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01 February, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Revelation 2:1-7

Study 3 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 2:1-7

The seven letters of chapters 2 and 3 are all similar in structure, beginning with titles descriptive of Christ, which have already occurred in the vision in 1:9-20; then giving Christ’s message to the church, and closing with a summons to hear and a promise to ‘him who conquers’. In the last four letters the promise precedes the summons.
1-     State in your own words what Christ found to commend in the Church at Ephesus (Verses 2, 3, 6).
2-     What was the poof that their love had declined? How could this condition be remedied? What further danger otherwise beset them? How should we take such a warning to heart?
3-     Verse 7a. Note the present tense ‘says’,  and the combination of individual appeal and universal application. How does Christ still speak through these scriptures, and to whom? Cf. Mk. 4:9, 23; 8:18. How may the hearing ear be obtained?
1-     Verse 6. Nicholaitans’. See also verses 14, 15. Nicholaos’ may be meant as a Greek equivalent of ‘Balaam’, intended to describe a person who lays waste the people of God, as Balaam did through the introduction of idolatrous and immoral practices. Cf. 2 Pet. 2:15, 16.
2-     Verse 7. ‘The tree of life’:  in contrast to the corrupt fruit of idolatrous and sensual self-indulgence. Cf. 22:2.

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