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11 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 14 — Genesis 20:1-21:21

Study 14 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 20:1-21:21

     1.     What may we learn from Gn. 20 of the weakness of human nature, even in a believer; and of God’s protecting care and saving grace? Cf. Ps. 94:18; Mk. 14:38; 1 Cor. 10:12; 2 Tim. 2:13.

     2.     Gn. 21:1-7. Isaac’s means ‘laughter’.  What is the difference between Sarah’s laughter in 18:12 and in 21:6?  How was the change brought about?  See also 17:17-19. To what two complementary truths did the name Isaac thus bear witness? Cf. Mt. 19:26.

    3.     Gn. 21:8-21. From what was Ismael cast out, and why? Cf. Rom. 9:6-9; Gal. 4:28-30.  Why did God nevertheless hear Ismael’s voice and grant him His blessing and His presence?
1.     20:18. The use here of God’s covenant name ‘Lord’ or “Jehovah” is significant. It was He who intervened to preserve Sarah as the intended mother of the promises son.  Contrast 21:17-20, where we read that ‘God’, not the ‘Lord’, heard Ismael’s voice, etc.
2.     21:9 ‘Playing with’ the same is probably better conveyed by the Av and Av ‘mocking’. Ishmael did not laugh like Sarah; he made fun. Thus Isaac, the object of holy laughter, was made the butt of unholy mockery.

10 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 13 — Genesis 19

Study 13 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 19

     1.     What is revealed in this chapter about (a) the evil latent in the heart of man, (b) the certainty of divine judgement, (c) the priority of divine mercy, and (d) the urgency of immediate action while there is time to escape? Cf. Lk. 17:23-32; 2 Pet. 2:6; Jude 7.

     2.     What is Lot gain for himself and his family by his association with Sodom? In what ways should he be a warning to us?

09 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 12 — Genesis 18

Study 12 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 18

     1.     Let us learn from Abraham’s example how it is possible to receive the Lord as our guest, to enjoy fellowship with Him, to become those whom He calls His friends. Cf. Heb. 13:2; Rev. 3: 20; Jas. 2:23; Jn. 15:13-15. What were the fruits of this fellowship in Abraham’s experience? What enrichment, in consequence, did Abraham gain for himself, and was able to bring to others?

    2.     Verses 22-33. What are the chief characteristics of Abraham’s intercession? Make a list of those which should also mark our praying. Note the effect of Abraham’s intercession. Cf. Gn. 19:29.

Note.  Verses 23-25. Note that in praying for Lot and for Sodom Abraham appealed not to God’s special covenant mercy or faithfulness, but to His universal righteous judgement.

08 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 11 — Genesis 16 and 17

Study 11 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 16 and 17

1.     Gn. 16:1-6. In what ways did Abraham act wrongly in having a son by Hagar?  How was he misled? Was Sarah right to blame Abram for the wrong done to her? What ought Abram to have thought, said and done in the face of such a situation?

2.     Gn. 17. Note the characteristics of covenant-making which are mentioned here. What were the blessings of which Abraham was thereby assured? What did Abraham have to do to embrace the assurance which the covenant afforded?

3.     Gn. 16:7-15; 17:18-21. What do we learn here of God’s character and purposes from His dealings with Hagar and Ishmael? What Christian truths are here prefigured?
1.      16:13. Hagar not only realized that God is One by whose all-seeing eye none are unseen or overlooked; but also that He had personally manifested Himself to her, and that she had seen God without dying. Mention of ‘the angel of the Lord’ (verse 7) occurs here for the first time in the Bible. In verse 13 he is described as ‘the Lord who spoke to her’. This suggests an anticipation of the incarnation, an appearance in person of God the Son.
2.      Chapter 17. The covenant was pledged by God in His Name. In witness of the benefits which they were to receive under it, Abraham and Sarai were both given significant new names. Abraham and every male of his house were circumcised as ‘a sign of the covenant’ between God and him.
3.      17:18-21. Note that Abraham’s suggestion that Ishmael might be accepted by God, as the don concerning whom God’s special covenant promises were made, was not accepted by God.

07 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 10 — Genesis 15

Study 10 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 15

    1.     How are God’s words in verse 1 exactly related to Abram’s circumstances and condition?

    2.     In utterly hopeless human circumstances (see Gen.11:30; 15:3) how did Abram obtain hope of having descendants? What else did he gain by such response? What principle of the Gospel of Christ does this illustrate? Cf. Rom. 4:2-5, 13-25.

    3.     What grounds for his faith did God give to Abram? Why did God also make a covenant with Abram? Note the use of a visible token and pledge. Cf. Heb. 6:13-18

Note. Verses 9, 10, 17 describe an ancient ritual used to seal a contract. Cf. Je. 34:18, 19. The smoking pot and flaming torch represent the Lord passing between the divided carcasses, and thus ratifying the covenant.

06 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 9 — Genesis:13:5-14:24

Study 9 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 13:5-14:24

     1.     Put yourself in Lot’s place when Abram’s offer was made to him. What was the motive that decided his choice, and how did it end? What did Abram lose by letting Lot choose first? Cf. Mt. 16:25.
    2.     What fresh light do the events of chapter 14 throw on Abram’s character?

05 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 8 — Genesis 11:10—13:4

Study 8 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 11:10—13:4

1.     Consider the inseparable intermingling of command and promise in God’s call to Abram. How, in consequence, did Abraham’s faith express itself? Cf. Heb. 11:8.  Compare and contrast Gn. 11:31 with 12: 5. In what ways is a similar response demanded by the gospel of Christ?

2.     In what tow respects did Abram’s faith fall short under the tests of famine and fear? When he acted unworthily how was he rebuked? What may we learn from Gn. 13:3, 4? Cf. Rev. 2:5.

04 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 7 — Genesis 10:1—11:9

Study 7 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 10:1—11:9

    1.     What does Gn. 10 teach about the origins of the nations and about their relationship to one another and to God? Cf. Acts 17:26; Rom 3:29.
    2.     See 11:1-9. What was wrong with the attitude and activity of these men? What kind of judgement does God bring on those who seek supposed success in their way rather than in His way? See Ps. 2:1-4; Lk. 11:23; cf. Gn. 3:22-24; Is. 14:12-15; contrast Jn. 11:49-52, especially verse 52.

03 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 6— Genesis 8:20-9:29

Study 6 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 8:20-9:29

      1.     What did Noah’s altar and burnt offerings signify? To what would they correspond in our lives today? Cf. Rom. 12:I; Heb. 13:15,16.

     2.     Reflect on Noah’s position after the deluge.  In what ways did God encourage him?

     3.     What makes human life supremely precious? What kind of penalty is here ordained for the murderer?

4.     What may we learn here concerning the place and manner of covenant making? Can you think of other visible tokens and pledges which seal covenants?

Note. 9:13. This does not imply that the rainbow was now seen for the first time, but that God now made it a token of His covenant of promise to Noah.

02 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 5— Genesis 7:1-8:19

Study 5 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 7:1-8:19

     1.     What was God’s part in Noah’s salvation, and what was Noah’s? Cf. Eph. 2:8; Phil. 2: 12, 13; 1 Pet. 1:5.

     2.     In the arch Noah was not saved from being affected by the Flood at all, but he was brought safely through it. Cf. ‘saved through water’, 1 Pet. 3:20. In what similar way does the gospel of Christ offer us salvation from God’s judgement upon sin?