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01 August, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study - Introduction On the Books of Thessalonians

Study 0  From The Books of Thessalonians  Is: The introduction

Almost certainly these two letters were the first books of the New Testament to be written. They were written in Corinth during Paul’s second missionary journey, and not long after the church at Thessalonica had been founded, about 50 AD (Acts 17:1-10). In them we get an insight into the life of a local Christian church within about twenty years of the death and resurrection of our Lord. The first letter was written on Timothy’s return from a visit to Thessalonica, and the second a few months later.  They are among the most personal of the apostle’s letter in the New Testament, and present a vivid picture both of himself and of his readers, while revealing also the marvellous results of his missionary work in a great heathen city, the capital of Macedonia.

The apostle was greatly encouraged by the report, which Timothy brought, of the church’s steadfastness under persecution and of its continued progress.  But there were some matters that gave him concern, in particular the wrong were some matters that gave him concern, in particular the wrong views that were held about the  second coming of Christ. This is then the chief theme of the two letters.  It is shown to be a comfort in bereavement, a motive for endurance, an inspiration to hope, a safeguard in temptation, a help to purity, a challenge to watchfulness, a ground of rejoicing, and a separating and sanctifying power. The apostle’s great aim is summed up in 1 Thes. 3:13.


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