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03 February, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Revelation 2:18-29

Study 5 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 2:18-29  

1-     In what ways is the description of Christ in verse 18 relevant to what follows? In what character is He here revealed? How should awareness of these truths affect our own behaviour?
2-     The religious compromise and moral laxity that were creeping into the churches seem to have proceeded further in the case of Thyatira, and to have become a doctrine and almost a sect.  What responsibility had the church as a whole towards the presence of such evil in its midst? What advice is given to the individual members who do not hold this teaching?
Note.  Verse 20. ‘The woman Jezebel’: so called because of her moral likeness so Jezebel of old. Cf. 1. Ki. 21:25, 26; 2 Ki. 9:22, 30.


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