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12 February, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — Revelation 11

Study 14 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 11
1-     The question, ‘Who are the two witnesses?’ in 11:3-12 has received many answers.  Assuming that they represent the witness of the church throughout the present age, what lessons may we learn from this passage concerning true witness for Christ, the authority of His witnesses, their preservation, their suffering to death, and their final triumph? Cf. Lk. 10:19; Jn. 16:2; Acts 7:54-60.
2-     When God’s purposes are completely fulfilled by the sounding of the seventh trumpet (see 10:7), who is seen to be triumphant at the last?  What attributes and activities of God make certain His triumph over all opposition?  What ought this prospect to make us do?
1-     Verses 1, 2. The purpose of the measuring is to mark out what is to be preserved. If the Temple represents Christ’s people (1 Cor. 3:16), the outer court may represent the Jews in their unbelief (Lk. 21:24).
2-     Verses 2, 3. ‘Forty-two months’ is the same length of time as ‘one thousand two hundred and sixty days’ and as ‘a times, and half a time’ (31/2 years) of 12:14. Cf. 12:6. It appears here to be a conventional description of the duration of the present age. Note the contrast in verse 11—only ‘three and a half days’.

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