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23 February, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 25 — Revelation 21:9-21

Study 25 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 21:9-21  

This vision of the city of God is no more to be taken literally than was the vision of Christ in 1:12-20. It is a symbolic picture, and we have to see in an through the symbols the spiritual realities which they represent.
      1-     For example, the size of the city (verse 16; see Note 2 below) expresses the same thought as the phrase ‘which no man could number’ in 7:9; the shape of the city as a cube (21:16) suggests its perfection of design and its permanence; the gold and precious stones its brilliance and perfection of quality, and so forth. What other spiritual realities does this passage suggest to you?
2-     How is the contrast between this city and the harlot city Babylon brought to the mind of the reader? Cf. Verse 9 with 17:1. Work out this contrast in some of its features. What are the outstanding differences between Babylon and the New Jerusalem? Cf. Zc. 14:20, 21; Lk. 16:15; 1 Jn. 2:16, 17.
1-     Verses 12-14. The city, while offering entrance from all directions, is determined in character by the revelation given to Israel and through the apostles.
2-     Verse 16. ‘Twelve thousand stadia’: about 1, 500 miles.
3-     Verse 18. ‘Pure gold, clear as glass’: see also verse 21.  There is nothing not genuine, nothing not transparent.

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