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07 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study26 — Exodus 35:1-36:7

Study 26 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 35:1-36:7

1.      What illustration do we find in this passage of the way in which the service of God in His church calls for the contribution of all His people, whatever may be their talents, rank or age? Cf.1 Cor. 15:58.
2.      What examples for ourselves may be found in the spirit in which the people wrought or brought gifts, and in the value and abundance of their giving? Cf. 2 Cor. 8:1-7.

06 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 25— Exodus 34

Study 25 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 34

1.      Show how fully God answered Moses’ request, fulfilling the promise of 33:19. Against what things was Moses, as representative of the people, sternly warned?
2.      As a result of his communion with God the skin of Moses’ face shone. What, in the case of Christian, issues from the contemplation of the glory of Christ? Cf. 2 Cor. 3:18; Lk. 11:36.

05 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 24 — Exodus 33

Study 24 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 33
There follows a period of suspense, during which the people mourned, and Moses set up a tent outside the cam.  Here God came in the pillar of cloud to speak with him.

1.      What was God’s attitude at this time (a) towards the people, and (b) towards Moses?  What were Moses three petitions? What answers did God give?
2.      How do the prayers and answers of this chapter show (a) the growth of Moses’ desire and faith, and (b) the richness of God’s grace?
1.      Verses 1-3. The cause of mourning seems to be that God threatens to revoke the promise of 25: 8; 29:45, 46 and to return to the earlier method of guidance by His angels (cf. 14:19; 18:20-23).
2.      Verse 7. This tent of meeting cannot be the Tabernacle (although it was sometimes called by that name: 29: 42-44; 35:21), because it was not yet built. It was apparently an ordinary tent pitched outside the camp during the period of suspense.

04 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 23— Exodus 32

Study 23 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 32

1.      How does Aaron illustrate the dangers of compromise when essentials are at stake?  What did compromise lead to? Why was God’s anger kindled against the people?
2.      What features of Moses’ character stand out in this chapter? What may we learn from this example?

03 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 22— Exodus 30 and 31

Study 22 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 30 and 31

1.      Chapter 30. The altar of incense and the bronze laver speak of the need for prayer and for daily cleansing.  Cf. Ps. 141: 2; Jn. 13:10; 1 Jn. 1:8, 9. What lessons can we learn from this chapter on these important subjects?

2.      Chapter 31. What was God’s part and what man’s in the designing and making of the Tabernacle? See verses 1-11 and cf. 25:2, 9.

02 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 21— Exodus 29

Study 21 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 29

1.    In this instruction concerning the consecration of the priest, distinguish the various parts of the ceremony: the cleansing, the robing, the anointing, and the sacrifices.  How does our High Priest stand out in marked contrast to Aaron?   Cf. Heb. 7:26-28.

2.   Verses 38-46. What was the significance of the daily burnt offering morning and evening? What are the counterparts to these activities which are possible for us to share in?

01 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 20— Exodus 28

Study 20 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 28
  1. For the order in which the priest’s garments were p
    ut on, see Lv. 8: 7-9. Each has some significance: the cost of pure linen (verse 39) indicating the high priest as a righteous man; the blue robe (verses 31-35) as a heavenly man; the ephod with the names of the tribes (verse 3:29) as a representative man; the mitre with its golden plate (verses 36-38) as a holy man. Reflect how in all these ways the high priest of Israel in his priestly garments was a type of Christ.
  2. What may we learn from this chapter convening the way in which to draw nigh to God on behalf of others? How must we be clad, and what ought we to be concerned to do?
  1. The ephod was a shoulder garment, covering breast and back.
  2. The breastplate was probably a bag or pouch fastened to the front of the ephod, and called ‘the breastplate of judgment’ because of contained the Urim and Thummin, which were used to ascertain the divine will. Cf. Nu. 27:21; Ezr. 2:63. Their exact form and use is not now known.
  3. Aaron bore the names of the tribes upon his shoulders (the place of strength and upon his heart (the place of affection).

31 October, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 19 — Exodus 26 and 27

Study 19 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 26 and 27

1.      Chapter 26. What four layers of curtains covered the Tabernacle? What appearance would it have from without, and what from within? Cf. the contrast between Christ seen from without (Is. 53:2), and seen from within (Phil. 3:8).

Note. It will prove helpful to draw a ground plan of the Tabernacle so far as it has been described in these two chapters, with the court, the holy place, and the most holy place, and the altar, table of showbread, candlestick and ark in their proper positions.  

30 October, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 18 — Exodus 25

Study 18 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 25

1.      What was the twofold purpose of the Tabernacle? See verses 8, 22 in particular.

2.      Notice the three articles of furniture described in this chapter, but observe specially the ark and what is said of it in verses 20, 22. What is the significance of the fact that only above the mercy seat could God and man meet and commune together? Cf. 1. Jn.2:1, 2.
Note.  Verses 17-22.  The ‘mercy seat’ or proprietary covering was a slave of pure gold, with cherubim at either end. This acted as a lid on the ark, covering the tables of testimony inside. On it the high priest sprinkled blood to make atonement.  Cf. Lv. 16:15, 16.

29 October, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 17— Exodus 23:20-24:18

Study 17 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 23:20-24:18

1.      23:20 – 33. Consider the promises God makes to the people and the demands He makes of them.  Can you think of parallel spiritual promises made to Christian and demands made of them in the Christian life?

2.      24:1-18. Why was this a day of significance and importance in the history of Israel?  To what did the people commit themselves? Why is this covenant called (in 2 Cor. 3:7, 9) a ‘dispensation of condemnation’ and of ‘death’? What was God’s answer to the situation thus created? Cf. Lv. 17:11; Heb. 9:22.