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10 April, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 55 —Luke 22:31-46

Study 55 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 22:31-46

    1.     Verses 31-34.  Compare the empty confidence of Peter with Jesus’s knowledge of his danger.  What may we learn from this? What is the safeguard against similar failure?

    2.     Verses 39-46 Why did Jesus shrink from the cross? Could the physical suffering alone have caused this? What does this teach us both about Jesus Himself and about His death? Consider your share in the responsibility for that agony.

3.     What sort of impression of the quality of Jesus’s disciples do you get from this passage as a whole? Is this an encouragement to you?
1.     Verse 32. Jesus’s prayer referred not to the denial (He knew Peter would deny Him) , but to the time after it, when Peter’s role would be vital.  For he would be the key to the restoration of the whole group of disciples, who were all to be the objects of Satan’s attack. Note that ‘you’, verse 31, is plural and ‘you’ verse 32 is singular.
2.     Verse 36.  Not a command to resist, but a picturesque warning of dangerous times ahead.  Cf. Mt. 26:52.

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