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Showing posts with label jesus christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jesus christ. Show all posts

08 September, 2014

Faith Is Easy

Galatians 3:22
" that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe."

If faith is the gaze of the heart at God, and if this gaze is but the raising of the inward eyes to meet the all-seeing eyes of God, it follows that it is one of the easiest things possible to do. It would be like God to make the most vital thing easy and place it within the range of possibility for the weakest and poorest of us.

Because believing is looking, it can be done without special equipment or religious paraphernalia. God has seen to it that the one life-and-death essential can never be subject to the caprice of accident. Equipment can break down or get lost, water can leak away, records can be destroyed by fire, the minister can be delayed or the Church burn down. All these are external to the soul and subject to accident or mechanical failure: but looking is of the heart and can be done successfully by any man standing up or kneeling down or lying in his last agony a thousand miles from any Church.

Because believing is looking it can be done any time. No season is superior to another for this sweetest of all acts. A man is not nearer to Christ on Easter Sunday than he is, say Saturday, August 3, or Monday, October 4. As long as Christ sits on the mediatorial throne, every day is a good day and all days are day of salvation.

Neither does place matter in this blessed work of believing God. Lift your heart and let it rest upon Jesus and you are instantly in a sanctuary, though it be a Pullman berth or a factory or a kitchen. You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him. This heart-gaze is, in fact, happily practiced every day by many, and is beyond the reach of none

      A.W. Tozer, in The Pursuit of God



04 August, 2014

Petty Wars Over Abstruse Points and Unimportant Questions 2/2

I resisted as much as I could yesterday not to make any comments on my blog post of August 3rd because it was from Charles Spurgeon and I kept saying to myself that it is complete, in need of nothing, especially from me.

But, this morning during my devotion time, I realized the same thing that God had put on my heart to add to the post yesterday was not only right there but had to come out. God confirmed it for me as I read Oswald Chambers devotion for August 4.  A few lines I read from the daily devotion, reminded me of what God taught me about man being caught up in unimportant questions arising from His doctrines, when in reality we have no business wasting precious times on earth, trying to decipher things that we understand mainly from our own point of view. Things that truly make no difference who’s wrong, who’s right just as long as we are living out the Christian life through  the Spirit and in God’s will.

A few years ago, when God was teaching me the abiding process, as usual, I was in a hurry and went before Him. I came across a controversial subject about whether Christians had two natures or one. Lots of eminent writers and pastors wrote about the subject. Apparently, the controversy started somewhere between fifty to sixty years ago. There is a group who believes that Christian have only one nature and another group who believes Christians have two natures. Because this was closely related to what God was going to teach me, I was getting immersed in reading as much as I could so that I could understand better how I am to walk with Him.

Those who believe that Christians have one nature writes their books from the point of view that all Christians should walk in the new nature that God has given us at the time of Salvation and some complex terminology of the word "nature".  Of course it makes sense, otherwise why would we need to be born again? Those who advocate that a Christian has two natures they based it mainly on Romans 7 where Paul was struggling with his two natures. Guess what? They are right too, because as long as we remain plain human beings, and God has not put His last touch on us to make us perfect, we will always have two natures.

God, realizing that I was wasting precious time to understand these two sides, felt the need to teach me the futility of trying to decipher who’s wrong and who’s right. Oswald Chambers said: “ The most important aspect of Christianity is not the work we do, but the relationship we maintain and the surrounding influence and qualities produced by that relationship. That is all God asks us to give our attention to, and it is the one thing that is continually under attack.” He then said to me, does it really matter whether you find out you have one or two natures? Let’s say you finally settle the issue, what do you get out of it if your life is not right with me? Before I could answer He showed me the vanity of the head knowledge that I would possess that would make for great debates? Then, He showed me how both parties were right.

My dear brethren, I could try to explain it, but would never get it right because one would have to see the old nature and the new one we all possess on the inside, then see how Christ calls us to live out this life in the new nature to truly put it all together.  Suffice to say that both parties are right. As long as we are imperfect people, we will have these two natures. While there are books out there well written about how Paul who vacillated and struggled between the two natures in Romans 7, but, years after that, Paul learned to live in the spirit in the new nature, by faith. There he found peace and rest in his Saviour, hence the life in the Spirit we found being the theme of Romans 8.

Here is why both parties arguing about the one or two natures are wasting precious time.


Christians truly have one nature which is the new one God put into us at the moment of Salvation. God also knows as long as we are on this earth, we will fail Him and we will step out of the new nature to contend with the flesh. God showed me the purity of the new nature contains His very holiness and cannot be blemished with even the smallest sin. We need to be cleansed of our sins with the blood of Christ each time we walk away from Him and reconnect us to the oneness we have with Him.


As for those who argue about a Christian has two natures, they are also right, but in their mind, they do not understand that Paul had truly found rest and Romans chapter 7 was a part of his life that he left behind as he matured spiritually and learned to live in the Spirit. He also showed me that some Christians are so keen on living in the flesh, they found solace in Romans 7 and they do not want to let go, hence they enjoy knowing that Paul had the same problem too.

He taught me that it does not matter what I believe, as long as I step out of the new nature that I received when I was regenerated, there in the flesh, I am not walking with Him. There in the flesh I have taken a detour. There in the flesh, I could become so comfortable and let go of Him while I find comfort in backsliding. The new nature has been given to us to live in it. It is in the new nature that we find peace, rest, power, provision for the journey, strength to endure and so on. There in the new nature, we learn from the Spirit as we walk in faith, in Spirit. In the new nature, that is where the triune God dwells. There is a mystery that belongs only to God which explains the separation that takes place in us each time we sin.

Spiritually speaking, once you step out of your oneness with Him, through sinning, it looks like you are disconnected from your oxygen and your lungs need to get use of breathing the regular polluted oxygen that we breathe naturally every day. But, this polluted oxygen, instead of the air we breathe; spiritually speaking, it is us in our flesh as we fall back to the old nature.  He showed me the awareness we have when we first separate from Him, and how easy it is to get used to the flesh without Him. Explaining this experience in human words can never do justice to anything that we experience with God, we can only attempt to convey our spiritual experiences with human words.

The key thing He told me that should matter in my journey with Him is found in Matthew 6:33 “But, seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." 


17 May, 2014

Appearance and Reality - The Reality of Eternal Life by James Smith

James Smith, 1859

We are all too much taken up with appearances. We do not look beneath the surface as we should. A title, a grand equipage, a good name, large property, a splendid house, fine dress, or popular applause—attract our attention, win our admiration, and even at times excite our envy! But it should not be so. Many are titled on earth—who are despised in heaven. Many ride to hell in fine carriages—while many of the poor trudge on foot to heaven. Many are commended by creatures—who are condemned by the Creator. Many have worldly wealth—who are strangers to the true riches. Many live in splendid houses on earth—for whom no mansion is prepared in heaven. Many who clothe their bodies in purple and fine linen—will find their souls naked when they come to appear before God. And many who are applauded now—will be accused and condemned for eternity. Let us not judge, then, according to appearance—but let us judge righteous judgment.
The only dignified being on earth is a Christian. All others are traitors against God's crown, rebels against God's government, and are under sentence of eternal damnation. They are spared for a time—but unless grace prevents, they will surely perish forever. They are opposed to God, at enmity with God, and constantly provoke God.
But a Christian is God's child, the Savior's brother, the Holy Spirit's temple. He has a new nature, a new name, and a glorious inheritance. God walks with him, angels minister unto him, and a mansion in heaven is being prepared for him. He is clothed with God's righteousness, influenced by God's grace, and guided by God's wisdom. All that God does—has reference to him; all that God has provided—is made over to him; and all that God is—is promised to him! So that he can sing in the darkest day, "The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore will I hope in him."
For him God entered into covenant before time. For him God delivered up his only begotten Son. For him God has made so many, exceeding great, and precious promises. For him Providence works, and for him the world stands. He is taken into the closest union to God, he is constituted the child and friend of God, he is intended to be associated with God for ever. For him a crown is prepared, to him a throne is promised, and on him inconceivable glory will be conferred.
The Christian, therefore, is the dignified creature—and the Christian, alone! Let it therefore be my object and aim, to be not merely a professor of Christ's religion—but a possessor of Christ—a Christian in deed and in truth.
The only grand pursuit is eternal life! Many are in pursuit of riches, fame, and pleasure. But if they become rich—they will not necessarily be happy. Indeed very few rich people know what true happiness is. If they become famous among men—they may be wretched in themselves. If they live in the midst of pleasure—they may know nothing of satisfaction. Yes, they may amass wealth, acquire fame, and enjoy carnal pleasure for a time—and then perish for ever.
Only one thing demands our attention, one thing deserves our regard, one thing should be the object of our pursuit, and that one thing is—Eternal Life. Life in God's favor. Life in God's presence. Life in the enjoyment of God's love. Life like that which the angels live. Life like that which the Savior enjoys. Life in the highest and holiest sense of the term. The life which God promised before the world began. The life which Jesus came to confer on his sheep. The life after which our heart sighs and pines for. Life which consists in the knowledge of God, in the service of God, and in the enjoyment of God!
This life is set before us to attract our attention, to excite our desires, to draw forth our hopes, and to employ our efforts. The gospel, therefore, sets eternal life before us, calls us to possess it, and promises it to every overcomer. Oh, may it be the chief object of my life to secure a title to it, enjoy the foretastes of it—and look forward to death as my introduction to it! The only grand pursuit, or the only object worthy the pursuit of an immortal being, is—Eternal Life!
The only great attainment is conformity to Christ. The Lord Jesus is the great model of all excellency. All Divine and human beauty meet and shine forth in him. Of him it was testified while he dwelt below, that he was "holy, harmless, undefined, separated from sinners." To his image, God predestined all his people to be conformed. To make us like him—is the great end of the Spirit's work within us, and all the dispensations of Divine Providence towards us. And one grand evidence of the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts—is a habitual, hearty, growing desire to be conformed to the Lord Jesus Christ.
No one ever had a view of Christ by faith—who did not possess a burning desire to be like Christ; for the effect of seeing Jesus by faith, is an unquenchable desire to be conformed to Christ. The gospel reveals Christ—Christ reveals the Father—Faith, as the eye of the soul fixes upon Christ, and takes in correct views of the Father; then the working of grace is revealed by an imitation of Christ. Hence the Apostle says, "But we all with open face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord—are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
Holy Spirit, through the gospel, conform me to Jesus! I ask not to be wealthy, famous among men, or to be indulged with the pleasures of time; but I do ask, and ask right earnestly to be conformed to the image of Christ; for I do confess, that the only great attainment is conformity to Christ.
The only substantial thing is real religion. Satan knows this, and therefore he has invented many false ones. The religion of human nature is a poor thing; it is light, evanescent, a mere form. But the religion of God is solid, substantial, and abiding. It has its seat in the heart, it rules the affections, and it controls the whole man. It brings us to God, makes us one with God, and stamps upon us the likeness of God. True religion is devout—but not gloomy; heavenly, and yet a blessing in the world. There is no rock on which the soul can rest, no pillow on which the soul can repose, no fountain at which the soul can drink and be satisfied—but real religion. Everything short of this is fleeting, fading, and unsatisfactory.
Oh, for the religion of the heart! That religion which brings peace to the conscience, rest to the troubled spirit, and joy to the sorrowful soul. That religion which informs the intellect, renews the heart, and transforms the life. Holy Spirit, it is yours to make man truly pious, you alone can take away the heart of stone, and give the heart of flesh; let it please you to renew me in the spirit of my mind, to adorn me with all your gifts and graces, and make me resemble my beloved Lord!
Reader, what about you?
Do you think that the only dignified being on earth is a Christian?
Do you think that the only grand pursuit is eternal life?
Do you think that the only great attainment is conformity to Christ?
Do you think that the only substantial thing is real religion?
If so—do you possess them? Are you a real Christian?
Is eternal life the grand object of your daily pursuit?
Have you attained in any measure to conformity to Christ?
Have you real religion?




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