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01 November, 2015

The Scriptures —Study 20— Exodus 28

Study 20 From The Book of Exodus Is: Exodus 28
  1. For the order in which the priest’s garments were p
    ut on, see Lv. 8: 7-9. Each has some significance: the cost of pure linen (verse 39) indicating the high priest as a righteous man; the blue robe (verses 31-35) as a heavenly man; the ephod with the names of the tribes (verse 3:29) as a representative man; the mitre with its golden plate (verses 36-38) as a holy man. Reflect how in all these ways the high priest of Israel in his priestly garments was a type of Christ.
  2. What may we learn from this chapter convening the way in which to draw nigh to God on behalf of others? How must we be clad, and what ought we to be concerned to do?
  1. The ephod was a shoulder garment, covering breast and back.
  2. The breastplate was probably a bag or pouch fastened to the front of the ephod, and called ‘the breastplate of judgment’ because of contained the Urim and Thummin, which were used to ascertain the divine will. Cf. Nu. 27:21; Ezr. 2:63. Their exact form and use is not now known.
  3. Aaron bore the names of the tribes upon his shoulders (the place of strength and upon his heart (the place of affection).

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