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01 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — 1 Samuel 7:3 – 8:22

Study 7 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 7:3 – 8:22

1. How does the story of chapter 7 reveal the conditions of victory even on the field of former defeats? Have you had some such experience?
2. Wanting a king was not necessarily wrong (cf. Dt. 17:14, 15), especially in view of the situation described in 8:1-3. Why then did God, while granting their request, at the same time rebuke the people for making it? Why was the desire to be life 'like all nations' (8:5, 10) wrong? Contrast Samuel's actions with the attitude of the people.
1.      7:6. The pouring out of water symbolized separation from sin.
2.     8:7. The 'you' and 'me' in the last clauses are emphatic. The people were rejecting God (cf. 10:19), as later Saul did (15:23).
  1. 8:10-18. The behavior described is typical of oriental despots.

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