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15 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Hosea 9 and 10

Study 5  From The Books of Amos & Hosea  Is: Hosea  9 and 10

These chapters are prophecies of coming judgment, and show how the people’s sin will bring upon them (a) exile (9:1-8); (b) a diminished population (9:9-17); and (c) the destruction of both the sanctuaries and the throne, and the reducing of the nation to servitude (10:1-15).

  1. 9:1-8. This passage was perhaps spoken at a religious festival, when people were making merry after the manner of the heathen. At their festivals (9:1). How does Hosea describe the changes that exile will bring?
  2. 9:9-17. God Himself speaks.  He sees lust prevalent in the nation as in the most shameful days of Israel’s history. To what results would it lead?
  3. What different kinds of sin are spoken of in chapter 10? What counsel does the prophet give as to the one way of escape from the coming judgement?
  1. 10:1. ‘Pillars’: a common feature of a Canaanite shrine, imitated by the Israelites in their worship.
  2. 10:5, 6. Cf. 1 Ki. 12:28, 29.
  3. 10:10. ‘Their double iniquity’: perhaps meaning the sins of the throne and of worship.
  4. 10:11. The position of Israel is to be changed from that of a heifer treading the threshing-floor and eating freely (Dt. 25:4) to the heavy labour of the yoke.
  5. 10:14. ‘As Shalman destroyed Beth-Arbel’: the reference is uncertain. Shalman is probably the same as Shalmaneser, 2Ki. 17:3

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