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05 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 —1 Timothy 4: 6-16

Study 5 From The Book of 1 Timothy Is: 1 Timothy 4: 6-16

1.    Make a list of all the things which Timothy is here told to do and to avoid in order to become ‘a good minister of Christ Jesus’.
2.    Distinguish in this passage (and in the list made in answer to Question 1) between actions which concerned (a) Timothy’s personal life, and (b) his public ministry.  What may we here learn concerning the connection of these two?

04 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5

Study 4 From The Book of 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5

1.    What truths about the Christian church are signified by the descriptive phrases of 3:15? Consider each in turn.  Cf. Eph. 2:19-22; 2 Cor. 6:16-18. (See Note below) What demands ought these truths to make upon us?
2.    Note whence the false teaching described in 4:1-5 would arise and by what kind of men it would be propagated.  What, according to Paul’s teaching here, is the true Christian position with regard to (a) marriage and (b) foods that may be eaten?  Cf. Heb. 13:4; Rom. 14:2, 3, 6b.
3.    3:16 may quote part of an early Christian hymn. What do these statements declare concerning the Person and work of Jesus Christ? What are the sphere and the extent of His Lordship?
Note. 3:15. ‘The pillar and bulwark of the truth’: i.e, displaying and upholding in the world the revelation of the gospel; and so providing a public and enduring witness for God.  Cf. Rev. 2: 5.

03 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3— 1 Timothy 3:1-13

Study 3 From The Book of 1 Timothy is: 1 Timothy 3:13

1.    Verses 1-7. What are the qualities required in those who exercise leadership in the Church? Note what Paul says about their (a) personal character, (b) Christian experience, (c) general reputation, and (d) abilities.  Why does Paul put such stress upon the personal life of a Christian Leader?
2.    What qualities are necessary for deacons (verses 8-10, 12, 13) and deaconesses (verse 11)? Compare your answer with the answer to Question 1. Note how largely the element of self-discipline enters into these qualifications. In the light of this passage, how do I measure up to the standard God requires?
1     Verse 1. ‘Bishop’: the bishop here must not be identified with a present-day bishop.  The Greek word means ‘one who exercises oversight’. There were a number of such men in each congregation (see Phil. 1:1); and they were also called ‘elders’ or ‘presbyters’.  See Ti. 1:5, 7; Acts 20:17, 28, av and rv.
2     Verse. ‘Married only once’: cf. 3:12; 5:9; Rom. 7:1-3.

3     Verse 6. ‘The condemnation of the devil’: this probably means to fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil for his sin of pride.

02 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — 1 Timothy 2

Study 2 From The Book of 1 Timothy Is: 1 Timothy 2

1.    Verses 1-7. What theological truths form the basis for confidence in prayer?
2.    For whom, and for what, should we pray (verses1:4)? What kind of people ought we to be in personal behaviour if we wish to be effective in prayer and pleasing to God when we meet to pray? With verses 8:10, cf.  Ps. 66:18; Is. 59:1-3; Mk. 11:25.
3.    Verses 9-15. Paul is not deprecating the role of women in the service of Christ cf. Rom. 16: 1ff.; Phil. 4:2, 3), but he does here forbid women ‘to teach or to have authority over men’ in the local church. Is it conceivable that today change may be permitted in women’s part, or is Paul appealing here to the permanent consequences of the difference made by the Creator between male and female? What is the significance of verses 13 and 14?
1.    Verse 8. “Lifting holy hands”; it was customary to stand when praying and to spread out one’s hands before God.  Cf.1: Kin. 8:22.
2.    Verse 15. ‘Saved through bearing children’: a difficult expression. It must be understood here in its context, with reference to the place and function of women. Bearing children is a functions to which women are unquestionably called. In it they will experience God’s saving grace provided they continue in faith, etc.

01 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — 1 Timothy 1

Study 1 From The Book of 1 Timothy Is: 1 Timothy 1

Timothy is reminded of the purpose for which he was left at Ephesus.  Verses 12-17 are a digression in which Paul breaks out into thanksgiving for God’s grace toward him.
1.    What is the nature of the false teaching which Paul attacks? From verses 3, 11, 12, 18 and Gal. 1:8, 9, 12 consider why Paul would not allow any deviation from the gospel.
2.    The spurious doctrine evidently exaggerated the law as a means of righteousness.  How does Paul indicate in verses 8:-15 the limitations of the law and the superiority of the gospel.
3.    Compare your own experience of the gospel with that described in verses 12-17. What outstanding features does Paul emphasize?
1.    Verse 4.  ‘Myths and endless genealogies’: rabbinical fables (cf. Tit 1:14), and attempts to find hidden meaning in the names of the genealogies of the Old Testament.
2.    Verse 20. ‘Hymenaeus and Alexander’: cf. 2 Tim. 2:17; 4:14. Nothing else is known of these men. ‘Whom I have delivered to Satan’: a form of apostolic discipline with a view to spiritual benefit.  Cf. 1 Cor. 5:5; 2 Cor. 12:7.  

31 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — 1 Timothy Introduction

Study 0 From The Book of 1 Timothy Is: The Introduction

1 Timothy was Paul’s dearly loved companion and helper whom he first found at Lystra (Acts 16:1-3) and ever afterwards regarded as a son (1Tim.1:2, 18; 2 Tim. 1:2; 2:1) He was with Paul on his missionary journeys and during his imprisonment in Rome (col. 1:1) and was sent by Paul from time to time on important missions (1 Thes. 3:1-6; 1 Cor. 4: 17; 16:10, 11; Phil. 2:19) At this time he had been left at Ephesus to check tendencies to false teaching (1 Tim. 1:3, 4) and to superintend the affairs of the church as the apostle’s representative (1 Tim. 3:14, 15).  The letter belongs to the last period of Paul’s life, between his first and second imprisonments’ in Rome.
Paul’s main purpose in writing was to guide and encourage Timothy in his work. The letter is full of practical advice concerning church affairs and the preservation of purity of life and doctrine. It exhorts the worker for God to be uncompromising in his loyalty and devotion to his duty.

My Walk With God, This Year 2015, in Review (sort of)

REVIEWING 2015 While Ushering into the New One

This year God has taken me on a path where I was forced to sit still and walk straight so that I can finally learn what the Bible means by: “ENOCH WALKED WITH GOD”. It has been a very deep learning curve. So deep that sometimes I was afraid of sharing what I learned. I was so sure people would say that I am crazy. But, the perceived depth was simply because my spiritual understanding was not ready for what God was teaching me.

In fact, I recall at one point I did not want to learn more about this walk and I sort of moved away from God hoping He would change channels and let me be. After all, what use is it to know how to walk with God like Enoch did?  But, instead of punishing me for my rebellious actions, a few weeks later, He went on showing me how nothing can separate me from His love. I was a “bitter sweet” time for me. I could not believe how lovingly He hanged on to me when I was more than willing to walk away from something that He felt, was important to put me through.

Fast forward to few weeks ago, He made me face how far I have come. At that moment, I realized all these truths I used to feel were too big for me to wrap my head around, have become so simple and straightforward. They are now part of my life, my understanding of spiritual things and most of all they are part of me, the “me” that is merging slowly but surely with the indwelling Christ in me. On a side note: even this phase is also the continuity of living the Advent and making use of the Good News which is the Gospel.

Now, those words ‘Enoch walked with God’ hold not mystery. Not only it has become simpler in my understanding, but also it is something that God aspires for all of us and it is not unattainable for those growing in His fullness. After all that I have learned about Enoch walked with God, if you were to ask me to share what it means in the soul of a Christian, I would say it is the fulfillment of a life being lived in the fullness of God… It is getting hold of His boundless riches…It is walking with Him in the fullness of friendship. It is living with the feeling and the strength that you have been established in Him…knowing His love that surpasses knowledge…reaching the pic of your spiritual maturity, It is living with adversities as your daily bread. It is a life where you are constantly growing and developping in Christ and almost always going in the same directions as He is. In short, your belief and behavior have come together in one accord to live the life of a true heir. Yet, even when you are there, you know that this Christian walk is a walk made of a million steps, yet you have perhaps barely reached a hundred thousand steps with Him. So, you still have a long way to go. The only thing that matters is that you know you are going with Him and you are following His agenda. Following His agenda here means that His plan of Salvation is unfolding as He alone envisioned it.

Now that 2016 is at my doorsteps, I have a very good idea what it holds for me. A few weeks ago, God started churning my heart with my understanding of God’s favors in our lives. Until further notice, I will be honest about my understanding, not because I want to defy Him or lacking reverence toward Him, but simply that is what my mind, which is limited to this physical realm, will allow me to understand and I refuse to repeat like a parrot that God does not have favorite people. I find that when we cannot tell God that we do not understand something and we are content to repeat what others are repeating, in reality we do ourselves a disservice. But, the good news is, if you are walking in Spirit, He will find you out and teach you to face Him with your understanding or lack of it.

So, lately, even my meditation time is hijacked by the spirit and I find myself back again to the same subject whether I like it or not. During the time that I wrote on Facebook about what I know about the subject and today, the last day of 2015, I already learned there will be a long learning curve to get there. It seems to me that I will be spending a good chunk of 2016 learning this one subject. I have to say that I used to hate the fact that everything God teaches me seems to be hard and convoluted. But, over time, I learned that it appears that way because it ceases being ‘emotional understanding’ and our own limited understanding at work. It is God sharing Himself and His world with us. So, like all teachers He is teaching so that we can grow, our understanding would be satisfied and we can also mature spiritually in Him.

I received a nasty email when I wrote on Facebook that God is not safe but He is good. The reality is that when you know God for real, you know He is not safe because we cannot understand what He means if He does not consume us with it and do it to us. If we understand anything about this process of becoming like Jesus, we know, it is by doing things to us that we are changing into His image. He is fusing Himself, He is replacing our spiritual DNA and image on the inside while we become truly Christian. Sometimes it is not easy to continue the walk and you wish that God could do His work without you having to follow Him.

Last night, in fact, I felt so miserable I stopped everything that I was doing in order to avoid offending God and go deep into a pity party. I hated the fact that nothing is working and God does not seem to be concerned about my life. I started feeling as if ‘HIM’ working so hard to make me this person He wants me to be and preparing me for heaven did not matter that much if He could not give me a break. There is so much pain daily, so many restrictions which feels like God put you on a tight leash , the uncertainties, the constant afflictions and adversites and so much of all that could go wrong cause me to be sometimes, overwhelmed. While you know God is sovereign, sufficient and He is in control, yet, time sometimes takes its toll on you.  In that sense my dear brothers and sisters, God is not safe, but, I know He is good so I hang tight and allow Him to do what He has to. I also know it is the time to exercise patience, perseverance and hang onto Him for the ride however long He deems. In fact, it is sad to know that the only God a Christian know is a safe God because it is only by learning to know the unsafe God that we are compelled to see and live the invisible.

So, this year, I do not care much about an empty happy New Year wish. A Happy New Year is one that see us taking this advent to a whole new level and make it a yearly love affair with the God of our Salvation. I pray that would be the New Year resolution and deep desire for a lot of us. I will end this by saying, HAVE A GREAT ONE!

30 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Micah 7:7-20

Study 5 From The Book of Micah is: Micah 7:7-20


1.    7:7-20. The penitent city speaks in verses 7-10, and the prophet responds to them (11-13), and to God on their behalf (14-20). In what respects does the sinful city take the right course in chapter 7? On what promises does she rest her case (verses 7-9), and what promise does she receive (verse 11, 12, 15)?
2.    The end of the disobedient nations is appalling (7:10, 13, 16, 17; cf. 5:9, 15).  Strict justice is the principle of God’s judgement (cf. Rev. 16:5-7). How was Micah’s vision of a forgiving God (7:18-20) glorious yet restricted? How does the New Testament have a broader insight into this same forgiving God? Cf. Jn. 3:16; 2 Pet. 3:9.
Note. 7:11. ‘In that day’: cf. 4:1, 6; 5:10. For the promise of the verse, cf. Zc. 2:1-5 and IS. 26:15 (also ‘in that day…’, Is. 26:1).

29 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Micah 6:1-7:6

Study 4 From The Book of Micah is:  Micah 6:1-7:6

1.    6:1-8. What was the substance of the Lord’s case against His people? Do not forgetfulness and misunderstanding still characterize them?  Apply Col. 2:20 and 3:1-4, for example.  Does God find in us what He has shown to us (verse 8; ‘require of’ literally means ‘seek in’)?
2.    6:9-7:6. Sin brings desolation (6:13, 16) and social breakdown (7:2-6). Do we (a) recognize and (b) grieve over this sad and modern tale? Do our lives shine like lights in this situation? Cf. 7:8 and Phil. 2:15.
1.    6:5. Balaam blessed Balak’s enemies three times when he was expected to curse them (Nu.22-24). ‘From Shittim to Gilgal’ refers to the crossing of the Jordan. ‘Know’ here means ‘care for’; cf. 3:1
2.    6:9 -16. The text is somewhat confused; but it is clear that a wicked Israel is receiving a stern warning.
3.    6:16. ‘The statutes of Omri’: cf. 1 Ki. 16:25, 26. ‘That I may make you….’: a final, not a causal, clause.

28 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Micah 4:8-5:15

Study 3 From The Book of Micah Is: Micah 4:8-5:15

Two prophecies with a ‘Now … But…’
1.      4:8-5:1. Zion will be besieged and her inhabitants exiled.  But what will follow? On a personal level, what is man’s true perspective to be? Cf. 4: 12 and 1 Cor. 2:9, 10.
2.      5:2-6. From this early Messianic prophecy what do we learn of the Messiah’s origins and activity? How did Jesus fulfil the longings of prophet and people?
3.      5:10-15. The life of the restored remnant of Israel will be one of God-given (verse7) victory (verses 8:9), but purification will be involved (verse 10, 14).  Disobedience is disastrous (verse 15).  See 1 Pet. 2:9-12, 16; 4:7 and consider how the same principle still applies.
1.      4:10 ‘Go to Babylon’: a remarkable instance of prophetic prevision, because at the time the great enemy was Assyria, not Babylon.  But, see Is. 39:6, 7.
2.      4:11.  The nations gather to ogle, and worse.  But, one day the roles will be reversed; cf. 7:10b, 17.
3.      4:13 Devoting spoil to the Lord was an old custom; cf. Jos. 6:24.
4.      5:3 Israel shall be surrendered up until the Messiah is born; then, the Messiah’s family will be reunited.
5.      5:5 ‘Seven…eight’: an indefinite number according to Hebrew idiom; whatever the need for leaders is, it will be met.
6.      5:6. Read (with mg) ‘he (I.e., the Messiah) ‘shall deliver us…’
7.      5:14. ‘Cities’: probably, better, ‘sacrificial stones’.  Verses 10-14 (like 6:7b) hint at the sort of unfaithfulness which characterized the reign of Ahaz; cf. 2 Ki. 16:3.