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Showing posts with label Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — 1 Timothy Introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — 1 Timothy Introduction. Show all posts

31 December, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — 1 Timothy Introduction

Study 0 From The Book of 1 Timothy Is: The Introduction

1 Timothy was Paul’s dearly loved companion and helper whom he first found at Lystra (Acts 16:1-3) and ever afterwards regarded as a son (1Tim.1:2, 18; 2 Tim. 1:2; 2:1) He was with Paul on his missionary journeys and during his imprisonment in Rome (col. 1:1) and was sent by Paul from time to time on important missions (1 Thes. 3:1-6; 1 Cor. 4: 17; 16:10, 11; Phil. 2:19) At this time he had been left at Ephesus to check tendencies to false teaching (1 Tim. 1:3, 4) and to superintend the affairs of the church as the apostle’s representative (1 Tim. 3:14, 15).  The letter belongs to the last period of Paul’s life, between his first and second imprisonments’ in Rome.
Paul’s main purpose in writing was to guide and encourage Timothy in his work. The letter is full of practical advice concerning church affairs and the preservation of purity of life and doctrine. It exhorts the worker for God to be uncompromising in his loyalty and devotion to his duty.