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03 June, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Ezekiel 2:1 – 3:21

Study 2 From the Book of Ezekiel is: Ezekiel 2:1 – 3:21

1.     To whom was Ezekiel sent, and how are they descried? What was to be the theme of his message to them? See 2:3-7; 3:4-11.
2.     What two meanings are symbolized by the eating of the scroll, one having reference to the prophet himself (2:8), and the other to his ministry (3:4)? Consider the application of these things to all who would be God’s messengers.
3.     What consolations are there in these verses for one called to witness for the Lord among those who are obstinately opposed to the Gospel? Why is such opposition no excuse for ceasing to witness (2:5b)? What are the four possible cases which are cited in 3:17-21? What relevance do these have for the work of Christian ministers today?
1.     2: 1, 3. ‘Son of man’: a phrase occurring over ninety times in Ezekiel It is used to draw attention to the prophet’s insignificance and mere humanity.
4.      2:6. ‘Briers and thorns… scorpions’: symbols of the trials he would suffer.

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