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12 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 27 — Ezekiel 38

Study 27 From the Book of Ezekiel is: Ezekiel 38

In this chapter and the next the prophet foresees in the far distant future an invasion of Israel by nations lying beyond the circle of those with which Israel hitherto has had to do.  They, too must learn that the God of Israel alone is God, and they will learn it through meeting His power as they seek to plunder His land, and through being brought by Him to total defeat. Read Rev. 20:7-10 in conjunction with this chapter.
1.     In what two different ways are the causes of Gog’s invitation described? Contrast verses 4 and 16 with verses 10-12. And yet may not all thee verses describe one and the same cause? Cf. Rom. 9:17, 18.
2.     Cf. verses 18-23 with 37: 25-28. In what two ways will God bring the nations to know that He is God alone? Cf. Rom. 1:16-18; 9:22, 23; 11:17-22
1.     Verse 2. The name ‘Gog’ is probably Ezekiel’s own invention, formed by removing the first letter from the place-name Magog. It is pointless to try to identify these nations with modern states: they were simply tribes on the fringe of the known word in Ezekiel’s day with he uses for these apocalyptic pronouncements.
2.     Verse 13.  These are merchant nation, stirred to excitement by Gog’s invasion.

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