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15 December, 2014

Behold the Lamb of God-Part 2

Behold the Lamb of God! He is set forth for this end. He is presented to us for this purpose. The gospel places him before the sinner's eye, and keeps him there, as God's only ordinance of salvation, and cries, "Look and be saved! Look and be saved, all you ends of the earth!" Let us then fix the mind on Jesus, and keep it fixed there. Let us make him the daily, hourly object of our faith. Life comes by looking. Peace comes by looking. Joy in the Lord comes by looking. In a word, looking to Jesus as dying for our sins, in our stead--will . . .
bring a sense of pardon into the conscience,
spread joy and peace over the soul, and
fill the heart with love.
in life, and all its joys;
in sickness, and all its pains;
in adversity, with all its sorrows;
and in death, with all its agonies.

Let us behold the Lamb--and trust in his blood alone, for the present, complete, and everlasting pardon of all our sins.

Let us behold the Lamb--and love him for taking our nature, that he might save our souls.
Let us behold the Lamb--and make use of him to remove our guilt, banish our fears, and deliver us from the dread of death.

Let us behold the Lamb--and recommend him to all around us, as able to save to the uttermost, and as willing to save them, if they are willing to be saved by him.

"Behold the Lamb of God!" beloved reader, for God bids you, and commands you to believe on his name. Behold the Lamb of God, for it will greatly benefit you, and always benefit you too. Behold the Lamb of God, for it will please the Father if you do--he takes an infinite delight in his beloved Son--and he wishes us to take a delight in him also. Behold the Lamb of God, for in so doing you will be enabled to conquer Satan, overcome the world, and surmount the fear of death.

By this we conquer, namely, "Looking unto Jesus." Let us therefore look to him . . .

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