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Showing posts with label carnal Christian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carnal Christian. Show all posts

09 August, 2013

The Sin of Adultery - The Sinful Desires of The Flesh

You shall not commit adultery!

I truly apologize about the length of this post, but it is so needful today that I desire for everyone to have this article, read and apply it. Please be kind to  one another and share this article, for God's sake.......

(Thomas Watson, "The Ten Commandments". This selection is longer, but it is needful in our immoral society. Though it particularly addresses adultery, it easily applies to any kind of immorality. This is the best article I have ever read, on how to deal with lust. Every man struggles with lust-so please forward this on.)

"You shall not commit adultery." Exodus 20:14
This commandment is set up as a hedge to keep out impurity; and those who break this hedge-a serpent shall bite them! The fountain of this sin is lust. God is a pure, holy being, and has an infinite antipathy against all impurity. We must take heed of running on the rock of impurity, and so making shipwreck of our chastity. The meaning of the commandment is not only that we should not stain our bodies with immorality-but that we should keep our souls pure. To have a chaste body-but an unclean soul, is like a beautiful face with a cancerous heart. "Be holy, for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16.

There is a mental adultery. "Whoever looks on a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matthew 5:28. As a man may die of an inward bleeding-so he may be damned for the inward boilings of lust, if it is not mortified. That I may deter you from the sin of adultery, let me show you the great evil of it.

(1) Adultery is a thievish sin. It is the highest sort of theft. The adulterer steals from his neighbor, that which is more than his goods and estate; he steals away his wife from him!

(2) Adultery debases a person. It makes him resemble the beasts; therefore the adulterer is described like a horse neighing. "Everyone neighed after his neighbor's wife." Jeremiah 5:8. It is worse than brutish; for some creatures which are void of reason-yet by the instinct of nature, observe some decorum and chastity. The turtle-dove is a chaste creature, and keeps to its mate. And the stork, wherever he flies, comes into no nest but his own. Naturalists write that if a stork, leaving his own mate, joins with any other, all the rest of the storks fall upon it, and pull its feathers from it. Adultery is worse than brutish, it degrades a person of his honor.

(3) Adultery pollutes. The devil is called an unclean spirit. Luke 11:24. The adulterer is the devil's first-born; he is unclean; he is a moving quagmire. He is all over ulcerated with sin; his eyes sparkle with lust; his mouth foams out filth; his heart burns like mount Etna, in unclean desires. He is so filthy, that if he dies in this sin, all the flames of hell will never purge away his immorality! And, as for the adulteress, who can paint her black enough? The Scripture calls her a deep ditch. Proverbs 23:27. She is a common sewer! The body of a harlot is a walking dung-hill, and her soul a lesser hell!

(4) Adultery is destructive to the body. "Afterward you will groan in anguish when disease consumes your body." Proverbs 5:11. Immorality turns the body into a hospital, it brings foul diseases, and eats the beauty of the face. As the flame wastes the candle, so the fire of lust consumes the body. The adulterer hastens his own death. "So she seduced him with her pretty speech. With her flattery she enticed him. He followed her at once, like an ox going to the slaughter or like a trapped stag, awaiting the arrow that would pierce its heart. He was like a bird flying into a snare, little knowing it would cost him his life!" Proverbs 7:21-23. 

(5.) Adultery is a drain upon the purse; it wastes not the body only-but the estate. "Keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife. Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes, for the prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread, and the adulteress preys upon your very life!" Proverbs 6:24-26. Whores are the devil's horse-leeches, sponges that suck in money. The prodigal son spent his inheritance, when he fell among harlots. Luke 15:30. The concubine of King Edward III, when he was dying, got all she could from him, and even plucked the rings off his fingers.

(6) Adultery destroys reputation. "But the man who commits adultery is an utter fool, for he destroys his own soul. Wounds and constant disgrace are his lot. His shame will never be erased!" Proverbs 6:32, 33. Wounds of reputation-no physician can heal. When the adulterer dies, his shame lives. When his body rots underground, his name rots above ground. His bastard children are living monuments of his shame.

(7) Adultery impairs the mind. It steals away the understanding; it stupefies the heart. "Whoredom and wine take away the heart." Hosea 4:11. It eats all purity out of the heart. Solomon besotted himself with women, and they enticed him to idolatry.
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(8) Adultery incurs temporal judgments. The Mosaic law made the penalty for adultery, to be death. "The adulterer and adulteress shall surely be put to death;" and the usual death was stoning. Lev 20:10; Deut. 22:24. The Salons commanded people guilty of this sin, to be burnt. The Romans caused their heads to be stricken off. Like a scorpion-this sin carries a sting in its tail. "For jealousy arouses a husband's fury, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge!" Proverbs 6:34. The adulterer is often killed in the act of his sin. "Lust's practice is to make a joyful entrance-but she leaves in misery." I have read of two in London, who, having defiled themselves with adultery, were immediately struck dead with lightening from heaven. If all who are now guilty of this sin were to be punished in this manner, it would rain fire again, as on Sodom.

(9) Adultery, without repentance, damns the soul. "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexual offenders . . . will inherit the kingdom of God!" 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. The fire of lust, brings to the fire of hell. "God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral!" Hebrews 13:4. Though men may neglect to judge them-yet God will judge them! He will judge them assuredly; they shall not escape the hand of justice; and He will punish them severely. The harlot's breasts keeps from Abraham's bosom! "The delight lasts a moment-the torment an eternity!" Who for a cup of pleasure-would drink a sea of wrath! "Her guests are in the depths of hell." Proverbs 9:18. The harlot is perfumed with powders, and lovely to look on-but poisonous and damnable to the soul! "She has cast down many wounded, yes, many strong men have been slain by her." Proverbs 7:26.

(10) The adulterer does all he can, to destroy the soul of another-and so kills two at once! He is worse than the thief; for, suppose a thief robs a man, yes, and also takes away his life- the man's soul may be happy; he may go to heaven as well as if he had died in his bed. But he who commits adultery, endangers the soul of another, and does all he can, to deprive her of salvation. What a fearful thing it is-to be an instrument to draw another to hell!

(11) The adulterer is abhorred of God. "The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; he who is abhorred by the Lord, will fall into it." Proverbs 22:14. What can be worse than to be abhorred by God? God may be angry with His own children; but for God to abhor a man-is the highest degree of hatred! The immoral person stands upon the threshold of hell; and when death gives him a push-he tumbles in!

All this should sound a warning in our ears, and call us off from the pursuit of so damnable a sin as immorality. Hear what the Scriptures say: "Her house is the way to hell." Proverbs 7:27.

I shall give some directions, by way of antidote, to keep from the infection of this sin.
(1) Do not come into the company of a whorish woman; avoid her house, as a seaman does a rock. "Run from her! Don't go near the door of her house!" Proverbs 5:8. He who would not have the plague, must not come near infected houses; every whore-house has the plague in it. Not to avoid the occasion of sin, and yet pray, "Lead us not into temptation," is, as if one should put his finger into the candle, and yet pray that it may not be burnt!

(2) Look to your eyes. Much sin comes in by the eye. "Having eyes full of adultery." 2 Pet 2:14. The eye tempts the imagination, and the imagination works upon the heart. A lustful amorous eye, may usher in sin. Eve first saw the tree of knowledge-and then she took. Gen 3:6. First she looked-and then she loved. The eye often sets the heart on fire; therefore Job laid a law upon his eyes. "I made a covenant with my eyes-not to look with lust upon a young woman." Job 31:1.

(3) Look to your lips. Take heed of any unclean word which may enkindle unclean thoughts in yourselves or others. "Evil communications corrupt good manners." 1 Cor. 15:33. Impure discourse, is the bellows to blow up the fire of lust. Much evil is conveyed to the heart by the tongue. "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth!" Psalm 141:3.

(4) Look in a special manner to your heart. "Guard your heart with all diligence." Proverbs 4:23. Every person has a tempter in his own bosom! "Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, adultery, all other sexual immorality." Matthew 15:19. Thinking of sin, makes way for the act of sin. Suppress the first risings of sin in your heart. As the serpent, when danger is near-guards his head, so keep your heart, which is the spring from whence all lustful motions proceed.

(5) Look to your attire. We read of the attire of a harlot. Proverbs 7:10. A wanton dress is a provocation to lust. A painted face, and half-naked breasts, is allurements to immorality. Where the sign is hung out-people will go in and taste the liquor. Jerome says, "those who by their lascivious attire endeavor to draw others to lust, though no evil follows-are tempters-and shall be punished, because they offered the poison to others, even though they would not drink."

(6) Take heed of evil company. Sin is a very contagious disease; one person tempts another to sin, and hardens him in it. There are three cords which draw men to immorality: 
the inclination of the heart, 
the persuasion of evil company, and 
the embraces of the harlot. This threefold cord is not easily broken. "A fire was kindled in their company." Psalm 106:18. The fire of lust is kindled in bad company.

(7) Beware of going to theatres and plays. A play-house is often a preface to a whorehouse. "Plays furnish the seeds of wickedness." We are bid to avoid all appearance of evil; and are not plays the appearance of evil? Such sights are there, which are not fit to be beheld with chaste eyes. A learned divine observes, that many have on their death-beds confessed, with tears, that the pollution of their bodies has been occasioned by going to plays.

(8) Take heed of mixed dancing. "Dances are instruments of lust and wantonness." From dancing, people come to dalliance with another, and from dalliance to immorality. "There is," says Calvin, "for the most part, some unchaste behavior in dancing." Dances draw the heart to immorality-by wanton gestures, by unchaste touches, and by lustful looks. Chrysostom inveighed against mixed dancing in his time. "We read," he says, "of a marriage feast-but of dancing there-we read not." Matthew 25:7. Many have been ensnared by dancing. "Dancing is not the conduct of a chaste woman-but of the adulteress," says Ambrose. Chrysostom says, "Where dancing is, there the devil is!"

(9) Take heed of lascivious books and pictures, which provoke to lust. As the reading of the Scripture stirs up love to God, so reading vile books stirs up the mind to wickedness. To lascivious books I may add lascivious pictures, which bewitch the eye, and are incendiaries to lust! They secretly convey poison to the heart.

(10) Take heed of excess in diet. When gluttony and drunkenness lead the van, immorality and wantonness bring up the rear. "Wine inflames lust." "Sodom's sins were pride, laziness, and gluttony." Ezekiel 16:49. The foulest weeds grow out of the fattest soil. Immorality proceeds from excess. "When I had fed them to the full, everyone neighed after his neighbor's wife." Jer. 5:8. Get the "golden bridle of temperance." God allows the refreshment of nature, and what may fit us the better for his service; but beware of surfeit. Excess in temporal things-clouds the mind, chokes good affections, and provokes lust. "I discipline my body and bring it under strict control." 1 Cor. 9:27. The flesh pampered-is liable to immorality.

(11) Take heed of idleness. When a man is idle, he is ready to receive any temptation. The devil sows most of his seeds of temptation in fallow ground. Idleness is the cause of sodomy and immorality. "Sodom's sins were pride, laziness, and gluttony." Ezekiel 16:49. When David was idle on the top of his house, he espied Bathsheba, and committed adultery with her. 2 Samuel 11:4. Jerome gave his friend counsel to be always well employed in God's vineyard, that when the devil came, he might have no leisure to listen to temptation.

(12) To avoid fornication and adultery, let every man have a chaste, entire love to his own wife. Ezekiel's wife was the desire of his eyes. Ezekiel 24:16. When Solomon had dissuaded from immoral women, he prescribed a remedy against it. "Rejoice with the wife of your youth." Proverbs 5:18. It is not having a wife-but loving a wife- which makes a man live chastely. He who loves his wife, whom Solomon calls his fountain, will not go abroad to drink of muddy, poisoned waters. Pure marital love is a gift of God, and comes from heaven; but, like the vestal fire, it must be nourished, so that it does not go out. He who does not love his wife, is the likeliest person to embrace the bosom of a harlot.

(13) Labor to get the fear of God into your hearts. "By the fear of the Lord, men depart from evil." Proverbs 16:6. As the embankment keeps out the water, so the fear of the Lord keeps out immorality. Such as lack the fear of God, lack the bridle which should check them from sin! How did Joseph keep from his mistress' temptation? The fear of God pulled him back! "How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God!" Genesis 39:9. Bernard calls holy fear, "the door-keeper of the soul." As a nobleman's porter stands at the door, and keeps out vagrants, so the fear of God stands and keeps out all sinful temptations from entering.

(14) Take delight in the Word of God. "How sweet are your words unto my taste." Psalm 119:103. Chrysostom compares God's Word to a garden. If we walk in this garden, and suck sweetness from the flowers of the promises, we shall never care to pluck the "forbidden fruit." "Let the Scriptures be my pure pleasure," says Augustine. The reason why people seek after unchaste, sinful pleasures-is because they have nothing better. Caesar riding through a city, and seeing the women play with dogs and parrots, said, "Surely, they have no children." So those who sport with harlots, have no better pleasures. He who has once tasted Christ in a promise, is ravished with delight; and he would  scorn a temptation to sin! Job said, that the Word was his "appointed food." Job 23:12. No wonder then, that he made a "covenant with his eyes."

(15) If you would abstain from adultery, use serious consideration.
    [1] Consider that God sees you in the act of sin! He sees all your curtain wickedness. He is totus oculus-"all eye." The clouds are no canopy, the night is no curtain-to hide you from God's eye! Whenever you sin-your Judge looks on! "I have seen your detestable acts-your adulteries and your neighings." Jer. 13:27. "They have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives. I know it and am a witness to it! declares the Lord." Jer. 29:23.

    [2] Consider that few who are entangled in the sin of adultery, ever recover from the snare. "None that go to her return again." Proverbs 2:19. This made some of the ancients conclude that adultery was an unpardonable sin; but it is not so. David repented. Mary Magdalene was a weeping penitent; upon her amorous eyes which sparkled with lust, she sought to be revenged, by washing Christ's feet with her tears! Some, therefore have recovered from this snare. "None that go to her return," that is, "very few." It is rare to hear of any who are enchanted and bewitched with the sin of immorality, who recover from it. "I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare." Eccl. 7:26. Her "heart is a trap," that is, she is subtle to deceive those who come to her; and "her hands are chains," that is her embraces are powerful to hold and entangle her lovers. This consideration should make all fearful of this sin. Soft pleasures, harden the heart.

    [3] Consider what Scripture says, which may lay a barricade in the way to this sin. "I will be a swift witness against the adulterers." Malachi 3:5. It is good when God is a witness "for us", when He witnesses to our sincerity, as He did to Job's; but it is sad to have God as a "witness against us." "I," says God, "will be a swift witness against the adulterer." And who shall disprove God's witness? He is both witness and judge! "God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery." Hebrews 13:4.

    [4] Consider the sad farewell, which the sin of adultery leaves. It leaves a hell in the conscience. "The lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But the result is as bitter as poison, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to hell." Proverbs 5:3-5. The goddess Diana was so artfully drawn, that she seemed to smile upon those who came into her temple-but frown on those who went out. So the harlot smiles on her lovers as they come to her-but at last, they come to the frown and the sting! "Until an arrow pierces his liver." Proverbs 7:23. "Her end is bitter."

When a man has been virtuous, the labor is gone-but the comfort remains; but when he has been wicked and immoral, the pleasure is gone-but the sting remains. "He gains momentary pleasure-but after that, eternal torment," says Jerome. When the senses have been feasted with unchaste pleasures, the soul is left to pay the reckoning. Stolen waters are sweet; but, as poison, though sweet in the mouth, it torments the conscience. 

Sin always ends in tragedy! Sad is that which Fincelius reports of a priest in Flanders, who enticed a young girl to immorality. When she objected how vile a sin it was, he told her that by authority from the Pope, he could commit any sin; so at last he drew her to his wicked purpose. But when they had been together a while, in came the devil, and took away the harlot from the priest's side, and, notwithstanding all her crying out, carried her away! If the devil should come and carry away all who are guilty of immorality in this nation-I fear more would be carried away, than would be left behind!

(16) Pray against this sin. Luther gave a lady this advice, that when any lust began to rise in her heart, she should go to prayer. Prayer is the best armor against sin; it quenches the wild fire of lust. If prayer will "cast out the devil," it will certainly cast out those lusts which come from the devil.

O let us labor for soul purity! To keep the soul pure-have recourse to the blood of Christ, which is the "fountain open, to cleanse from sin and impurity." Zech. 13:1. A soul steeped in the briny tears of repentance, and bathed in the blood of Christ-is made pure! Say, "Lord, my soul is defiled! I pollute all I touch! O purge me with hyssop-let Christ's blood sprinkle me, let the Holy Spirit anoint me. O make me pure, that I may be taken to heaven-where I shall be as holy as You would have me to be-and as happy as I can desire to be!"

18 November, 2012

What Kind Of Christian Are You? Last Part

This is the third and last part of a series titled :what kind of Christian are you? which was written by a man who who had a heart after Him, and knew Him well.

Charles G. Finney
Three Kinds of Professing Christians
A Lecture to Examine One's Self

"For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God" - John 12:43
 These words were spoken of certain individuals who refused to confess that Jesus was the Christ, because he was extremely unpopular with the scribes and pharisees, and principal people of Jerusalem. 

I have just described a class of professors of religion, who are moved to perform religious exercises by hope and fear.  They are moved sometimes by self-love, and sometimes by selfishness.  Their supreme object is not to glorify God, but to secure their own salvation. 
 There is a plain distinction between self-love, or the simple desire of happiness, and selfishness.  Self-love, the desire of happiness and dread of misery, is constitutional; it is a part of our frame as God made us, as he intended us to be; and its indulgence within the limits of the law of God is not sinful.  Whenever it is indulged contrary to the law of God, it becomes sinful.  When the desire of happiness or the dread of misery becomes the controlling principle, and we prefer our own gratification to some other interest, it becomes selfishness.  When, to avoid pain or obtain happiness, we sacrifice other greater interests, we violate the great law of disinterested benevolence and it is no longer self-love, acting within lawful bounds, but selfishness. 

 You will recollect that this class, and the class I had described before as the real friends of God and man, agree in many things, and if you look only at the things in which they agree, you cannot distinguish between them.  It is only by a close observation of those things in which they differ, that you can see that the main purpose of the latter class is not to glorify God, but to secure their own salvation.  In that way we can see their supreme objective developed, and see that when they do the same things, outwardly, which those do whose supreme objective is to glorify God, they do them from entirely different motives, and consequently the acts themselves are, in the sight of God, of an entirely different character. 

 I intend now to point out the characteristics of the third class of professing Christians, who "love the praise of men more than the praise of God." 
 I would not be understood to imply that a mere regard for reputation has led this class to profess religion.  Religion has always been too unpopular with the great mass of mankind to render it a general thing to become professing Christians from a mere regard to reputation.  But I mean, that where it is not generally unpopular to become a professor of religion, and will not diminish popularity, but will increase it with many, a complex motive operates - the hope of securing happiness in a future world, and that it may increase reputation here.  And thus many are led to profess religion, when after all, on a close examination, it will be seen that the leading object,which is prized beyond anything else, is the good opinion of their fellow men.  Sooner than lose this, they would not profess religion.  Their profession hinges on this. And although they do profess to be sincere Christians, you may see by their conduct, on close examination, that they will do nothing that will forfeit this good opinion of men.  They will not encounter the hatred that they must, if they were to give themselves up to root sin out of the world. (John 15:18) 

I will now mention several things by which you may detect the true character of the class of persons of whom I have been speaking; who make the praise of men their idol, notwithstanding they profess to love God supremely. And they are things by which you can detect your own true characters, if you belong to this class. 

 1.  They do what the apostle Paul says certain persons did in his day, and for that reason they remained ignorant of the true doctrine; they "measure themselves by themselves, and compare themselves among themselves."  (2 Cor. 10:12) 
 There are a vast many individuals, who, instead of making Jesus Christ their standard of comparison, and the Bible their rule of life, manifestly aim at no such thing.  They show that they never seriously dreamed of making the Bible their standard.  The great question with them is, whether they do about as many things in religion, and are about as pious as other people, or as the churches around them.  Their object is to maintain a respectable profession of religion.  Instead of seriously inquiring for themselves, what the Bible requires, and asking how Jesus Christ would act in such and such cases, they are looking simply at the common run of professing Christians, and are satisfied with doing what is commendable in their estimation.  They prove that their object is not so much to do what the Bible lays down as duty, as to do what the great mass of professing Christians do - to do what is respectable, rather than what is right

2.  This class of persons do not trouble themselves about elevating the standard of piety around them. 
 They are not troubled at the fact, that the general standard of Piety is so low in the church, that it is impossible to bring the great mass of sinners to repentance.  They think the standard at the present time is high enough.  Whatever be the standard at the time, it satisfies them.  While the real friends of God and man are complaining of the church, because the standard of piety is so low, and trying to wake up the church to elevate the tone of religion, it all seems to this class of persons like criticalness and a meddlesome disposition.  Just as when Jesus Christ denounced the scribes and pharisees, and leaders of his day, they said, "He hath a devil." "Why, he is denouncing our doctors of divinity, and all our best men, and even dares to call the scribes and pharisees hypocrites, and he tells us that except our righteousness shall exceed theirs, we can in no case enter the kingdom of heaven.  (Matt. 23:13; 5:20)   What a bad spirit he has." 

A large part of the church at the present day have the same attitude, and every effort to open the eyes of the church and to make Christians see that they live so low, so worldly, so much like hypocrites, that it is impossible the work of the Lord should go on, only excites ill will and occasions reproach.  "Oh," they say, "what a bad spirit he shows, so censorious, and so unkind, surely that is anything but the meek, and kind, and loving spirit of the Son of God." They forget how Jesus Christ poured out his anathemas, enough to make the hills of Judea shake, against those that had the reputation of being the most pious people in that day.  Just as if Jesus Christ never said anything severe to anybody, but just fawned over them, and soothed them into his kingdom.  Who does not know that it was the hypocritical spirit exhibited by professors of religion, that roused his soul and moved his indignation, and called forth his burning torrents of denunciation.  He was always complaining of the very people who were set up as patterns of piety, and called them hypocrites, and thundered over their heads the terrible words, "How can ye escape the damnation of hell!"  (Matt.23:33)  
 It is not surprising when so many love the praise of men more than the praise of God, that there should be excitement when the truth is told.  They are very well satisfied with the standard of piety as it is.  They do not seem to know that the lives of the majority of professing Christians are almost as different from the standard of Jesus Christ as light is from darkness. 

3. They make a distinction between those requirements of God that are strongly enforced by public sentiment and those that are not. 
 They are very scrupulous in observing such requirements as public sentiment distinctly favors, while they easily set at nought those which public sentiment does not enforce.  All those sins that are forbidden by public opinion this class of persons abstain from, but they do other things just as bad which are not thus frowned on.  They do those duties which are enforced by public opinion, but not those that are less enforced.  They will not stay away from public worship on the Sabbath, because they could not maintain any reputation for religion at all if they did.  But they neglect things that are just as clearly required in the Word of God.  Where an individual habitually disobeys any command of God, knowing it to be such, it is just as certain as his soul lives, that the obedience he appears to render, is not from a regard to God's authority, or love to God, but from other motives.  He does not, in fact, obey any command of God. The Apostle has settled this question.  "Whosoever," says he, "shall keep the whole law, and offend in one point, is guilty of all,"  (James 2:10)  that is, does not truly keep any one precept of the law. 

Obedience to God's commands implies an obedient state of heart, and therefore nothing is obedience that does not imply a supreme regard to the authority of God.  Now, if a man's heart be right, then whatever God requires he regards as of more importance than anything else.  And if a man regard anything else of superior weight to God's authority, that is his idol. Whatever we supremely regard - that is our god; whether it be reputation, or comfort, or riches, or honor, or whatever it is that we regard supremely, that is the god of our hearts. Whatever a man's reason may be for habitually neglecting anything which he knows to be the command of God, or that he sees to be required to promote the kingdom of Christ, there is demonstration absolute that he regards that as supreme.  There is nothing acceptable to God in any of his services.  Rest assured, all his religion is the religion of public sentiment.  If he neglects anything required by the law of God, because he can pass along in neglect, and public sentiment does not require it; or if he does other things inconsistent with the law of God, merely because public opinion does require it, it is a simple matter of fact, that it is public sentiment to which he yields obedience, in all his conduct, and not a regard to the glory of God. 

How is it with you, beloved? Do you habitually neglect any requirement of God, because it is not sustained and enforced by public sentiment?  If you are a professor of religion, it is to be presumed you do not neglect any requirement that is strongly urged by public sentiment.  But, how is it with others?  Do you not habitually neglect some duties?  Do you not live in some practices acceptable among men, that you know to be contrary to the law of God?  If you do, it is demonstration absolute that you regard the opinions of men more than the judgment of God.  Write down your name, hypocrite

4.  This class of professors are apt to indulge in some sins when they are away from home, that they would not commit at home. 
 Many a man who is temperate at home, when he gets to a distance, will toss off his glass of brandy and water at the table, or step up to the bar and call for liquor without shame; or if they are in Europe, they will go to the theatre.  When I was in the Mediterranean, at Messina, a gentleman asked me if I would go to the theatre with him. "What!  I go to the theatre?  A minister go to the theatre?" "Why," said he, "you are away from home, and no one would know it." "But would not God know it?" It was plain that he thought, although I was a minister, I could go to the theatre when I was away from home.  No matter if God knew it, so long as men did not know it.  And how should he get that idea, but by seeing ministers who would do just such things. 

5.  Another development of the character of these individuals is, that they indulge themselves in secret sin. 
 I am now speaking of something, by which you may know yourselves.  If you allow yourselves in any sins secretly, when you can get along without having any human being know it, know that God sees it, and that he has already written down your name, hypocrite.  You are more afraid of disgrace in the eye of mortals, than of disgrace in the eye of God.  If you loved God supremely, it would be a small thing to you that any and everybody else knew your sins, in comparison with having them known to God.  If tempted to any such thing, you would exclaim, "What! shall I commit sin under the eye of God?" 

 6.  They indulge in secret omissions of duty, which they would not dare to have known to others. 
 They may not practice any secret sins, or indulge in those secret pollutions that are spoken of, but they neglect those duties, that if they were known to neglect, it would be called disreputable to their Christian character.  Such as secret prayer for instance.  They will go to the communion - yes, to the communion! - and appear to be very pious on the Sabbath, and yet, as to private piety, they know nothing of it. Their closet for prayers is unknown to God.  It is easy to see that reputation is their idol.  They dread to lose their reputation more than to offend God. 

 How is it with you?  Is it a fact, that you habitually omit those secret duties, and are more careful to perform your public duties than private ones?  Then what is your character?  Do you need to be told?  "They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God." 

7.  The conscience of this class of persons seems to be formed on other principles than those of the gospel. 
 They seem to have a conscience in those things that are popular, and no conscience at all on those things that are not required by public sentiment. You may preach to them ever so plainly, their duty, and prove it ever so clearly, and even make them confess that it is their duty, and yet so long as public sentiment does not require it, and it is not a matter of reputation, they will continue on in the same way as before.  Show them a "Thus saith the Lord," and make them see that their course is inconsistent with Christian perfection, and contrary to the interests of the kingdom of Christ, and yet they will not change.  They make it manifest that it is not the requirement of God they regard, but the requirement of public opinion.  They love the praise of men more than the praise of God. 

8.  This class of persons generally dread, very much, the thought of being considered fanatical. 
 They are ignorant, practically, of a first principle in religion, that all the world is wrong!  That the public sentiment of the world is all against God, and that every one who intends to serve God must in the first instance set his face against the public sentiment of the world.  They are to take it for granted, that in a world of rebels, public sentiment is as certainly wrong as that there is a controversy with God.  They have never had their eyes open to this fundamental truth, that the world is wrong, and that God's ways are directly over against their ways. Consequently, it is true and always has been true, that "all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12)   They shall be called fanatical, extreme, and the like.  They always have been, and they always will be, as long is the world is wrong. 

 But this class of persons will never go further than is consistent with the opinions worldly men.  They say they must do this and that in order to have influence over such men.  Right over against this is the course of the true friends of God and man.  Their leading aim is to reverse the order of the world, and turn the world upside down, to bring all men to obey God, and all the opinions of men to conform to the word of God, and all the usages and institutions of the world to accord with the spirit of the gospel. 

 9. They are very intent on making friends on both sides. 
 They take the middle course always.  They avoid the reputation of being overly righteous, on the one hand, and on the other hand, of being lax or irreligious.  It has been so for centuries, that a person could maintain a reputable profession of religion without ever being called fanatical.  And the standard is still so low, that probably the great mass of the churches are trying to occupy this middle ground.  They mean to have friends on both sides.  They are not set down as reprobates on the one hand, nor as fanatics or bigots on the other. They are "fashionable Christians!" They may be called fashionable Christians for two reasons.  One is, that their style of religion is popular and fashionable; and the other is, that they generally follow worldly fashions.  Their aim in religion is not to do anything that will disgust the world.  No matter what God requires, they are determined to be so prudent as not to bring on them the censures of the world, nor offend the enemies of God.  They have manifestly more regard to men than to God.  And if they are ever so circumstanced that they must do that which will displease their friends and neighbors, or offend God, they will offend God. If public sentiment clashes with the commands of God, they will yield to public sentiment. 

10.  They will do more to gain the applause of men than to gain the applause of God. 
 This is evident from the fact, that they will yield obedience only to those requirements of God which are sustained by public opinion.  Although they will not exercise self-denial to gain the applause of God, yet they will exercise great self-denial to gain the applause of men. 

11. They are more anxious to know what are the opinions of men about them, than to know what is God's opinion of them. 
 If one of this class is a minister, and preaches a sermon, he is more anxious to know what the people thought of it, than to know what God thought of it.  And if he make anything like a failure, the disgrace of it with men cuts him ten times more than the thought that he has dishonored God, or hindered the salvation of souls.  Just so with an elder, or a member of the church.  If he prays in a meeting, or exhorts, he is more concerned to know what is thought of it, than to know how God is pleased. 

 If such a one has some secret sin found out, he is vastly more distressed about it because he is disgraced than because God is dishonored.  Or if he fall into open sin, when he comes to be met with it, he cares as much again about the disgrace as about the sin of it. They are more anxious about their appearance in the eyes of the world than in the eves of God.  Females of this character are vastly more anxious, when they go to church, how the body shall appear in the eyes of men than how the heart shall appear in the eyes of God.  Everybody can see, at a glance, what this religion is, the moment it is held up to view.  Nobody is at a loss to say what that man's or that woman's name is - it is hypocrite.  They will go in to the house of God with their hearts dark as midnight, while everything in their external appearance is comely and decent.  They must appear well in the eyes of men, no matter how that part is on which God fixes his eye.  The heart may be dark, and disordered, and polluted, and they care not, so long as the eye of man detects no blemish. 

12.  They refuse to confess their sins in the manner which the law of God requires, lest they should lose their reputation among men. 
 If they are ever required to make confession of more than they think consistent with their reputation, they are more anxious as to how it will affect their character, than to know whether God is satisfied. 
 Search your hearts, you that have made confessions, and see which most affects your minds, the question what God thought of it, or what men thought of it, Have you refused to confess what you knew God required, because it would hurt your reputation among men?  Will not God judge your hearts?  Only be honest now, and let it be answered. 

 13.  They will yield to custom what they know to be injurious to the cause of religion, and to the welfare of mankind.  

 14.  They will do things of doubtful character, or things the lawfulness of which they strongly doubt, in obedience to public sentiment.  

 15.  They are often "ashamed" to do their duty, and so much ashamed that they will not do it. 
 Now when a person is so much ashamed to do what God requires as not to do it, it is plain that his own reputation is his idol.  How many do you find who are ashamed to acknowledge Jesus Christ, ashamed to reprove sin in high places or low places, and ashamed to speak out when religion is assailed!  If they supremely regarded God, could they ever be ashamed of doing their duty?  Suppose a man's wife were slandered, would he be ashamed to defend his wife?  By no means.  If his children were abused, would he be ashamed to take their part?  Not if he loved them; it would not be shame that would deter him from defending his wife or children. 

 Now such persons as I am speaking of, will not take decided ground when they are among the enemies of truth, where they would be subject to reproach for doing it.  They are very bold for the truth when among its friends, and will make a great display of their courage.  But when put to the trial, they will sell the Lord Jesus Christ, or deny him before his enemies, and put him to open shame, rather than rebuke wickedness, or speak out in his cause among his enemies. 

 16.  They are often opposed to men, and measures, and things, while they are unpopular and subject to reproach, and when they become popular, fall in with them. 
 Let an individual go through the churches in any section, and wake them up to a revival of religion, and while he is little known, these persons are not backward to speak against him.  But let him go on, gain influence, and they will fall in and commend him and profess to be his warmest friends. 

 This class of persons, as they set with the tide one way, when a man is reproached, so they will set with the tide the other way when he comes to be honored.  There is only one exception.  And that is, when they have become so far committed to the opposition, that they cannot come round without disgrace.  And then they will be silent, until another opportunity comes up for letting out the burning fires that are rankling within them. 

17.  If any measure is proposed to promote religion they are very sensitive and scrupulous not to have anything done that is unpopular.  
 If they live in a city, they ask what will the other churches think of such a measure?  And if it is likely to bring reproach on their church or their minister, in view of the ungodly, or in view of the other churches, they are distressed about it.  No matter how much good it will do, or how many souls it will save, they do not want to have anything done to injure the respectability of their church. 

18.  This class of persons never aim at forming a public sentiment in favor of perfect godliness. 
 The true friends of God and man are always aiming at forming public sentiment, and correcting public sentiment, on all points where it is wrong.  They are set, with all their hearts, to search out all the evils in the world, and to reform the world, and drive out iniquity from the earth.  The other class are always following public sentiment as it is, and feeling after the course of the tide, to go that way, shrinking back from everything that goes in the face of public sentiment.  And they are ready to brand as imprudent, or rash, any man or anything, that goes to stem the tide of public sentiment and turn it the other way. 

 1.  It is easy for persons to take credit for their sins, and make themselves believe certain things are acts of piety, which are in fact only acts of hypocrisy.  
 They do the things that outwardly pertain to piety, and they give themselves credit for being pious, when their motives are all corrupt and hollow, and not one of them drawn from a supreme regard to God's authority.  This is manifest from the fact that they do nothing except where God's requirements are backed up by public sentiment.  Unless you aim to do all your duty, and yield obedience in everything, the piety for which you claim credit is mere hypocrisy, and is in fact sin against God. 

2.  There is a great deal more apparent piety in the church than there is real piety. 
 There are many things which sinners suppose are good but which are abominable in the sight of God. 

 3.  But for the love of reputation and the fear of disgrace, how many there are in the church, who would break out into open apostasy.  
 How many are there who know you would break out into open vice, were it not for the restraints of public sentiment, the fear of disgrace, and the desire to gain the credit of virtue?  Where a person is virtuous from a regard to the authority of God, whether public sentiment favor it or frown upon it, that is true piety.  If otherwise, they have their reward.  They do it for the sake of gaining credit in the eyes of men, and they gain it.  But if they expect any favor at the hand of God, they will assuredly be disappointed.  The only reward which God will bestow upon such selfish hypocrites is, that they may be damned. 

 And now I wish to know how many of you will determine to do your duty, and all your duty, according to the will of God, let public sentiment be as it may? Who of you will agree to take the Bible for your rule, Jesus Christ for your pattern, and do what is right, in all cases, whatever man may say or think?  Every one that is not willing to take this ground must regard himself as a stranger to the grace of God.  He is by no means in a state of justification.  If he is not resolved upon doing what he knows to be right, let public sentiment be as it may, it is proof positive that he loves the praise of men more than the praise of God. 
 And let me say to the impenitent sinners.  You see what it is to be a Christian.  It is to be governed by the authority of God IN ALL THINGS, and not by public sentiment, to live not by hopes and fears, but by supreme consecration of yourself unto God.  You see that if you mean to be religious, you must count the cost.  I will not flatter you.  I will never try to coax you to become religious, by keeping back the truth.  If you mean to be Christians, you must give yourselves wholly up to Christ.  You cannot float along to heaven on the waves of public sentiment.  I will not deceive you on this point. 
 Do you ask, sinner, what is to become of all these professors of religion, who are conformed to the world, and who love the praise of men more than the praise of God?  I answer - They will go to hell, with you and with all other hypocrites.  Just as certain as that the friendship of the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) 
 "Wherefore, come out from among them, my people, and be ye separate, and I will receive you saith the Lord.  I will be a Father to you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters." (2Cor. 6:17) And now, who will do it?  In the church and among sinners, who will do it?  Who?  Who is on the Lord's side?  Who is willing to say, "We will no longer go with the multitude to do evil, but are determined to do the will of God, in all things whatsoever, and let the world think or say of us as it may." 

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12 November, 2012

The Mark of Spiritual Insecurity

When we call ourselves Christians and never move forward with God, we remain in our immaturity stage, we usually associate with people who share our beliefs, our ways, behavior and our attitude toward Him.  We feel comfortable among people who accept our worldview style of faith. We feel accepted, valued, affirmed, and there is no pressure to move forward in spiritual maturity. Sadly, the only encouragement they receive is to remain in their infantile state. They go through life avoiding anyone or Church who would challenge them to get out of their delusion. Spiritually insecure people do not even like churches where their worldly views and lifestyles are not validated they do not feel they fit in.

Spiritual insecurity is about living in bondage. It causes us to sacrifice our relationships with our spouses, children, coworkers and friends just for the sake of being validated. It eats away the joy of life because you are forced to live a life where you are constantly self-conscious, always defensive, and anxious. It goes as far as leading to depression. Spiritually Insecure people tend to create an atmosphere that fosters unnecessary conflicts. There is a reason for it. They don't only use people to achieve their end, they also depend on other  people who makes up their little community to validate them, constantly reassure them so they can feel loved and accepted. When people around them do not respond in an expected way, they are driven to self pity, they feel the pain; they feel weak and out of control. Some of them often lashed out. What it all boils down to, it is about feeding and appeasing their fragile ego.

How then do we deal with spiritual insecurity? We learn to deal with spiritual insecurity by first of all learning to separate our fear from reality. Living in a state of spiritual insecurity is choosing a life of sin. The fact that we live in fear of not being loved and accepted says that we do not trust God’s Word because His Word tells us that there is no fear in love, but perfect love cast out fear.  When we feel tempted to act out we can turn to Him for strength to overcome because the scriptures tell us that God always provide a way out when we are tempted. We got to keep in mind when we live with anxiety He is not being honored, and the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. We learn to surrender to Him who is able to do more than we can possibly imagine. We stop being afraid, let Him change us and build our characters. Once our identity is anchored in Him, we no longer depend so much on someone else to make us happy, we find strength and power to live freely and we know we can let go of the fear that controls us as we learn to live in Him moment by moment. 

PRAYER: Father God your grace is enough to take us through all that we need. Yet we have a hard time trusting you for the journey. We have a hard time letting go and embrace who you are in your love, your majesty and sovereignty. I pray that you would move us to a place where we would want to be free, free from Satan’s reign, free from his chains, and free to love and serve you. Teach us to see ourselves through your eyes so we can be encouraged to walk with you and forsake all that offends you. 

Check out my newly released book:  "Apprehended & Apprehending" 

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