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Showing posts with label take up your cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label take up your cross. Show all posts

12 December, 2014

Things That Make You GO Hmmm!

Early in 2006 God showed me in a beautiful vision how those who belong to His army have to be trained here and now and not after death. He emphasized in the preparation taking place right here as we live this life. The past month has been so hard for me and every step I take has been a major challenge. I am tired of the training, tired of the hardship and wish I could live a Christian life more relaxed. So, I guess, in my own way, I have been rebelling. This morning, I fought tears while meditating on His word, purpose and His way. Then the Holy Spirit said to me:

"The more things changed the more they stay the same.

  • Adam and Eve thought they could take over for God, they let Satan direct them. As a result, they lost their spiritual blessings and became separated from God.
  • The Israelites were saved by God, but rejected His way in the wilderness. So, they all died there,  never tasted the blessings God had in mind for them through Canaan’s life.
  • Most of those who claim to believe in Christ, reject His way and purpose as well. So, you too you are free to choose.  Immediately, I found strength, no more teary eyes and I stopped feeling pity for myself. I was surprised to see what I was going through the past month was a form of pity party as well."
Believe it or not, until the Spirit of God enlightened me, I truly felt that it was okay for me to be tired because I am just a human being. I never realized I was living with a rebellious heart where I was questioning the wisdom, His plan and purpose. In essence, I was telling Him that I am tired of carrying the cross as I follow. I was telling Him that I was tired of living by faith and wish that I could live by sight too. Living by faith and not by sight is hard because God is not bound by time, does not owe us an explanation and He does not have to keep our comfort in mind. We simply have to keep trusting and keep walking in spirit, knowing that He is faithful.

We can never know God too much or too well and we can never take this journey for granted or relax through it. Because if we do, Satan will have the last word. The more we become spiritually mature,  the craftier Satan becomes. Unless the Spirit shows us, we have no idea that we are being duped by him.

This morning, the Spirit of God was really abrupt with me. I thought to myself, what's up with that? You are supposed to be gentle. The truth is, I was being disrespectful to God and the Spirit's business and allegiance is to God first and does not take kindly those who do not revere Him constantly. So, sometimes,the Spirit of God simply does not cajole us.He simply put the rude reality of our choices in front of us and tells us to go wild, but choose well......

02 September, 2014

Refreshment for the Savior's Flock Through Bible Verses/Part 2

by: James Smith, 1871


"Whoever does not take up his cross and come after Me, cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:27

He who rests upon Jesus for acceptance with God — will bear the cross after Him in the path of duty. Faith always produces obedience.


"The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed — a refuge in times of trouble!" Psalm 9:9

When sin, Satan, and the world, oppress us — Jesus is a refuge for us! In Him we shall find solace and relief!


"But if we have food and clothing — we will be content with that." 1 Timothy 6:8

We have always more than we deserve — and as much as we really need. Therefore we ought to be contented.


"All who are led by the Spirit of God — are sons of God." Romans 8:14

The Spirit leads . . .
from self to Jesus,
from sin to holiness,
from earth to Heaven!

If we are led by the Spirit — our sonship is unquestionable.


"Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep!" Psalm 121:4

The Lord will trust no one to keep His people but Himself! He loves them too well to leave them in any hands but His own.


"Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" Romans 6:1

If grace has abounded in our experience — we shall tremble at the idea of indulging in sin! Grace always sets the heart against sin.


"You have destroyed yourself; but in Me is your help!" Hosea 13:9

Destruction and misery originate with ourselves; salvation and happiness flow from God alone.


"Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made Heaven and earth!" Psalm 124:8

The omnipotent Creator is our help! He is engaged by promise to help and deliver us! To Him, let us look in weakness and fear.

If rough and thorny be my way.
My strength proportion to my day;
Until toil, and grief, and pain shall cease,
Where all is rest, and joy, and peace!

 "Being made free from sin — you became the servants of righteousness!" Romans 6:18

If we are justified and freed from the charge of sin — then we are delivered from the love and power of sin.


"The love of Christ constrains us!" 2 Corinthians 5:14

The love of Christ shed abroad in the heart — is the root of holy obedience, and the principle that purifies the whole person.


"He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross!" Philippians 2:8

Here is our example! Humility and obedience should always be our aim — these not only continued — but increased until death.

My worthless heart to gain,
The God who gave me breath
Was found in fashion as a man,
And died a cursed death!


"I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men." Acts 24:16

tender conscience is an invaluable blessing; wherever it is, there is a fear of offending either God or good men.


"Do not this abominable thing that I hate!" Jeremiah 44:4

The sin of the saint touches the heart of God! Nothing affects Him like it; therefore He speaks so strongly and so tenderly about it.

May I from every sin,
As from a serpent, fly;
Abhor to touch the thing unclean,
And rather choose to die!


"Behold, I have given Him for a leader and commander to the people." Isaiah 55:4

If Jesus is our leader — we should carefully follow Him. And if He is our commander — we should cheerfully obey Him.

Behold, He leads the way;
We'll follow where He goes:
We cannot fail to win the day,
Since He subdues our foes!


"The law of Your mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver!" Psalm 119:72

He who thus values God's Word, can never be poor; nor will he ever lack for comfort in the day of trouble.

Oh, may the least omission pain
My well-instructed soul,
And drive me to Your blood again,
Which makes the wounded whole!


"No one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength!" 2 Timothy 4:16, 17

Creatures generally fail us when we need them most! But when they fail — the Lord steps in, and displays His power and love!

Friends may fail — but He will take you,
And supply your utmost need;
Nor will Jesus e'er forsake you,
But in paths of safety lead.


"If we suffer — we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him — He also will deny us." 2 Timothy 2:12

If we prefer suffering to sin — we may justly look forward and expect to be crowned with glory!


"It is an evil thing and bitter — that you have forsaken the Lord your God!" Jeremiah 2:19

To forsake God is the worst thing we can do! Nothing but sorrow, trouble, and bitter remorse can result from it!

From You that I no more may part,
No more Your goodness grieve,
The filial awe, the holy heart,
The tender conscience give!


"I will guide you with My eye!" Psalm 32:8

In all times of difficulty and perplexity, in all seasons of trouble and distress — let us believe and plead this precious promise!

Are we blind and prone to error?
God vouchsafes to be our guide:
Are we faint and full of terror?
He Himself is on our side.