremely dangerous and I am opening a door to Satan that I might not be able to close behind me so easily. So, I grabbed onto all the strength that I could muster to stop and think about God’s word.  Honestly, even though I stopped myself from being bashful and critical about God, but, I was not in the mood to hear those verses about how good and faithful He is. These things are knowledge that I possessed already and they are part of my very fibber that makes me who I am in Him which is a holy child of God living a life of intimacy and love with Him.

When I was living this deplorable moment, I was not LIVING in the Spirit. When we allow ourselves to live in the flesh for a moment, it can be devastating and unlike David who gave in, to the point where he murdered Uriah the Hittite in an effort to cover up his sin we have to take a page from his book and stop when we realize what we are about to do. Don’t give into it, and do not even bother to continue your train of thoughts. In David’s case the minute he kept looking at Bathsheba bathing from his balcony he opened the door for Satan to enter.

It is strange to describe myself as a loving child of God, yet having a mind capable of thinking the worse thoughts about Him. That is because in our nature, there is nothing good in us. I knew I had to leave this mindset behind me and go back to what I knew of His word found in Job chapter 38 and 39. When you look at these two chapters you can summarize it in few words, God basically said to Job those seven words “who the heck you think you are?” Remember how much He bragged about Job and what kind of man he was (Job 1: 8. If you play close attention to this verse you will also see that God directed Satan’s heart onto Job. This shows you that no matter how far we travel with God, we cannot escape Satan in tempting us to get us in the gutter with Him.

As I thought about those words God said to Job in chapters 38 & 39, I was put in my place and learned again that it is not my place to question God’s way. If He feels the needs to put ten thousand obstacles in my path and frustrate every plan that I have, while putting only 10 obstacles in any other Christian’s path instead of thousands like me, then it must be the right thing for His own purpose. Believe me when I tell you that I felt awful toward God afterwards, just for knowing that I can hurt Him in this manner.

The writer of Hebrews tells us we cannot afford to become lazy and we have to show diligence. What do you think that is? Because first of all we are on a journey and God arranged it in a way that we can only live this life of faith as long as we hang onto Him and recognize that apart from Him we can do nothing. He wants us to learn to live a life dependent completely on Him so that we can find the strength and grace needed to continue the journey. What I shared with you above, about my sin is something that could happen to anyone of us, especially when you are living a life of one distress after another and you have no idea when enough is enough for God.

I am able to continue what seems like a God forsaken life, because I learned to live and walk in the Spirit instead of walking after the flesh. I rest the whole weight of my life and situation on Him. I can do that, not because I am gullible or because of some vague idea of faith I muster on my own. I know He is real, I know His promises are true and His word calls for an obedience to trust and obey that equate to faith.  His word says that the just shall live by faith and faith is always tested by God. While there is pain in watching the residue of my life now, I know I cannot shrink back. I keep going because His word expects me to submit to His will for me through any kind of difficulties and however long He chooses the difficulties should last.

I shared my experience with you because I share the good and the bad. Secondly, God showed me something today. Times like the one I experienced two days ago, instead of dealing with my pain, I would have gone to my ungodly friend and take a break from God for a few hours, but this time I did not have the luxury. I also shared because what happened to me and the way I dealt with it to avoid backsliding even for a few days is also an example of what God calls endurance through faith exercised as I made use of my daily portion of grace in Him.

The Christian life is a life where we have to continue believing till the end. John 3:36 did not say He who BEILEVED in past tense. It is rather whoever believes and continues to believe day in day out.

John 3:36Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.”

27 November, 2012

The Lies & Shame Of Backsliding

Jeremiah 2:21-24

I had planted you like a choice vine of sound and reliable stock. How then did you turn against me into a corrupt, wild vine? Although you wash yourself with soda and use an abundance of soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me, declares the Sovereign Lord. How can you say, I am not defiled; I have not run after the Baals? See how you behaved in the valley consider what you have done. You are a swift she-camel running here and there, a wild donkey accustomed to the desert, sniffing the wind in her craving—in her heat who can restrain her? Any males that pursue her need not tire themselves; at mating time they will find her."

The Israelites were lavished by God with the highest privileges. But instead of worship the God who loved and honored them by making them His choice over all the other nations, they became the worst idolaters that existed in their time. They were corrupted to the core and had become useless to God. When we read those verses we see the depth of their denial and the madness of backsliding motion. They left Him, completely disobeyed His Word at all levels and all the facts were against them. They had the audacity to deny who they truly were in the presence of God. They pretended that all their sins of idolatry were not so, and if anything, God is the one who misunderstood.

Isn’t like most of us Christians today? We sin as if God was dead or blind and deaf. We are devoid of reverence for Him. We do not love Him to care enough to become rooted and grounded in the faith. We try to fool Him with ritual and entrench ourselves in service, for His benefits. The worse part of our madness is that true repentance evades us. Most of us are in complete denial of who we truly are when it comes to being Christians. Yet, our actions show what is in our heart which is the incessant need to cover up who we truly are.  

If we were true to the faith, and knew how to examine ourselves, we would know and see with our spiritual eyes. The fact that we need to cover up who we truly are and the fact that we still need to wear masks to deal with day to day life and our interactions with other people, should be an indication of how much we need Him and how far we are from being true Christians. There are some of us calling ourselves Christians, yet we upstage Pharaoh with his hardened heart. Sadly, like the Israelites, sin is eating us alive like we have leprosy, yet we have the audacity to make the same claim they made in verse 23 "I am not defiled; I have not gone after other gods.”

How sad? How pathetic to reach such a low state where we think we can convince God otherwise and that He will not be wiser?

PRAYER: Lord, like the Israelites, we messed up really bad. We are running like sheep with no pastures to rest and no shepherd. Lord, pride, blindness, ignorance, and the lust in our hearts are too much to bear. Day in day out, we are committing spiritual suicide with no regards for you. We have reached a point of no return. Please shake us up, do what needs to be done to get us out of that frame of mind, and out of our lethargy. Help us face who we truly are so we can stop the backsliding mode that we are in. Give us eyes to see and hearts to repent my Lord. 

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26 October, 2012

What Is Backsliding?

Read Jeremiah 3:22
"Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding." "Yes, we will come to you, for you are the LORD our God.

Backsliding comes in various degrees in the Christian faith. No one becomes a backslider over night and it is much more than being up and down in our Christian walk. It is rather a refusal to do God's will that causes us to backslide. It is a process that we go through as our spiritual life with Him decline because it remains unattended by us. Backsliding is brought on by a spirit of disobedience to Him and the effect of our refusal to obey His Word will always cause our conscience to start slipping away. Slowly, the Word of God has no effect on us anymore. Next to our conscience, our heart becomes harder and harder to remain devoted to Him. By then, you do not have the strength to bother and soon you feel as if you are enjoying the illusion of freedom not having to focus so much on your life with Him. It gets worse when you realize how much strength, focus and commitment it takes to live out the Christian life. In your mind you might even start rationalizing it that you are simply taking a break from it all. Oddly, your body starts feeling like you are on a mini vacation that you would not want to come to an end.

Through the process of backsliding, the Holy Spirit warns us and brings various opportunities for us to grab onto Him, to stop the sloppy slide path we are on and turn away from it. At first, when we start backsliding we can see it so clearly that we are leaving behind the life we used to know. The intimacy, the oneness that used to be so sweet to the soul, the learning process, the tenderness of the conscience, the joy and rest we used to have etc.  We feel almost helpless, anxious and sad as we watch it all slipping away like water escaping through our fingers. As this is happening, you start looking at God like a distant memory as your desire to be devoted to Him is also fading away. Not only the strength to go back is not there, but we get discouraged before we even start since we realize how much effort we are going to need to get out of the backsliding mode. Before long, it feels as if not only we do not have brakes to stop but we are helpless in the process because inside, it feels like there is nothing to grab on to stop the declining process. By the time we get there, we are way too far in the backsliding process. The Holy Spirit has stopped pursuing us.

While you are backsliding you might even enjoy going through the motion of Church and socializing with other Christians, like you would attend a social club. Some of us still go to Church because we care what other people think. Nevertheless, deep in your heart, you are aware that all your values, priorities characters and everything else the Holy Spirit has worked hard to accomplish in you inwardly, are shifting back. This is a scary and dangerous place to be and anyone who can see it coming should not stop begging the Holy Spirit for help to have the heart revive. God does not let backsliding unpunished because it is a state that put us in the same wavelength as the unbelievers as we learn to live in appreciation of our own wickedness. When we reject and forsake our God, the only next step we have is to turn our hearts to new idols, simply because the void has to be filled. If not filled with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit, then the next choice is obviously worldly things. In these days, idols for us Christians are no different from the unbelievers. We “walk” the Christian walk while being consumed by the needs and care of this world. One of the biggest barriers to coming back to God is that we are really good at making ourselves feel that God will understand even though we are unhappy inside.

Beloved, being in a backsliding mode is like being aboard a derailed train with no driver on board.

PRAYER: May God guard our hearts from ever backsliding. May we cherish the grace and precious love we have in Him and may we never want to walk away from it all. My Lord, Savior, Redeemer and Master, please revive the hearts of those who are dead inside.

23 October, 2012

Our Backsliding Breaks His Heart


Jeremiah 2:2-3

“The word of the Lord came to me:  ‘Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem: ‘This is what the Lord says: “I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness, through a land not sown. Israel was holy to the Lord, the firstfruits of his harvest; all who devoured her were held guilty, and disaster overtook them,” declares the Lord.

Israel was His chosen one, His first family on earth. All He wanted in exchange was for them to be made Holy and demonstrate God’s holiness on earth so other nations might come to Him too. We see that God referred to them as His bride because He considered the covenant He made with them when He brought them out of Egypt was in the form of a marriage contract. He was exasperated when they violated His agreement with them. Yet if you look at those words He said to Jeremiah, they are also heart’s wrenching. I wonder if you can hear His broken heart through those words. Can you feel His pain of having been rejected? Even though they had rejected Him, they played the harlot with other gods; their hearts are filled with pretence toward Him as if He could not see they did not want Him. Yet, He was still pleading for them to return to Him.

Woe to anyone of us who do not cease the opportunity to make their lives right with Him. A time is coming where we will not be protected from His wrath which carries the same intensity as His love for us. Some of us might think this is will never be our case but several books in the Bible we are reminded that: “Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled” None of us are exempt to backsliding. We are always one step away from tragedies in our lives to stray from Him. When I say tragedies, I mean anything that causes us to take our eyes off of Him. It could be a man, a woman, and conflict in the family, low self esteem issues, financial problems, marriage breakdown, disappointments and so forth. Satan is always one foothold away from messing up with us. We have to learn to bear it all in His name. Learn to be obedient so that we can live this life in His will for us. Learn to live the holy life He commanded us to and learn to remain in His presence at all times.

PRAY: Father God I pray that we learn to focus on you alone, our passion and love for you would never extinguish. Be the fire in our hearts so that we can end well as we wait with bated breath for your return Lord.