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17 September, 2022



2. The “I Will” of Cleansing.

The next “I will” is found in Luke, fifth chapter. We read of a leper who came to Christ, and said: “Lord if Thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” The Lord touched him, saying, “I will: be thou clean”; and immediately leprosy left him.

Now if any man or woman full of the leprosy of sin read this, if you will but go to the Master and tell all your case to Him, He will speak to you as He did to that poor leper and speak. “I will: be thou clean,” and the leprosy of your sins will flee away from you. It is the Lord, and the Lord alone, who can forgive sins. If you say to Him, “Lord, I am full of sin; Thou canst make me clean”; “Lord, I have a terrible temper; Thou canst make me clean”; “Lord, I have a deceitful heart. 

Cleanse me, O Lord; give me a new heart. O Lord, give me the power to overcome the flesh and the snares of the devil!”; “Lord, I am full of unclean habits”; if you come to Him with a sincere spirit, you will hear the voice, “I will; be thou clean.” It will be done. Do you think that the God who created the world out of nothing, who by a breath put life into the world—do you think that if He says, “Thou shalt be clean,” you will not?

Now, you can make a wonderful exchange today. You can have health in the place of sickness; you can get rid of everything that is vile and hateful in the sight of God. The Son of God comes down and says, “I will take away your leprosy, and give you health in its stead. I will take away that terrible disease that is ruining your body and soul and give you my righteousness in its stead. I will clothe you with the garments of salvation.”

Is it not wonderful? That’s what He means when He says—I will. Oh, lay hold of this “I will!”

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